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The human brain is a remarkable thing. 人类的大脑是一件奇特的东西。 It can do things our primate relatives are thousands - maybe even millions - of years of evolution away from, and our most complex machines are not even close to competing with our powers of higher consciousness and ingenuity. 人脑能完成未经历上千年,甚至也许是数百万年进化的灵长类亲戚不能完成的事情。并且我们最复杂的机器都远远不能与我们的高等意识和创造力竞争。 And, oddly enough, even without any injuries or structural malfunctions, the human brain can get weird all by itself - turns out, it's surprisingly easy to trick it into seeing and hearing things that aren't actually there. 并且,很奇怪的是,即使没有任何损伤或者结构性的功能障碍,人脑依旧可以自己变得奇怪。结果是,非常容易欺骗大脑,让它看到听到实际上不存在的东西。 As demonstrated by the guys in this 2016 Scam Nation video on YouTube, if you create a situation of intense sensory deprivation using some common household objects, you can induce some really strong hallucinations that mess with both your sense of sight and sound. 就像YouTube网上2016诈骗国家中的那些家伙展示的那样,如果你用常见的家庭用品制造一个强烈的视觉剥夺环境,那你可以引发一些十分强烈的幻觉,欺骗你的视觉和听觉。 You're going to need: 你将需要: Sheets of light, white paper 轻薄的白纸 Cotton padding 棉垫 Rubber bands 橡皮筋 Stationery, including scissors, tape, a stapler, and string 文具,包括剪刀、胶带、订书机和绳子。 A YouTube video of old television white noise or static that runs uninterrupted for at least 30 minutes 一段YouTube视频,内容是旧电视的白噪音或者静电噪音,不间断播放30分钟。 Noise-cancelling headphones 降噪耳机

The effects usually start to show after about 10 to 30 minutes. 通常10到30分钟就会开始起效。 After 20 minutes, the Scam Nation guys reported seeing "blooms of colour" - like those you see when you rub your eyelids - that would soon form shapes, such as dinosaur silhouettes, jellyfish, and the Eye of Sauron. 20分钟后,诈骗国家的家伙们报告看到了“颜色绽放”,就像你揉眼睛的时候看到的那样,还很快会形成形状,比如恐龙的剪影、水母,以及索伦之眼。 One heard screams, and the other heard laughter. 有人听到了尖叫,其他人听到了笑声。 Sounds like nonsense? Well, sure, we have to take the word of two dudes on YouTube for this particular scenario, but what they're doing actually follows the principles of a scientific phenomenon known as the Ganzfeld effect. 听起来像是胡说八道。嗯,当然,我们得从YouTube上摘取两个家伙的有关这一特殊场景的话,但是他们正在做的事情遵循叫做甘茨菲尔德效应的科学现象的原则。 The Ganzfeld effect describes how when you're exposed to "an unstructured, uniform stimulation field" - such as seeing blackness and hearing constant television static - your brain responds by amplifying neural noise in an effort to find missing visual signals. 甘茨菲尔德效应描述了当你暴露在"紊乱的、统一的刺激场下”,比如看到黑暗并听到持续的电视静电噪音,你的大脑将通过放大神经噪音来找到缺失的视觉信号做出何种反应。 This can result in both visual and aural hallucinations like the guys in the video describe. 这可能导致视觉和听觉上的幻觉,就像录像里的家伙描述的那样。 Of course, every person will experience the effect in different ways. 当然,每个人体验这种效应的方式都不一样。
