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镜泊湖旅游攻略? 镜泊湖旅游具体路线?英文双语对照


镜泊湖旅游攻略? 镜泊湖旅游具体路线?英文双语对照








镜泊湖(Jingpo Lake):国家AAAAA级旅游景区、世界地质公园、国家重点风景名胜区、国际生态旅游度假避暑胜地、全国文明风景旅游区示范点、中国十佳休闲旅游胜地,中国最大、世界第二大高山堰塞湖。

镜泊湖位于黑龙江省宁安市,地处松花江支流牡丹江干流上,距宁安城50公里。湖面海拔351米,湖水平均深度40米,一般水位最高353米,最低345米,年平均流量每秒 9.2-10立方米,蓄水量16.25亿立方米。注入湖泊的河流除牡丹江干流外,还有大梨树沟河、尔站西沟河等小河流。唐代,满族先民--靺鞨人称镜泊湖为忽汗海,辽称扑燕水,金称必尔腾湖,清初宁古塔流入以湖水照人如镜而命名为镜泊湖。































1. 路线选择:从成都市区出发,可选择驾车沿G420国道(成绵高速公路)前往青白江区,然后通过S605线路到达镜泊湖。全程约需2小时。

2. 早起出发:为了充分利用时间,建议早上出发。这样可以在上午抵达镜泊湖,有足够的时间游览。

3. 镜泊湖游览:到达镜泊湖后,可以欣赏湖泊的美景,步行或骑行环湖。可以租借自行车或电动车,在湖边畅游,感受湖畔的宁静。

4. 青云山:镜泊湖附近有青云山,是一个适合徒步的地方。您可以选择爬山,从山顶观赏湖景和山间的美景。

5. 自助餐:湖边有一些餐馆可以品尝当地的美食,比如青椒鱼、酸菜鱼等。您可以在这里享用午餐,休息片刻。

6. 保持环境整洁:在游览湖区时,请注意保持环境整洁,不乱扔垃圾,并遵守景区的规定和指引。





         镜泊湖位于 黑龙江省牡丹江市宁安 市,它是中国 最大、世界第二大高山堰塞湖,是著名旅游、避暑和疗养的地方,是国家重点风景名胜区,也是世界地质公园。




1. 春季(3月-5月):春季镜泊湖的气温逐渐回升,但早晚温差较大。建议您携带一些长袖衬衫、薄外套和长裤,同时准备一件防水外套以防雨天。

2. 夏季(6月-8月):夏季镜泊湖的气温适中,但紫外线较强。建议您穿着短袖衬衫、短裤和凉鞋,同时携带防晒霜、墨镜和帽子,以防晒伤。

3. 秋季(9月-11月):秋季镜泊湖的气温逐渐降低,早晚温差较大。建议您携带长袖衬衫、薄外套、牛仔裤和舒适的鞋子,同时准备一件保暖外套以应对寒夜。

4. 冬季(12月-2月):冬季镜泊湖的气温较低,可能会有降雪。建议您穿着保暖内衣、厚毛衣、羽绒服、棉裤和保暖靴子,同时佩戴围巾、帽子和手套以防寒。


















Strategy of travel of lens berth lake?

1, arrived in June September is lens berth lake suits excursive time most, wind is not big, still have magnificent chute sight. 2, can You Hu take a ship how? Area of scene of lens berth lake has mountain villa port city, south lake dock two groovy dock, can take a ship You Hu. There is a big islands in the center of the lake, call big Gu hill, grass of beautiful flowers and plants was bestrewed above, aroma happy person. 3, the chute of condole water building of lens berth lake is worth to look very much. It is the dent of the biggest lava gas hole on the world chute, lake underwater have diarrhoea, became cave in hole via be being eroded for a long time to erode by current. Grandiose chute, deafening underwater acoustic, it is regale of a seeing and hearing. 4, lens berth lake swims one day can, be in like fructification indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty, inside the hotel that also can live in area of scene of lens berth lake.

