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1.数码相机固件升级      我们需要不时地对电脑主板BIOS进行升级来获得更稳定的性能,数码相机也一样,通过固件(Firmware)的升级,可以提高系统的性能并改善其功能。

数码相机的固件和电脑主板BIOS一样,是烧录在芯片上的。目前,大部分数码相机的固件采用了可擦写芯片,我们只需要利用一个简单的工具软件以及相应的数据,就可以对数码相机的固件进行升级。 2.镜头的清洁技巧   相机镜头是非常精密的部件,其表面做了防反射的涂层处理,一定要注意不能直接用手去摸,因为这样就会粘上油渍及指纹,这对涂层非常有害,而且对数码相机拍摄出来的照片质量影响也很要大。  相机使用后,镜头多多少少也会沾上灰尘,最好的方法是用吹气球吹掉,或者是用软毛刷轻轻刷掉。如果吹不去也刷不掉,那就要使用专用的镜头布或者镜头纸轻轻擦拭,但要记住一个原则,那就是不到万不得已不要擦拭镜头。千万不要用纸巾等看似柔软的纸张来清洁镜头,这些纸张都包含有比较容易刮伤涂层的木质纸浆,一不小心会严重损害相机镜头上的易损涂层。在擦拭之前,要确保表面无可见的灰尘颗粒,以避免灰尘颗粒磨花镜头。擦拭时轻轻地沿着同一个方向擦拭,不要来回反复擦,以避免磨伤镜片。如果这样还是不行,市面上也有相机专用清洗液,但要注意,使用清洗液时,应该将清洗液沾在镜头纸上擦拭镜头,而不能够将清洗液直接滴在镜头上。 3.液晶屏的保护   彩色液晶显示屏是数码相机重要的特色部件,不但价格很贵,而且容易受到损伤,因此在使用过程中需要特别注意保护。首先要注意避免彩色液晶显示屏被硬物刮伤,彩色液晶显示屏的表面有的有保护膜,有的没有,没有保护膜的彩色液晶显示屏非常脆弱,任何刮伤,都会留下痕迹,您可以考虑使用掌上电脑屏幕使用的保护贴纸,这对保护彩色液晶显示屏有一定的作用。  另外,要注意不要让彩色液晶显示屏表面受重物挤压,同时还要特别注意避免高温对彩色液晶显示屏的伤害,随着温度的升高,彩色液晶显示屏会变黑,达到一定的温度后,即使温度降到正常的状态,彩色液晶显示屏也无法恢复。而有些彩色液晶显示屏显示的亮度会随着温度的下降而降低,温度相当低时,液晶显示屏显示的亮度将会很低,一旦温度回升,亮度又将自动恢复正常,这属于正常现象。4.存储卡的维护和保养   对于数码摄影而言,存储卡在摄影过程中扮演着相当重要的角色。但是,由于存储卡的使用比较简单,经常会由于用户漫不经心地使用、处理而导致存储卡损坏。  保护存储卡的首要原则是,永远只在数码相机已经关闭的情况下安装和取出存储卡。使用者常犯的错误是,急着要将储存卡从相机中取出,虽然电源已经关闭,但有些相机的储存速度较慢,或是图档较大要花较长的时间,相机也许看起来已经处于停止状态,但事实上,储存动作仍在继续,这时存到一半的档案毁了不说,还可能造成储存卡的永久毁损。因此,建议您关闭相机后等一会儿或注意相机的亮灯完全熄灭后再取出储存卡。  其次,平时不要随意格式化存储卡,在使用相机格式化存储卡时,注意相机是否有足够的电量;在使用电脑格式化存储卡时,注意选择准确的格式。如果您使用Windows XP之类的操作系统,需要注意,系统格式化时,默认的FAT32格式是不正确的,一般数码相机都采用FAT格式。5.电池的使用和保养   数码相机和传统相机不同,数码相机对电力的需求特别大。因此,锂电池和镍氢电池这些可重复使用且电量也较大的电池越来越受到数码相机用户的欢迎。但不论是锂电池还是镍氢电池,各种电池的使用、保存、携带都有很多要注意的地方。  镍氢电池有记忆效应,这种效应会降低电池的总容量和使用时间。随着时间的推移,存储电荷会越来越少,电池也就会消耗得越来越快。因此,应该尽量将电力全部用完再充电。