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Lucas McClain started smoking cigarettes in high school but switched to vaping after he heard e-cigarettes were a safer alternative. 卢卡斯·迈克莱恩高中的时候开始吸烟,在他听说电子烟更安全之后,他转向吸电子烟。 His vape of choice became the Juul, the king of electronic cigarettes — which comes with a king-size nicotine hit, NBC News reports. 据NBC(美国全国广播公司)新闻报道,他选择的是被称为电子烟之王的Juul(美国电子烟品牌),而这款产品含有大量的尼古丁。 Now 21, McClain wants to quit so badly that he's turning back to the problem he fled in the first place: good old-fashioned cigarettes. 如今21岁的迈克莱恩特别想戒掉电子烟,所以他又回到了他最初逃避的问题上,吸老式香烟去了。

One Juul pod, which provides about 200 puffs, contains as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. On stressful days, McClain could finish a pod in three hours — and as he and others figure out just how potent these and other e-cigarettes are, many want out. 一管Juul电子烟大约可以吸200次,其尼古丁含量相当于一包普通香烟。在倍感压力的时候,迈克莱恩三个小时就可以吸完一管电子烟。在他和其他人了解到Juul和其他品牌的电子烟的严重影响后,许多人想要戒掉电子烟。 Some are turning back to combustible cigarettes — or taking them up for the first time — in a dangerous bid to lower their nicotine intake and ultimately get off their vapes. 为了减少尼古丁的摄入量,最终戒掉电子烟,一些人进行了危险的尝试,他们又回去吸可燃香烟,还有人是第一次吸这种普通香烟。 "Isn't it ironic that to quit juul I bought cigarettes," says one Twitter user. Another points out that it's "strange" that she used the device to quit smoking cigarettes but is now "far more addicted to my Juul than I ever was to cigs." “为了戒掉电子烟,我买了普通香烟,真是讽刺啊,”一位推特用户写道。另一位推特用户指出,她为了戒烟而开始吸电子烟,但现在她“比曾经吸普通香烟时更沉迷于电子烟”,这“很奇怪”。
