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Life is like a roller coaster. It has ups and downs, it makes us nauseous, everybody's screaming, and we're all clinging to life by the promise of a manmade structure remaining intact. But also because there are occasional mishaps on coasters, and with them, opportunities for people to help each other out. 人生就像一个过山车。它有起有落,每个人都在尖叫,我们都依靠着人造结构的完好而存活着。但总会有偶然的灾祸发生在过山车上,因为这些,人们互相帮助的机会就出现了。 And a New Zealand man knows all about that, as he's just gone viral for catching someone's cell phone midair on a roller coaster. 显然有个新西兰人知道这些道理,他因为在半空的过山车上接到别人的手机而走红。 Samuel Kempf was riding a coaster at Spain's PortAventura amusement park, when the incident occurred. 事情发生的时候,塞缪尔·肯普夫正在乘坐西班牙冒险港游乐场的过山车。 He'd been in Europe representing New Zealand in the world championship for fistballing, which is sort of like volleyball but you're allowed to bounce the ball and it sounds a lot more intense because of the word fist. 他当时正在代表新西兰参加世界拳球(浮士德球)锦标赛,这个赛事有点像排球,你可以把球弹起来,并且因为拳头这一单词而听起来更刺激。

After Kemf uploaded his impressive catch to YouTube, he explained the experience in an interview with Stuff New Zealand. 在塞缪尔·肯普夫将他这个令人印象深刻的视频上传到YouTube后,他接受了Stuff New Zealand的采访并解释了自己的经历。 He'd first noticed that, before the ride's drop, a man two rows ahead of him had dropped his phone out of reach in the car. 在过山车下降时,他就注意到了坐在他前面两排的一个男人在车里把手机掉了出来,并且够不着。 "He was trying to reach down and grab it but because he was locked in he couldn't reach it," he told Stuff. "And I just jokingly said to my brother and the people we were with 'get ready to catch.'" 他向Stuff透露:“那个男人试图伸手去抓手机,但是因为他被锁在座位上所以抓不到。我开玩笑的对我兄弟说,我们要准备抓住那个手机。” Then the joke was over. 然后那个玩笑就成真了。

下一篇:全球首个'数字人'诞生 人类可在云端永生不朽?(英语双语阅读)