如果使用的是专用的锂电池,或锂离子电池,记忆效应的问题就不需要怎么考虑了。  在日常使用过程中,要注意保持电池绝缘皮的完整性,一旦发现有破损,应该用透明胶布粘牢。检查电池的电极是否出现氧化的情况,轻度氧化将其擦拭掉就可以,但如果是严重的氧化或脱落的情形,应该立即更换新的电池。同时,为了避免电量流失,需要保持电池两端的接触点和电池盖子内部的清洁,如有需要,可以使用柔软、清洁的干布轻轻地拂拭电池。用小的橡皮擦(例如铅笔头上的那种)伸到电池匣里清洁金属触点,但绝不能使用清洁剂等具有溶解性的清洁剂。 6.数码相机的机身清洁   数码相机在使用过程中,要注意防烟避尘,外界的灰尘、污物和油烟等污染可导致相机产生故障,甚至还会增加相机的调整开关与旋钮的惰性。在使用过程中,机身不可避免地会被灰尘、污物和油烟等污染物所污染,所以需要特别注意机身的清洁。7.温度对相机的影响   数码相机有严格并且局限的操作温度,不适于在寒冷环境和高温环境下进行拍摄。持续的高温会影响粘合光学透镜的粘合剂,也会影响照相机内的其他部件。而在寒冷的环境下,相机也容易出现润滑剂凝固、机件运转失灵、电池效率降低等问题。因此,应该使数码相机远离热源和冷源,如暖气片以及其他发热或者制冷设备,被太阳晒得炙热的汽车等等都是需要远离的。  另外,如果不可避免地要身处阳光下,可以用一块有色但不是深颜色的毛巾或带有锡箔之类能够阻挡阳光的工具来避光,最好将照相机包在浅色的、不掉绒毛的柔软的旧毛巾内,这样既通风又防晒,还能在一定程度上防震。如果要在寒冷的环境下使用数码相机拍摄,在低温下可能需要更多的电量来启动,同时在寒冷的环境下,电池的效率也较低,您需要携带额外的电池,同时注意保持电池的温度。8.数码相机的防水防潮 在阴雨天或在湿热环境中使用数码相机以后,应该及时用干净细软的绒布轻轻地揩去沾附在照相机表面的水滴或水汽,再用橡皮吹球将各部位的细缝吹一次,将照相机放在干燥通风、且无阳光直射的地方,待干燥后测试相机有没有故障,再放入密封的容器内储存。  储存容器内可放置一些干燥剂,或者选购简易型的密封防潮箱。干燥剂有用完丢弃式和循环使用的两种,前者吸水后会膨胀并粉碎,后者即所谓水玻璃防潮剂,开始使用时为蓝色的,当吸水变成粉红色时即失效,可以经由晒干、台灯照射或是微波炉烤干,变回蓝色后再使用。若长期储存,密封防潮箱是不错的容器,较高级的电子防潮箱还可以控制要达到的湿度,但要注意防潮箱的湿度并不是越低越好,一般来说,最适合相机存放的湿度大约在40%~50%,调得太低的话,数码相机上有些零件上的润滑剂有可能会干涸。 9.数码相机的长期保存   数码相机准备长时间不使用时,除了按照上面的提示对机身和镜头等重要部件做仔细地清洁、做好各个重要部件的保养工作和储存准备以外,还应该把相机与皮套分开,避免皮套发霉影响相机。相机已上紧的快门、自拍机等部件,应予以释放,不使这些机构长时间处于疲劳状态。镜头光圈宜设定在最大档位,调焦距离应设定在无限远。若是双焦距镜头或变焦距镜头的照相机,还应把伸出的镜头退缩回原来的位置,再放置到能够保持干燥的存储容器中。


Firmware of 1. number camera upgrades we need     to be opposite often computer advocate board BIOS undertakes upgrading will acquire stabler property, digital watch for an opportunity is same also, through firmware (of Firmware) upgrade, can improve systematic performance and improve its function.

