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  • 天气,作为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,不仅影响着我们的日常生活,还深深植根于语言文化之中。在英语中,与天气相关的习语丰富多彩,它们不仅反映了英国独特的气候特征,也蕴含了深刻的文化内涵和生活智慧。这些习语在日常交流中被广泛使用,成为英语表达中不可或缺的一部分。

    一、weather 天气

    • I am feeling a bit under the weather this morning.(今天早晨我有点儿不舒服。)
    • Keep a weather eye open for any small faults with your car.(留意你车子的任何小毛病。)
    • Bob, my fair-weather friend, left me when I badly needed his help.(鲍伯是我的一位不能共患难的朋友,当我正需要他的时候,他却走了。)
    • The young man made terribly heavy weather of mending the puncture.(这个年轻人对修补扎破的车胎小题大做了。)

    二、rain 雨

    • Come rain or shine, I’ll meet you at nine tomorrow morning at the cinema.(无论晴雨,我明天早上九点都会在电影院和你见面。)
    • After graduation, you’d better put some money by for a rainy day.(毕业后最好积蓄一些钱以备不时之需。)
    • It was raining cats and dogs when I was on my way to my school.(在上学的路上,我遇到一场倾盆大雨。)

    三、snow 雪

    • How Alice has changed! When she was a teenager, she was as pure as the driven snow.(艾丽斯的变化多大啊!在她十六七岁的时候,她的心地纯洁无瑕。)
    • Since they issued the prospectus, they have been snowed under with inquiries.(计划书发布后,他们被大量的咨询弄得焦头烂额。)

    四、ice 冰

    • The girl’s joke broke the ice.(这女孩的笑话使气氛活跃起来。)
    • You were skating on thin ice when you praised his ex-girl friend’s book.(你赞扬了他前女友的书,这可是个很敏感的问题。)
    • David’s success at school and college cut no ice with the HR.(戴维在中学和大学的优异成绩对人事部门不起作用。)
    • Finally we had to put your plan on ice.(最后我们只能把你的计划暂时放在一旁。)

    五、chill 寒冷

    • The news of the death of the hero cast a chill over the party.(在聚会上听到这位英雄去世的消息,大家都非常难过。)
    • What he saw in the room chilled his blood.(他在房间里看到的情景令他毛骨悚然。)

    六、fog 雾

    • The man hasn’t the foggiest idea what we are talking about.(那家伙对我们所说的事情一无所知。)
    • When we saw Bob that evening, he was all in a fog about what to do.(那天晚上我们看见鲍勃时,他对要做什么茫然困惑。)

    七、cloud 云

    • The difficulties are only temporary. We must wait till the clouds roll by.(困难只是暂时的,我们必须等待有利时机。)
    • It’s no good asking him about this matter. He has his head in the clouds.(问他这件事情没有用,他总是白日做梦,不切实际。)
    • Don’t be so over pessimistic. After all, every cloud has a silver lining.(不要过于悲观,毕竟黑暗中总有一线光明。)
    • Tom has been under a cloud in his company ever since the petty cash went missing.(自从一小笔钱丢失后,汤姆在公司里一直受到怀疑。)

    八、wind 风

    • The teachers in the office have been exchanging knowing glances for the last week. Something is in the wind.(上个礼拜,办公室里的老师们一直互换会意的眼色。好像要发生什么事情了。)
    • We got wind of the resignation of the mayor two days before it was announced in the local paper.(市长辞职的消息在当地报纸上披露前两天,我们就听到了风声。)
    • You put the wind up me, telephoning at one in the morning.(你在凌晨一点钟打电话可把我吓坏了。)
    • After a bad start, Alan got his second wind and tried again.(虽然开头不顺利,但是艾伦重振精神,又试了一次。)
    • His brother once sold gold in the black market in the teeth of the wind.(他的哥哥一度冒着风险在黑市倒卖黄金。)

    九、storm 暴风雨

    • The mayor refused to resign. He said he would ride the storm, no matter how long it lasted.(那位市长拒绝辞职,他说他会渡过难关,不管需要多久。)
    • There was such an outcry when the government put forward its proposals that it was forced to bow before the storm and withdraw them.(政府提出的这些倡议引起如此轩然大波,以致政府被迫向公众的抗议作出让步,收回倡议。)
    • Don’t worry about the silly row. It’s just a storm in a teacup.(别为这无聊的争吵担心,那纯粹是小题大做。)

    十、thunder 雷

    • Someone stole my thunder by leaking my announcement to the press.(有人抢先把我要宣布的事情向报界透露了。)
    • There were at least five murders in the blood-and-thunder novel.(这部充满刺激性情节的小说中,至少有五起凶杀案。)

    十一、lightning 闪电

    • We have never seen anyone move so fast. He ran like a streak of lightning across the playground.(我们从没看见过跑得像他那样快的人,他闪电般地穿过运动场。)

