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An off-duty pilot was hailed a "legend" after stepping in to fly a plane himself to stop the flight being cancelled. 一位休假的飞行员因亲自驾驶飞机使航班免遭取消而被誉为“传奇人物”。 Michael Bradley, a qualified easyJet pilot, had a busman's holiday when he ended up flying a plane that was delayed by two hours. 迈克尔·布拉德利是一名有资质的易捷航空飞行员,他在休假时遇到飞机延误两个小时,然后他就临时上岗把飞机开到了目的地。 He told passengers on board the Manchester Airport flight to Alicante that he was offering his services as there was no pilot available. 他对航班上的乘客表示,由于飞行员不在,他将代为驾驶。这趟航班从英国曼彻斯特飞往西班牙阿利坎特。 Mr Bradley was filmed by passenger Michelle Potts making the announcement. 布拉德利宣布这一消息时,乘客米歇尔·波茨拍下了这一幕。 The pilot said: "My wife who's on row 15 with my little boy – hopefully he's asleep by now, I should keep it down or else I'll get told off – she rolled over and punched me in the back of the head and said 'our flight's delayed by two hours because they are minus one captain for the flight'. 这名飞行员说:“我的妻子和我的儿子坐在第15排座位上,希望他已经睡着了。我得解决这件事,否则我就该挨骂了。我妻子跑来拍我后脑勺,说,‘我们的飞机延误了两个小时,因为这架航班没有机长’”。 "So just before we went through security I thought I wonder if this is worth a phone call, I think it is because I'd like to go on holiday. “所以就在我们通过安检之前,我在想是否值得打个电话,我觉得还是值得的,因为我想去度假。” "I phoned up easyJet and said 'Hiya, I'm standing in the terminal doing nothing. I have got my licence with me and I'd very much like to go on holiday and if you need a favour I'm standing here ready to go." “我给易捷航空打了个电话,说‘你好,我现在候机楼里无所事事。我带着飞行执照,我很想去度假,如果需要帮忙,我随时可以上岗。’”

Mr Bradley said his bosses called him back in less than a minute to give him the go-ahead, saying "please, please pretty please with a big cherry on top, can you fly the aeroplane to Alicante"? 布拉德利说,航空公司不到一分钟就给他回了电话,同意了他的要求,说:“求求你,真的拜托你了,你能驾驶飞机去阿利坎特吗? He added: "So if you're alright for one of your pilots to look like this today, we'll go to Alicante." 他补充道:“所以如果你们能接受这架飞机的飞行员穿成我这样,我们就去阿利坎特。” This was met with cheers from the passengers. 乘客中爆发出了一阵欢呼。 Ms Potts posted a video of the pilot's announcement on Facebook, saying "probably would have been cancelled if it wasn't for him! Legend". 波茨女士将飞行员这段声明的视频上传到脸书,说:“如果不是因为他,可能航班早就被取消了!真是传奇。” An easyJet spokesman said the flight's delay was due to "the knock-on effects of the French Air Traffic Control failure on Sunday, which impacted on crew and meant they had to rely on standbys". 易捷航空一位发言人表示,航班延误是由于“法国周日(9月1日)空中交通管制失误的连锁反应,影响到了机组人员,因此不得不依靠后备人员。” He added: "We are grateful to one of our pilots who was travelling on holiday from Manchester to Alicante on 2 September with his family and volunteered to operate the flight. 他补充道:“非常感谢我们的一名飞行员,他于9月2日与家人从曼彻斯特前往阿利坎特度假,并自愿驾驶这架飞机。” "This meant customers could get to their destination and shows the commitment and dedication of our crew. This is fully in line with regulations as he had his licence and ID with him. Safety is always our highest priority." “这意味着乘客可以到达目的地,也显示出我们机组人员的敬业和奉献精神。这完全符合规定,因为他携带有飞行执照和身份证明。安全永远是我们的第一宗旨。” The spokesman also said the incident was "exceptional", Mr Bradley was legally permitted to fly and he was well-rested from taking four days off. 这位发言人还表示,这起事件是“例外”,布拉德利依法获准飞行,他当时已休假四天,驾驶飞机之前得到了充分的休息。”