5, area of lens berth scene can provide room, more advanced guesthouse has hotel of the mountain villa of berth of guesthouse of lens berth lake, lens, bay that adopt a month.

6, inn of inn of intermediate village of flower having apricot, lake Guang Ge.

7, most distinctive cate is crucian carp of lake of lens berth lake, one be silver-colored crucian carp is planted locally group.

8, still have feral hazel mushroom, feral the fungus food such as ear of yuan of mushroom, hedgehog hydnum mushroom, Hei Mu.

Patulous data

Lens berth lake (Jingpo Lake): ? Scenery of emphasis of geological park of area of scene of travel of stage of  Yao AAAA, world, nation scenic spot travel of zoology of area, international goes vacationing summer resort, whole nation is civilized scenery travel area sets an example 10 beautiful of dot, China are recreational travel resort, the 2nd big high mountain of Chinese the biggest, world barrier lake.

Lens berth lake is located in Heilongjiang to save peace to bring city, be located in on trunk stream of river of peony of Songhua River affluent, be apart from Ning Ancheng 50 kilometers. Lake face altitude 351 meters, lake water is average deepness 40 meters, average water level is top 353 meters, lowest 345 meters, year average discharge stere of every second 9.2-10, store water measures 1.625 billion stere. The river with laky infuse works except peony river outside flowing, still river of channel of large pear tree, Er stands the brook such as channel river flows on the west. Tang Dynasty, manchu first civilian- - lake of berth of lens of Zuo Zuo person is ignore sweat sea, distant says to attack Yan Shui, gold says to need Er vacates a lake, peaceful ancient tower is flowed into at the beginning of Qing Dynasty be like lens according to the person with lake water and name the berth that it is lens the lake.

Is travel of lens berth lake specific course?

Lens berth lake is located in Chinese Heilongjiang to save Qi Qi to breath out churchyard of Er city rich county, it is one place with laky the natural beauty spot that give priority to. It is a likely lens berth lake below travel course:

The first day:

In the morning: Set out from Harbin or neat neat Hal, head for rich county. Optional choose takes a train, before the car perhaps rents a car, go to.

Midday: After reaching rich county, sample in place characteristic cate, if boiler wraps the flesh, fim,wait.

Afternoon: Head for area of scene of lens berth lake, visit the tourist attraction of lakefront, wait like wood of god of 5 dragon hill, long white hill.

In the evening: Lodge inside scene area, appreciation the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, enjoy halcyon night.

The following day:

In the morning: Rise early view and admire sunrise, visit the isle in the lake and peninsula next, wait like beach of lunar bay, gold.

Midday: Lunch is enjoyed inside scene area, the farmhouse course that can choose place or seafood.

Afternoon: Take yacht to visit lake area, admire the beautiful scenery of lakefront. Also can try the activity on a few water, if delimit kayak, motorboat.

In the evening: Return a hotel to rest, perhaps enter the activity such as bonfire evening party inside scene area.

The 3rd day:

In the morning: Visit the small town of lakefront and village, understand local history and culture. Can see the room such as a few museum, memorial hall.

Midday: Sample in place characteristic is fastfood, if bake wing of the cold face, chicken that bake,wait.

Afternoon: Return Harbin or breath out Er city together together, the end is happy itinerary.

Is travel of lens berth lake blessed language?

1, one lake beautiful water, 1000 trees oriental cherry, 10 thousand kinds of amorous feelings.

2, accumulate the spirit of landscape is beautiful, get natural verve.

3, with your feel like old friends at the first meeting, with happiness of my depend on each other.

4, former zoology of former juice raw ingredient, spend Hai Luhu to wait for you to come.

5, nature and lakefront are handed in noisy, zoology and oriental cherry in all dance.

6, picture scroll of one page beauty, one page is wonderful life.

7, one bay lake, an affection, a city, a dream.

