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黄老鸟灵活地一闪身,躲过了,“斗牛”却冲到田里去了,像刹不住的车,冲出去好远。黄老鸟摆好姿势,严阵以待。可“斗牛”不玩了,它回头看一眼黄老鸟,慢慢地走了。老黄牛把黄老鸟搞得十分扫兴。他收起红衣服,钻进车里来。“这牛不经斗,比罗马的斗牛差远啦!” 丁克舅舅说:“如果真是罗马的斗牛,你敢斗吗?” “咱们再玩刺激的去。”黄老鸟问马小跳他们,“玩蹦极,你们敢吗?” 张达想都不想,就说“敢”。马小跳也说“敢”。毛超不像张达和马小跳,什么事情他一定要想清楚了才肯回答。“蹦极是不是站在悬崖上往下面跳?” “那是自杀。”唐飞自恃见多识广,“那样跳下去,还有命吗?” “那怎么跳?” 丁克舅舅说:“腰上或脚踝上拴上一根橡皮筋。” “这还差不多。”毛超来了精神,“我敢跳!唐飞,你敢吗?” 唐飞不说“敢”,也不说“不敢”,却说要“看橡皮筋的质量”。黄老鸟把车开得像飞一样。幸好是在田间路上,没有人也没有车,不然的话,黄老鸟不知要来多少个急刹车,车上的人不知会多么遭殃,不说断胳膊断腿,至少会鼻青脸肿。车开上了盘山公路,像甲壳虫一样,往山上爬去。黄老鸟拼命地猛踩油门,车也快不了。在半山腰,已经能看见山顶上那像鹰嘴一样突出的悬崖。“看见没有?那就是鹰嘴崖。”丁克舅舅把头伸出车窗外,“待会儿,我们就要从那上面往下面跳。” 唐飞的脸顿时变得惨白。毛超的声音也哆嗦起来:“跳下去是什么地方?” 丁克舅舅面无表情:“万丈深渊。” 都知道“万丈深渊”就是深不见底的地方。毛超不吭声了,心里却在打鼓。“你们知不知道,蹦极起源于哪里?” 黄老鸟又转过头来,跟马小跳他们讲话。在山路上出了事可不是好玩的,丁克舅舅赶紧说:“黄老鸟,你好好开你的车吧,我来跟他们讲。” “蹦极起源于南太平洋岛国瓦努阿图,是成年仪式。就是男孩子在成为男人的时候,都要来这么一个仪式,考验你的体力、意志、信心和智力是不是可以成为一个男人。” 毛超问:“如果有人不敢去蹦极呢?” “他就不……不能成为一个男……人。” 丁克舅舅还没来得及回答,张达就抢先帮他回答了。因为他敢蹦极,他已经为即将成为一个男人而激动起来。马小跳也跟张达一样,想用蹦极来证明自己已经是一个男人。“丁克舅舅,是不是从那个鹰嘴崖上面跳下去,我就变成男人了!” “你不是男人,难道你是女人?” 唐飞心里怕蹦极,所以他有些无理取闹。“要蹦完极后才能成为男人,我们现在还是男孩子。是不是这样的,丁克舅舅?” “丁克舅舅,你成为男人了吗?” 张达是想问,丁克舅舅蹦过极吗?他现在已经坚定地相信,只有蹦过极的人,才能成为男人。“他也刚成男人。”黄老鸟笑起来,“上个周末,他才第一次蹦极。” “你呢,黄老鸟?” “我吗?两年前就成为男人了。” 眼看着车就要爬到山顶,也就是说,那个惊险和刺激的时候即将来临。车开到山顶,马小跳和张达,一个开左边的车门,一个开右边的车门,迫不及待地往下跳。毛超和唐飞却跟他们两个相反,一个装肚子疼,一个装睡觉。“哎哟哎哟!”毛超弯腰捂着肚子,“我的肚子疼死了。” 黄老鸟问: “是不是刚才吃坏肚子了?” “对对对!”毛超顺水推舟,“就是那‘一条站着的鱼’,不对不对,是那‘穿过你的黑发我的手’害的。” “一条站着的鱼”和“穿过你的黑发我的手”是刚才他们在一家另类餐馆吃的两道菜。“哪能呢?”丁克舅舅说,“我们都是吃的一样的东西,如果毛超的肚子疼,我们的肚子都会疼的。” “他装的!” 马小跳爬进车里去胳肢毛超。毛超最怕痒。“格格格,饶命!” “还装不装?” “不装了。” 毛超乖乖地从车里出来了。现在,车里还剩下唐飞。他在装睡。“唐飞,快下来!” 回答马小跳的,是唐飞的呼噜声,装得还真像! 丁克舅舅和黄老鸟把唐飞抬下车来。“这小鬼子还真沉。抬哪儿呀?” ……


That willing ox also regarded him as bullfight, it bumps directly toward red dress, feral foolish cap.