The firmware of digital camera and computer advocate board BIOS is same, it is to burn record what go up in chip. Current, the firmware of digital camera used much to be able to be brushed keep chip, we need to use a simple tool software and relevant data only, can be opposite the firmware of digital camera undertakes upgrading. 2. The dispute of camera lens of camera of clean skill   of camera lens the component of constant nicety, its surface was done prevent catoptric coating processing, must notice to cannot be felt directly with the hand, because can be stuck so,go up oily be soiled and dactylogram, this is very harmful to coating, and film to digital camera the picture quality that come out is affected also very should big. After camera is used, camera lens also can touch dirt more or less, best method is to use blow a balloon to blow off, perhaps brush with down brush gently. If blow,also be not brushed do not drop, that is about to use cloth of appropriative camera lens or camera lens paper is wiped gently, but should learn a principle, that does not wipe camera lens until the last moment namely. Must not wait with paper towel see the paper that is like softness come clean camera lens, these paper include the woodiness pulp that has easier scratch coat, what can damage camera camera lens badly not carefully to go up is fragile coating. Before wipe, want to ensure the surface does not have visible dirt grain, worry presbyopic glasses head in order to avoid dirt grain. When wiping gently along same direction is wiped, do not make a round trip to be brushed repeatedly, in order to avoid gall lens. If still be no good so, there also is watch for an opportunity on market special clear lotion, but want to notice, when using clear lotion, should touch clear lotion camera lens is wiped on camera lens paper, and cannot wash Qing Dynasty quite fluid drips to go up in camera lens directly. 3. The liquid crystal of protective   color of liquid crystal screen shows screen is the characteristic part with digital important watch for an opportunity, not only the price is very expensive, and be injured easily, because this is using the need in the process,special attention is protected. Should notice to avoid chromatic liquid crystal to display screen above all by good thing scratch, chromatic liquid crystal shows the exterior some of screen has diaphragm, some doing not have, the chromatic liquid crystal that does not have diaphragm shows screen is very flimsy, any scratch, can leave a mark, you can consider to use the protective paster that palmtop computer screen uses, this shows to protecting chromatic liquid crystal screen has certain effect. Additional, want to notice not to let chromatic liquid crystal show screen appearance suffers a clog to squash, at the same time even special attention avoids high temperature to show the harm of screen to chromatic liquid crystal, as temperature elevatory, chromatic liquid crystal shows screen can blacken, after reaching constant temperature, although thermal drop arrives normal condition, chromatic liquid crystal shows screen also cannot restore. And the brilliance that some color liquid crystal shows to screen shows is met as temperature drop and reduce, when temperature is quite low, the brilliance that liquid crystal shows to screen shows will very low, once temperature picks up, brightness will return to normal automatically again, this attributes normal phenomenon. 4. The maintenance that memory blocks and maintain   photographs to the number and character, store card is acting quite important role in photography process. But, the use that gets stuck as a result of memory is simpler, because the user is unmindful,via regular meeting the ground is used, handle and bring about memory to block attaint. Protection stores the first principle of card is, be installed below the case that has closed in digital camera only forever and take out memory card. The mistake that the person that use often makes is, rapid move wants to will store card is taken out from inside camera, although power source has been shut, but of some camera store rate is slower, or it is graph archives relatively the time with gist longer flower, camera perhaps has been been in it seems that suspend status, but in fact, store the movement still is continueing, the record that keeps an in part at this moment was destroyed do not say, cause possibly still store the permanent damage of card. Accordingly, the reassume after the bright light that after suggesting you shut camera, wait a little while or notices watch for a chance goes out completely goes out store card. Next, do not want optional format to turn memory card at ordinary times, when use camera form changes memory to get stuck, when noticing whether camera has enough n; to change memory to get stuck in use computer format, the attention chooses exact form. If you use the operating system of Windows XP and so on, need attention, when systematic pattern is changed, acquiescent FAT32 format is incorrect, average number camera uses FAT form. 5. The use of batteries and maintain   number camera and traditional watch for an opportunity are distinct, digital watch for an opportunity is particularly great to the demand of electric power. Accordingly, these can repeat lithium battery and nickel hydrogen batteries use and the batteries with bigger also n more and more get the welcome of digital camera user. But it is lithium battery or nickel hydrogen batteries no matter, the use of all sorts of batteries, save, carry the place that a lot of want to notice. Nickel