8, current of be apt to of the one light that taste a lake, a much-told story grows chiliad of great capacity on the west.

9, beautiful scenery of one lake zoology, verve of see everywhere oriental cherry.

10, beautiful scenery of one lake zoology, scene of oriental cherry of a hunderd li.

Does strategy of travel of lens berth lake draw room oneself?

Of strategy of travel of lens berth lake draw room oneself

It is lens berth lake drives a day to swim oneself below optimal course recommends the strategy:

1.Course choice: Set out from area of the Chengdu City, optional choose drives to along G420 country (the freeway that become continous) head for pale river area, reach lens berth lake through S605 circuitry next. Whole journey needs 2 hours about.

2.Rise early set out: To make full use of time, the proposal sets out in the morning. Can reach lens berth lake in the morning so, enough time is visited.

3.Lens berth lake visits: After reaching lens berth lake, can admire laky beautiful scenery, walk or ride travel annulus lake. OK and rental bicycle or electric motor-car, have a good swim in lakefront, those who experience lakefront is halcyon.

4.Hill of high official position: Lens has mountain of high official position near berth lake, it is one suits pedestrian place. You can choose to climb, view and admire the beautiful scenery between lake scene and hill from the summit.

5.Buffet: Lakefront has a few cafeteria to be able to sample local cate, for instance fish of green pepper fish, pickled Chinese cabbage. You can enjoy lunch here, rest a short while.

6.Maintain an environment neat: Visitting lake zone time, notice to maintain an environment please neat, do not throw rubbish in disorder, the regulation that abides by scene area and how-to.

7. returns Chengdu: Leave midday time, can begin to return area of the Chengdu City. If time allows, you still can be chosen in return trip road choose passes other tourist attraction, hill of the city that be like blueness or Jiang Yan, will undertake more travel.

Drive oneself when swimming, ensure please car in order, notice transportation is safe, abide by traffic regulation. In the meantime, inquire weather situation and scene area open time ahead of schedule, reasonable arrangement journey, and the time with enough obligate returns.

Does lens berth lake travel from which is the door entered reasonable?

       Travel of lens berth lake is entered from boreal door normally more reasonable.

       Lens berth lake is located in Heilongjiang to save peony river city to bring city rather, it is the 2nd big high mountain of Chinese the biggest, world barrier lake, it is famous travel, be away for the summer holidays and the place of recuperate, it is national emphasis scenery scenic spot area, also be world geological park.

       Here entrance ticket 100 yuan, need not buy ticket, it is better to be entered from boreal door, chute of distance suspension bridge has 750 meters only, the room for manoeuver that take the door can watch waterfall all right. Here has cliff diving exhibition everyday, perform 4 times everyday, very beautiful also very alarmingly dangerous.

Go what dress does travel of lens berth lake wear appropriate?

Lens berth lake is located in Chinese Heilongjiang to save peace to bring city, it is an area of famous volcanic and laky scene. Because lens berth lake is located in Chinese northeast area, climate the four seasons is trenchant, wear what dress so appropriate depend on the travel that you choose is seasonal. It is the clad proposal that is aimed at different season below:

1.Spring (in March - May) : The air temperature of lake of spring lens berth picks up gradually, but difference in temperature of morning and evening is bigger. Suggest you carry shirt of a few long sleeve, light jacket and trousers, prepare a waterproof coat at the same time in case wet.

2.The summer (in June - in August) : The air temperature moderate of lake of summertime lens berth, dan Zi exterior line is stronger. Suggest you are wearing short sleeve shirt, knickers and sandal, carry at the same time prevent bask in frost, sunglasses and cap, bask in in case.

3.Autumn (in September - in November) : The air temperature of lake of autumn lens berth is reduced gradually, difference in temperature of morning and evening is bigger. Suggest you carry long sleeve shirt, light jacket, jeans and comfortable shoe, prepare coat of a heat preservation at the same time in order to answer cold night.

