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位于葫芦岛市区北30公里,包括大虹螺 山和小虹螺。大虹螺山面积25平方公里,主峰海拔900.8米,山巅为玉皇顶, 顶端称南 天门。南面是绝壁,北坡也较陡峻,称大虹 螺山上堂。下有石级99蹬,有庙宇僧房。主 峰为山的主脉,另有数十条支脉,伸向四面 八方,俗称此山"八面威风"。山上苍松傲 立,蓊郁青翠,怪石嵯峨,陡峭如削。山中 有野生动物獐、狼、野鸡等。小虹螺山海拔700多米,上有望海寺、 龙泉寺、龙泉水油 洞中喷出。山口处有"箭楼",高约10米, 为烽火台遗址,另有明代长城,沿境建六堡, 屯兵15处,遗址仍存。


位于葫芦岛市区东北35公里,建于1971 年,乌金塘是因地下煤炭储量丰富而得名。 水库位于山地狭谷之中,拦蓄女儿河,水面 面积12平方万公里。泛舟水面,垂钓岩旁令 游人心旷神怡。库区内的钓鱼岛则是垂钓的 最佳去处。四面环水,由一座拱桥连接着三 面环水的殿台山。岛长约400米,宽约70米, 十分幽静。钓鱼岛的西面是鸟岛,鸟岛长3.5 公里,宽1公里,三面环水,一面连着陆地, 象一根棒棰伸向水库中。每年春、夏、秋三 季,成千上万只候鸟聚居这里,栖息繁衍, 有"塞外小洞庭"之美誉。


位于葫芦岛市西北35公里处的凉水子村西灵山中。寺分上、下两院,有八角亭、地母楼、玉皇殿、重楼、无底洞、都天殿等29座殿阁。上院一带地势险要,其间有 一天然的大石棚,棚顶怪石嶙峋。上院就 坐落在天然的棚洞中,分上下两层,建于 清嘉庆九年(1804年)。


位于葫芦岛市杨家杖子镇南的莲花山南麓, 因寺中有一地下清泉而得名。寺庙始建于清康熙五十九年 (1720年),寺庙南北长104米,东西宽96米,占地约 1万平方米。全寺由主院和东西跨院组成。天元宫是寺院的大型山门楼,方座圆顶三层,一、二层为方形,三层呈八角形,楼盖尖顶。院东西两侧有钟鼓两楼。院中央有四层塔式的碧云宫,四角设角楼。圣水泉在西跨院,泉水绕莲花池。整个寺庙,既有北方寺庙的风格,又具南方寺庙的特点,融南北寺庙风貌为一体,别具一格。


位于兴城市东南8公里处, 有兴海、 渔港、邴家、老龙湾四个海湾组成。这 段海岸,苍松成林,沙湾与悬崖相间, 海岸线长达14公里。其中兴海湾为一个 2公里长的弧形海湾,为海滨浴场。在 海湾南端的海中礁石上,建有三座观海 亭,以一条跨海的栈桥相连接,直伸入 海,是兴城海滨的一大胜景,叫作"三 礁览胜"。在海滨中心,有一座海滨公 园,拥有36公顷松林,新近增建的"中 国神话大世界"已向游人开放。



位于兴城市东3公里处。山势陡峭,怪石嶙峋。因三峰并立,又名三首山。"三首云冠"是兴城八景之一。首山海拔329.7米,地势险要,扼守辽西走廊通道。中峰顶部筑有烽火台,东南坡有瀑布,名 "三道悬流"。西北麓建有朝阳寺院,掩映在奇松怪石丛中兴城温泉古称汤泉,位于兴城东南的温泉街,距兴海浴场仅数里。早在辽、金时代,就享有盛誉。明代曾在温泉修建"致爽亭",以备达官贵人淋浴和游乐观赏。清代曾在汤泉寺内分设男女浴池,为人们治疗各种疾病。兴城温泉的泉水,无色无臭,清澈透明,水温达70℃。泉水中含有钾、钠、钙、镁、硫等多种矿物质和微量放射性元素氡,具有很高的医疗价值,对风湿性关节炎、胃病、大骨节病、高血压、神经衰弱、慢性妇科病、外科手术恢复等十几种慢性病,均有很高的疗效。兴城温泉水储量相当丰富,共有4穴,12眼,日涌水量可达3000吨,现开采量2,000吨/日。