Huang Laodiao neatly one dodge, escaped, "Bullfight " develop Tian Li however, resemble the vehicle that Buddhist templeput on the brakes does not stay in, rush out very far. Huang Laodiao places good posture, be ready in take action. But " bullfight " did not play, it looks round Huang Laodiao, went slowly. Willing ox does Huang Laodiao very feel disappointed. He packs up red dress, get into the car. "This ox not via fighting, the bullfight difference that compares Rome is far! " fourth gram uncle says: "If be Roman bullfight really, dare be you fought? " " we play to go excitingly again. " Huang Laodiao asks Ma Xiaotiao them, "Play skip extremely, you dare? " Zhang Da does not think, say " dare " . Ma Xiaotiao also says " dare " . Wool exceeds unlike Zhang Da and Ma Xiaotiao, it he must consider what issue is clear that he must consider what issue just agree to reply. "Is skipping to stand on cliff to go to extremely below jump? " " that is the suicide. " Tang Fei is self-reliant experienced and knowledgeable, "Jump down in that way, still have a lot? " " how does that jump? " fourth gram uncle says: "Waist go up or an elastic. " " this is about the same still. " Mao Chao came spirit, "I dare jump! Tang Fei, you dare? " Tang Fei does not say " dare " , also do not say " not dare " , say to want however " the quality that sees elastic " . Huang Laodiao drives the car so that resemble flying same. It is to be on field road fortunately, also do not have a car without the person, otherwise, huang Laodiao does not know to want to come how many slam the brakes on, the person on the car does not know to be met how suffer disaster, do not say arm to break a leg, meet at least a bloody nose and a swollen face. The car leaves went up dish of hill highway, like beetle, climb toward hill. Huang Laodiao desperately fierce step on the gas, the car is fast also not. In half half way up the mountain, can have seen that resembles the cliff that highlights like accipitral mouth on the summit. "See? That is accipitral mouth cliff. " gangmaster of fourth gram uncle extends car window outside, "After a while, we are about go to above wherefrom below jump. " Tang Fei's face becomes ghastly immediately. Mao Chao's sound also shiver rises: "Where is jumping down? " face of fourth gram uncle does not have expression: "Abyss. " know " abyss " the place that does not see an end greatly namely. Mao Chao not utter a word, be in however in the heart feel uncertain. "You know not to know, skip extremely traceable where? " Huang Laodiao has turned again the head comes, with Ma Xiaotiao they speak. Go out on hill road finishing sth can not be amused, fourth gram uncle says rapidly: "Huang Laodiao, you drive your car well, I will be told with them. " " skip extremely graph of A of made of baked clay exert of insularity of the Pacific Ocean austral traceable, it is grown ceremony. It is a boy when becoming a man, should come so a ceremony, your physical strength, volition, confidence and intelligence can make test a man. " Mao Chao asks: "If someone dare not skip extremely? " " he not... cannot become male... person. " fourth gram uncle still does not have answer of there's still time, zhang Da helped him reply first. Dare skip because of him extremely, he has warmed up to be about to become a man. Ma Xiaotiao also follows Zhang Da same, want to use skip extremely will prove oneself had been a man. "Man overcomes an uncle, it is wherefrom jump down above accipitral mouth cliff, I become a man! " " you are not a man, are you a woman? " be afraid of in Tang Fei heart skip extremely, so he has some of willfully make a trouble. "Should skip extremely hind ability becomes a man, we are returned now is a boy. such, does man overcome an uncle? " " Ding Ke's uncle, do you become a man? " Zhang Da is to want to ask, has fourth gram uncle skipped extremely? He believes already sturdily now, had skipped only extremely person, ability becomes a man. "He just also became a man. " Huang Laodiao laugh rises, "Last on the weekend, he just skips for the first time extremely. " " you, huang Laodiao? " " I? The man is become two years ago. " the eye looks at a car to be about to climb the peak, that is to say, that alarmingly dangerous and when stimulating forthcoming. The car opens the summit, ma Xiaotiao and Zhang Da, one opens left door, one opens the door of right, ground of too impatient to wait jumps downward. Mao Chao and Tang Fei follow them however two contrary, one installs collywobbles, an outfit sleeps. "Ouch ouch! " Mao Chao bows covering abdomen, "My collywobbles died. " Huang Laodiao asks: "A moment ago took bad gut? " " to be opposite! " wool exceeds make use of an opportunity to do sth, "It is that ' a standing fish ' , incorrect and incorrect, it is that ' the black hair that crosses you my hand ' kill. " " a standing fish " and " the black hair that crosses you my hand " be a moment ago they are in additional kind of two path course that cafeteria takes. "Which can? " fourth gram uncle says, "We are eating same things, if Mao Chao's collywobbles, our abdomen can ache. " " he installs! " Ma Xiaotiao climbs to go into the car tickle Mao Chao. Mao Chao most be afraid of urticant. "Gegege, spare sb's life! " " still install do not install? " " did not install. " Mao Chao came out darlingly from the car. Now, tang Fei still is remained in the car. He is being installed sleep. "Tang Fei, fast come down! " answer Ma Xiaotiao, it is Tang Fei's grunt, install so that still resemble really! Fourth gram uncle and yellow old bird carry Tang Fei get off come. "This is small devil is really heavy still. Carry where ah? " ...

上一篇:镜泊湖旅游攻略? 镜泊湖旅游具体路线?英文双语对照