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Roughly 8.5 billion plastic straws are used in the U.K. each year, but as a new ban takes effect next April, that number will shrink to zero. 英国每年大约使用85亿根塑料吸管,但明年四月实施一项新禁令之后,使用吸管的数量就会减少至零。 One startup is hoping to corner the market for alternative straws using an unlikely material: pasta. 一家初创企业希望用一款另类吸管来垄断市场,这种吸管是用一种难以想象的材料——意大利面制成的。 "It ticks all the boxes in terms of functionality as a plastic straw that everyone's been used to growing up," says Maxim Gelmann, founder of Stroodles, the startup. “它就像我们成长过程中习惯使用的那种塑料吸管一样,拥有其全部功能,”Stroodles这家初创企业的总裁马克西姆·格尔曼说道。 The straws, made by an Italian manufacturer that also produces regular pasta, are the same shape and size as a standard plastic straw. 这种吸管是一家意大利生产商生产的,该厂商还生产普通的意大利面。这种吸管的形状和尺寸与标准塑料吸管的相同。 Unlike a paper straw, they don't taste like wet paper; they don't change the flavor of the drink. They last at least an hour, and longer in colder drinks. 它们不像纸质吸管那样,尝起来就像潮湿的纸一样;而且它们也不会改变饮料的味道。它们至少可以持续使用一个小时,如果用来喝冷饮的话,使用的时间会更长一些。 "Let's say you have your gin and tonic and then you refill it with ice, it goes even longer," Gelmann says. “例如,你要了一杯金酒加汤力水,然后你又加了冰块,这种吸管就可以使用更长时间,”戈尔曼说道。

If you're nursing a drink for hours and the pasta eventually softens, you can choose to eat it (the raw straw is also edible, and Gelmann says that some people snack on them). 如果你一杯饮料喝了几个小时,这根意面做的吸管最终会软化,你可以选择吃掉它(未使用的吸管也是可以食用的,而且戈尔曼表示,有人把这种吸管当零食吃了)。 A handful of other pasta-straw startups also exist, though Stroodles is hoping to differentiate itself with a smoother, more plastic-like texture and its branding. 虽然Stroodles公司希望用更光滑、更像塑料的材质来使其产品和品牌具有差异化,但市面上还有其他几家意面吸管的初创企业。 It's more expensive to make than a plastic straw, but at large volumes, it can compete with the cost of paper straws. 生产意面吸管的成本比塑料吸管的要高,但大批量生产的话,其成本与纸质吸管的成本相当。 Because of the coming ban, "no one really compares [us] with plastic anymore," Gelmann says. "They compare [us] with paper straw prices, which makes my argument much easier." 因为即将执行的禁令,“没人再拿‘我们’(的价格)与塑料吸管做比较了,”戈尔曼说道。“他们拿‘我们’的价格与纸质吸管作比较,这使我更容易说服他们。” Other alternatives, like bamboo or stainless steel, are more expensive and arguably a less elegant solution; some bars say that patrons don't trust the idea that stainless steel straws can be fully sanitized. 其他的替代品,例如竹制吸管或不锈钢吸管更贵,而且可以说是一种不那么简单的解决方案;一些酒吧表示,客人们不相信不锈钢吸管能完全清洗干净。 Another option—a plastic-like edible straw made from seaweed—may be more of a competitor. 另外一种类似塑料的可食用吸管是用海藻制成的,这种吸管也许会是一个强劲的竞争对手。
