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Christmas is coming early this year for "Downton Abbey" fans. Highclere Castle, where the beloved British show was filmed, will be available for one night only on Airbnb. 对《唐顿庄园》的粉丝而言,今年的圣诞节将提早来临,因为爱彼迎将在这部人气英剧的拍摄地海克利尔城堡推出一夜宿活动。 The stay will offer two lucky guests a glimpse at what life as a Crawley may have been like. The once-in-a-lifetime stay will take place on November 26, 2019, according to the listing. 两位有幸入住的宾客将能有机会体验一把克劳利家族的生活。根据爱彼迎的公告,这次千载难逢的住宿活动将在2019年11月26日进行。 Highclere Castle belongs to the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon, who still live on the grounds and will host the guests. The Earl, whose full name is George Reginald Oliver Molyneux Herber, is Queen Elizabeth II's godson. 海克利尔城堡属于卡纳文伯爵和伯爵夫人,他们现在依然在此居住并招待宾客。伯爵的全名是乔治·雷金纳德·奥利弗·莫利纽克斯·赫伯,是伊丽莎白女王二世的教子。 Reservations for Highclere Castle will become available on October 1 at 7 pm ET, and it's first come, first serve. 海克利尔城堡将从美国东部时间10月1日晚7点开始接受预定,先到先得。 The stay at Highclere Castle will cost $159. 在海克利尔城堡过夜价格为159美元(约合人民币1126元) In a one-night-only listing, Earl and Lady Carnarvon are inviting one lucky couple to “live like royalty” at their 100,000-square-foot, 300-room estate in Hampshire, England. 在这次仅限一晚的入住活动中,卡纳文伯爵和伯爵夫人将邀请一对幸运的伴侣在他们10万平方英尺的庄园中“体验贵族一样的生活”。这个庄园位于英格兰的汉普郡,共有300个房间。 The chosen pair will be invited to share dinner with the Earl and Countess in the state dining room, followed by coffee in the library. They will then retire to one of the gallery bedrooms with views overlooking 1,000 acres of parkland. 被选中的伴侣将受邀在国宴厅与伯爵夫妇共进晚餐,之后在图书馆喝咖啡。之后,他们将入住其中一件景观卧室,窗外就是1000英亩的庄园美景。 Before they leave the following day, the guests can also expect breakfast and a private tour of the grounds that will highlight rooms "Downton Abbey" fans know well, including the drawing room and gallery bedrooms. 在次日离开之前,宾客还能享用一顿早餐,私下游览庄园,尤其是《唐顿庄园》粉丝很熟悉的那些房间,包括客厅和一系列景观卧室。

Guests will be waited on by the castle's butler service during dinner and there's strictly one butler allowed per guest, according to house rules. 宾客在用晚餐期间将享受城堡男仆的服务,根据家规,每名宾客只能使唤一名仆人。 Other stipulations for guests include that all newspapers must be ironed, they must wear cocktail attire to dinner, they can only gossip in the downstairs quarters, and there are no pets allowed. 其他入住规定包括,所有的报纸必须烫平、用晚餐时必须穿鸡尾酒服,宾客只能在楼下的房间闲聊,禁止宠物入内。 But have no fear, there are nine dogs on site who can't wait to make your acquaintance. 不过别担心,城堡里有九条狗,它们迫不及待地想要结识你。 This isn't the first time the Earl and Countess have opened their doors to the public. 这不是卡纳文伯爵和伯爵夫人第一次向公众敞开大门 Visitors can take tours of the castle between 9:30 am and 5 pm daily from July to September. The castle is also open on various days throughout the year. 从七月份到九月份,每天上午9点半到下午5点之间,游客都可以到城堡游览。此外,城堡全年都会不定期开放。 The couple even hosted the first public Christmas ball at Highclere Castle last year. 去年伯爵夫妇甚至在海克利尔城堡首次举办了面向公众的圣诞舞会 They'll be hosting another holiday ball this year, though the specific date hasn't been announced yet. 今年伯爵夫妇还会举办一场节日舞会,不过具体日期还未宣布。 "It's an absolute privilege and pleasure to call Highclere Castle my home and I am delighted to be able to share it on Airbnb for a truly unique stay," Lady Carnarvon wrote on Airbnb. 卡纳文伯爵夫人在爱彼迎网站上写道:“能拥有海克利尔城堡这样的家我感到很荣幸,我很高兴能在爱彼迎上分享这种非常独特的居住体验。” "Highclere Castle has been in the Carnarvon family since 1679 and has an incredibly rich history," the Countess added. "I am passionate about the stories and heritage of Highclere Castle, and I am looking forward to welcoming our future guests." 伯爵夫人补充说:“海克利尔城堡从1679年以来就一直归卡纳文家族所有,拥有非常丰富的历史。我对海克利尔城堡的故事和遗产充满热情,我也很期待宾客的到来。” The event builds on the excitement for the "Downton Abbey" film. 人们对《唐顿庄园》电影的热情引发了这一活动 The film follows the Crawley family as they prepare for a visit from King George V and Queen Mary in 1927. It premieres in theaters on Friday in the US. 影片讲述1927年克劳利家族为迎接国王乔治五世和玛丽女王的来访而做准备。该片本周五(9月20日)在美国影院上映。