归属葫芦岛的兴城古城是我国现存唯一 完好的明代古城,古称宁远。城的正中心 是钟鼓楼,重檐高耸,气势巍峨。近年来, 钟鼓楼被辟为文物陈列馆。在这里可以看到 兴城出土的古代文物。在钟鼓楼与南城门之间,是著名的明代商业街。古雅的石路,古色古香的明代风格建筑,“太平钱庄”、“ 盛世楼”等老字号会使您仿佛置身于明朝盛世,陡生寻幽向古之雅兴。街上矗立着两座高大的祖氏石坊,几百年来,石坊默然而立, 向人们讲述着两个祖荻后代荣辱一生的故事。 古城内东南隅,有一座已有560年历史的文庙, 是为奉祀孔子所建。悬挂在大成殿门额上的 “万世师表”巨型牌匾,是清朝皇帝亲书, 具有很高的历史价值。历史上的宁远城是兵 家必争之地明将袁崇焕抗击清兵的“宁远大捷”为兴城古城更添英名豪气。


Rainbow snail hill

Be located in north of calabash island urban district 30 kilometers, include hill of big rainbow snail and small rainbow snail. Area of mountain of big rainbow snail 25 square kilometer, altitude of the highest peak in a mountain range 900.8 meters, shan Dian supports for Yu Huang, top says south day door. Bluff is south, boreal slope also relatively high and precipitous, call big rainbow snail the hall on hill. Next class having rock 99 pedal, have temple monk house. The highest peak in a mountain range is hill advocate arteries and veins, have 10 several branch range additionally, extend to far and near, common calls this hill " 8 awe-inspiring " . The pine on hill stands proudly, lush fresh and green, blame stone Cuo high mountain, abrupt if cut. There is wild animal roe, wolf, grouse to wait in hill. Altitude of hill of small rainbow snail many meters 700, go up in oily hole of spring of hopeful sea temple, dragon spring temple, dragon ejective. Mountain pass place has " of " an embrasured watchtower over a city gate, make an appointment with 10 meters high, for beacon tower relics, have bright generation Great Wall additionally, edge condition builds 6 fortress, station troops 15 place, relics still is put.

Wu Jintang reservoir

Be located in northeast of calabash island urban district 35 kilometers, built 1971, wu Jintang is be abounded because of subterranean coal reserves and get a name. Reservoir is located in in country defile, retain daughter river, surface area 12 square 10 thousand kilometers. Go boating surface, make by go angling cliff tourist relaxed and happy. The Diaoyu Island inside library area is the optimal place to go of go angling. Water of all sides annulus, by connective of an arch bridge hill of platform of 3 waterlocked halls. The island is about 400 meters long, about 70 meters wide, very peaceful. Of Diaoyu Island west it is bird island, bird island grows 3.5 kilometers, wide 1 kilometer, 3 annulus water, connecting land at the same time, as marvellous as Chui is extended to the middle of reservoir. Annual spring, summer, Qiu Sanji, by tens of thousands here, multiply habitat, the beauty that has " of front courtyard of small hole of " north of the Great Wall praise.

Clever hill temple

Be located in the cold water that 35 kilometers are in northwest of calabash island city child in village Xi Lingshan. On temple cent, below two courtyards, have 29 Dian Ge such as building of mother of anise booth, ground, Yu Huangdian, heavy building, a bottomless pit, Dou Tiandian. The courtyard takes relief strategic place on, meantime one day like that big stone canopy, canopy carries Xun of strange Shi Lin on the head. The courtyard is located in natural canopy hole on, two fall on cent, build at Qing Jiaqing 9 years (1804) .

Holy water temple

Be located in bastinado of Home Yang of calabash island town child the lotus Shan Nalu south the town, because the temple is medium,have one underground Qing Quan and get a name. Cloister only then build at Qing Kangxi 59 years (1720) , cloister north and south is 104 meters long, the thing is 96 meters wide, cover an area of about 10 thousand square metre. Complete temple by advocate courtyard and thing cross courtyard composition. Day yuan of large hill an arch over a gateway that palace is fane, square a vaulted three-layer, one, 2 are square, three-layer shows octagon, the building builds fastigium. Two side have courtyard thing the bell rouses two buildings. There is the palace of green jade cloud of 4 towers type in the center of the courtyard, set a watchtower at a corner of a city wall quadrilateral. Holy water spring is in the courtyard is crossed on the west, spring circles lotus pool. Whole cloister, have the color of northward cloister already, provide the characteristic of southern cloister again, scene of cloister of north and south of be in harmony is an organic whole, having a unique style.

