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Starbucks is releasing a new all-black spiky matte tumbler just in time for Halloween. 星巴克为了迎接万圣节推出了一款新的装饰着饰钉的全黑哑光杯。 The new cup features a matte black surface with spiky studs covering the sides and lid, giving the cup a spooky, gothic look perfect for the October holiday. 这款新杯子的表面呈哑光黑色,在侧面和盖子上装饰着尖而细的饰钉,使这款杯子怪异又具有哥特式风格,非常适合十月的万圣节。 A Starbucks spokesperson told Insider that the 24-ounce Matte Black Studded Cold Cup will be available in Starbucks stores this fall and will retail for $18.95. 星巴克的一位发言人告诉Insider(一家媒体网站),这款24盎司重装饰着饰钉的黑色哑光杯将于今年秋天在星巴克门店发售,其售价为18.95美元。 Some fans have already gotten their hands on the cup and are selling them on sites such as eBay, Mercari, and Poshmark. 一些粉丝已经得到了这款杯子,并在eBay、Mercari以及Poshmark等电商平台上出售这款杯子。

But being one of the first to have the tumbler won't come cheap, with prices ranging from $60 to $100 for the cup. 但第一批拥有这款杯子的人并不会以便宜的价格买到它,而这款杯子目前的价格为60~100美元。 Pictures of the tumbler have already popped up on social media after it was released early at certain Starbucks locations. 早在某些星巴克门店开始发售这款杯子后,社交媒体上就突然出现了这款杯子的照片。 Instagram user livelaughloveliza said she purchased her tumbler for $20.51 with tax from a Starbucks located within a Target. However, not all Starbucks locations are carrying the new tumbler just yet. Ins用户livelaughloveliza表示,她从塔吉特百货里的一家星巴克以20.51美元的含税价格买到了这款杯子。然而,目前并不是所有的星巴克门店都有这款新杯子。 The new product is similar to the matte black tumbler that Starbucks released in 2018, which can still be purchased on Amazon. 这款新产品与星巴克在2018年推出的黑色哑光杯相似,而那款杯子依然可以从亚马逊上买到。

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