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The Museum of Ice Cream, which opened its first pop-up experience in New York City three years ago, is announcing that it is returning to the city with a permanent installation this fall. 冰淇淋博物馆三年前在纽约市开了第一家快闪店,现在宣布今年秋季要回归纽约开一家实体店。 "Our community asked for it," says Maryellis Bunn, cocreator and CEO of the Museum of Ice Cream. "They wanted a place where they can go to, not once, but to continue to come and visit us. 冰淇淋博物馆共同创始人兼首席执行官Maryellis Bunn说:“我们的社会需要它,他们想要有一个地方可以不只去一次,而是一直来光顾。 When we have these pop-up models, we're not able to hold space for our community. So to be able to give them a place, not just programmatically but also to have it be a place that's theirs, is so important to us." 我们采用快闪模式时,不能为社会提供这样的地方,所以能为他们提供这样一个地点对我们来说如此重要,我们提供的不只是虚拟店铺,而是一个属于他们的地方。”

The new New York flagship location will be in Manhattan's Soho neighborhood. 这个新的纽约旗舰店将位于曼哈顿Soho商业区。 Since Museum of Ice Cream first launched, its creators have been steadily carving a more permanent place for themselves in the world of experiential retail. 自从冰淇淋博物馆首次面市,其创始人就一直在体验式零售模式中为自己稳步打造一个更固定的店铺。 Under its parent company Figure8, which raised a $40 million series A round of funding last week, the Museum of Ice Cream brand has extended to a retail collection at Target, a makeup collaboration with Sephora, and, yes, actual ice cream. 其母公司Figure8上周完成了4千万美元的首轮融资,旗下的冰淇淋博物馆品牌已将业务拓展到和Target合作推出零售产品,Target和丝芙兰有化妆品合作,冰淇淋博物馆这次卖的是真的冰淇淋。 But most importantly, the Museum of Ice Cream moved away from its pop-up format in lieu of flagship locations, first in San Francisco and now in New York City. 但最重要的是,冰淇淋博物馆不再采用快闪模式,而是要开旗舰店,第一个开在旧金山,现在纽约也有实体店了。