Promote city seaside

Be located in promote urban southeast 8 kilometers place, have promote the sea, fishing port, Bing Jia, old Long Wan 4 thalassic composition. This paragraph of coast, pine Cheng Lin, sha Wan and cliff alternate with, coasting is as long as 14 kilometers. Promote the arc bay that bay grows for a 2 kilometers among them, for bathing place. On the reef in the sea of thalassic Na Duan, build have 3 Guan Haiting, cross the landing stage photograph of the sea to join with, extend the of great capacity continuously, it is the one big wonderful scenery of the seaside that start a city, call 3 reef of " to see get the better of " . Be in littoral center, have park of a seaside, have 36 hectare pine forest, add the " of " China mythological macrocosm that build to already was opened to tourist recently.

The sea that start a city is met

The sea that start a city can be the large recreational activities that promotes a city to be held every year. At the appointed time food of gust of literary show of maritime sports contest, folk, place, commodity trades wait for an activity, attracting many domestic and international tourist.

Be located in start a city east 3 kilometers place. Hill situation is abrupt, strange stone is bony. Because 3 peaks are consistent, renown 3 hill. " " of 3 Yun Guan is to start one of 8 scene of city. Head hill altitude 329.7 meters, relief strategic place, passageway of corridor of guard distant westing. Peak coping is built in have beacon tower, southeast slope has fall, " hangs the name 3 times shed " . Northwest the foot of mountain is built have sunny fane, set off one another to blame hot spring of city of stone clump resurgence in strange pine ancient spring weighing soup, be located in the hot spring street of the southeast that start a city, be apart from the bathhouse that promote the sea to be counted only in. Be in early times of distant, gold, enjoy high reputation. Ming Daiceng builds " to send bright booth " in hot spring, in order to have VIPs shower and You Le are viewed and admire. Qing Daiceng is divided inside soup spring temple set common bathing pool of male and female, treat all sorts of diseases for people. Begin the spring of city hot spring, colorless without smelly, clear and transparent, water is warm amount to 70 ℃ . Potassium, natrium, calcic, magnesian, sulfur is contained to wait in spring a variety of mineral with minim radioelement radon, have very high medical treatment value, disease of arthritis, stomach trouble, Kaschin-Beck disease, hypertensive to rheumatism sex, neurasthenic, chronic department of gynaecology, surgical operation restores to wait for ten kinds of chronic, all have very tall curative effect. Reserve of water of the hot spring that start a city is quite substantial, share 4 acupuncture point, 12, sun rises water quantity can amount to 3000 tons, show exploitation to measure 2, 000 tons / day.

The Gu Cheng that start a city

The Gu Cheng starting a city of attributive calabash island is our country existent and exclusive whole bright Daigu town, gu Chenning is far. Of the city in the middle of the heart is bell drum-tower, duouble-eaved roof is topping, imposing manner lofty. In recent years, bell drum-tower is monarched to be cultural relic to display a house. Can see the archaic cultural relic that promotes a city to come up out of land here. Rouse in the bell building and south between city gate, it is famous bright generation business street. Quaint Shi Lu, case builds antique Ming Daifeng, "Old-style Chinese private bank of peace and tranquility " , " flourishing age building " wait for old name to be able to make you as if flourishing age of place oneself Yu Mingchao, steep give birth to the asthetic mood that searchs deep and remote Xianggu. There are Shi Fang of two lofty ancestor family name on the street, come hundreds of years, stone lane silent stands however, relating the story of lifetime of honour or disgrace of offspring of two ancestor a kind of reed to people. Border of the southeast inside Gu Cheng, have a Wen Miao that already had 560 years of histories, it is to act according to worshipping Confucius place is built. Suspension is in what go up into hall door forehead greatly " all ages a person of exemplary virtue " giant board, it is close book of quiet day emperor, have very high history value. The Ning Yuancheng on the history is the ground that military strategist in ancient China contends for surely bright attack Yuan Chong Huankang Qing Bing " Ning Yuan great victory " it is the Gu Cheng that start a city more add illustrious name heroic spirit.