4.Winter (in December - in Feburary) : The air temperature of lake of winter lens berth is inferior, may have snowfall. Suggest you are wearing heat preservation underwear, thick sweater, eider down to take, cotton-padded trousers and heat preservation boots, adorn at the same time scarf, cap and glove in case cold.

Anyhow, go when travel of lens berth lake, choose proper clothing and other articles of daily use according to season and weather situation please, ensure journey is comfortable. Wish you journey is happy!

When to go is travel of lens berth lake first-class?

Optimal travel time is annual came in June September. The average air temperature of this paragraph of time is 17.3 ℃ , water level also is annual highest season, chute is very grand, add little wind, because this lake medium wave is smooth,get a name like lens.

The district of scene of travel of national 5A stage that brings city rather, scenery of level of state of lens berth lake scenic spot the area is located in Heilongjiang to visit department of southeast of peony river city between Zhang Ancai mountain and lord mountain, 60 kilometers locate the peaceful southwest that bring city, be apart from peony river urban district 90 kilometers, overall planning area is 1726 square kilometer, scene area grows relics of your home of spring of dragon of the Beijing on country of virgin forest of lake, crater, Bohai Sea by a hunderd li 3 parts composition. [Scenery of level of state of lake of 10] lens berth scenic spot area, area of scene of travel of national AAAAA stage, world geological park, 10 beautiful of Chinese are recreational travel resort, rival with photograph of 1000 islands lake, have sanded Shi Zhidiao, the amorous feelings of hare ear mountain.

Lens berth lake is given priority to with the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, hold channel of lava of crater underground virgin forest, underground concurrently to wait for geological marvellous spectacle, reach nation of Tang Dynasty Bohai Sea the history that relics is a delegate is humanitarian landscape, it is to be able to offer scientific research, be away for the summer holidays, visit, the sightseeing, omnibus scene area that goes vacationing to communicate an activity with culture. Lens berth lake beautiful if a Cui seizes purpose bright phearl to enchase in the motherland on boreal border, with distinctive simple without China natural beauty is famed at the world, attracting more and more domestic and international tourist.

How is circle of friend of travel of lens berth lake sent?

It is the give typical examples that about lens berth lake travel sends a friend one to encircle below:

[the brigade of lens berth lake, explore China's biggest crater lake! ]

Passed through winding hill road, come to lens berth lake eventually -- China's biggest crater lake. Lake water is dark green, just like halcyon is enchased on the earth. The isle in the lake is dotted, as the scenery like elfland your person is intoxicated.

Ramble is in lens berth lakefront, admiring the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, experiencing the magical glamour of nature. What there is volcanic the general configuration of the earth's surface already here is peculiar, also have the poetic flavour like landscape picture scroll. Rambling lakefront, relaxed and happy letting a person, as if place oneself at terrestrial elfland.

This beautiful laky testimony historical changes, also witnessed the uncanny workmanship of nature. Here, what I appreciated lens berth lake is strong beautiful, what also experienced nature is halcyon with auspicious. Hope one day, you also can come to here, experience the glamour of lens berth lake personally!

Preparation goes lens berth lake travels. How to go from peony river?

. Drive oneself: From freeway of G10 of edge of peony river urban district northerly travel makes an appointment with 200 kilometers, after giving high speed, turn to be saved by S245, bring city through coulding there be, travel makes an appointment with 50 kilometers to be able to reach lens berth lake.

Also can rent a car or taxi, the price is quicker, but need shifts to an earlier date to contact arrangement with local travel agent or taxi company.

Travel to lens berth lake, travel agent tells us the price to yacht of lens berth lake at that time is 100 each, after arriving over there, guide go canvassing is 280?

Complete lake of cent of yacht of lens berth lake and half lake two kinds, half lake fare 100 yuan, visit time one hour. Complete lake fare 280 visit time two hours 40 minutes. The tourist guide says 280 it is the complete lake price that receive!