hydrogen batteries has memory effect, the total capacity that this kind of effect can reduce batteries and use time. As the elapse of time, memory charge will be less and less, batteries also can be used up more and more quickly. Accordingly, should give out electric power entirely as far as possible recharge. If use, is appropriative lithium battery, or lithium ion batteries, the problem of memory effect did not need how to consider. In daily use process, want to notice to maintain the integrality of batteries insulation skin, once discover damaged, should use cement of transparent adhesive plaster. Whether does the electrode that examines cell appear the circumstance of oxidation, it is OK to spend oxidation gently to wipe its wipe its, but if be serious oxidation or desquamation case, should change instantly new battery. In the meantime, to avoid n prediction of a person's luck in a given year, need carries battery the osculatory dot of two end and the cleanness with batteries in-house cap, if have need, the dry cloth that can use soft, cleanness gently wipe off batteries. Brush with small rubber (for example on pencil head the sort of) extend contact of metal of the cleanness in batteries small box, but cannot use cleaner to wait absolutely have deliquescent cleaner. 6. The camera of number of airframe cleanness   of digital camera is in use process, should notice to prevent smoke to avoid dirt, the pollution such as the dirt of the outside, contamination and lampblack can bring about camera to produce breakdown, still meet those who increase watch for a chance adjust the laziness of switch and knob even. In use process, airframe can be mixed inevitably by dirt, contamination the contaminant place pollution such as lampblack, need is so special the cleanness that notices airframe. 7. Temperature has to the camera of influence   number of camera strict and the operation temperature of confine, unwell Yu Zaihan undertakes filming below Leng Huan condition and high temperature environment. Persistent high temperature can affect the adhesive of agglutinate optics lens, also can affect the other part inside camera. And fall in cold environment, camera appears easily also lubricant the problem such as loss of efficiency of malfunction of movement of caky, parts, batteries. Accordingly, should make digital camera is far from heat source and Leng Yuan, give out heat with etc like radiator or refrigeration equipment, etc need is far from the car that is basked in broil is hotly by the sun. Additional, if want inevitably to be in personally below sunshine, can use a coloured but not be saturate towel or the tool that contain tinfoil paper and so on to be able to hold back sunshine will avoid smooth, had better be in camera bag of light color, inside the old towel that does not drop downy softness, such already ventilated prevent again bask in, still can go up in certain level shock-proof. If want to use digital camera to film below cold environment, need more n possibly below microtherm to start, fall in cold environment at the same time, the efficiency of batteries is inferior also, you need to carry additional battery, at the same time the attention maintains the temperature of batteries. 8. Of digital camera waterproof and moistureproof in overcast and rainy day or after digital watch for an opportunity is being used in environment of damp and hot, the flannelette that should use clean delicacy in time is wiped gently go touching the water that is added in camera surface or lunt, reoccupy rubber blows ball general of each place fine seam blow, put camera in dry and ventilated, and without the place with point-blank sunshine, wait for dry hind test camera has trouble, put again store inside sealed container. Store a few desiccative can be placed inside container, or the choose and buy is simple and easy model sealed and moistureproof box. Desiccative is useful be over discard two kinds when type and loop use, former and bibulous hind can expand and smash, latter namely alleged water glass is moistureproof agent, blue is when beginning to use, when bibulous become pink when namely invalidation, can illuminate of by insolation, desk lamp or it is microwave oven parchs, change the reuse after answering blue. If store for a long time, sealed and moistureproof box is pretty good container, moistureproof box still can control more advanced electron the humidity that should achieve, but it is better to should notice the humidity of moistureproof box is not lower, generally speaking, the humidity that suits camera to deposit most is in about 40% ~ 50% , if be being moved too lowly, the on some spare partses lubricant on digital camera can dry up likely. 9. Of digital camera when saving   number camera for a long time to prepare to be not used for long, besides according to the clew above important to airframe and lens first class part does careful ground to the clean, maintaining that has made each important parts works and store beyond preparation, still should cover camera and skin apart, avoid a skin to cover mildewy influence camera. Camera already went up the component such as close shutter, self-timer, should give release, do not make these orgnaizations are in fatigue condition for long. Set of appropriate of camera lens aperture is in the oldest files, move anxious distance to answer set is in infinity. If the camera of camera lens of double focal length or zoom lens, still should remove projecting camera lens retractile and former position, in placing the memory container that can keep dry again.

上一篇:财经类专业就业前景? 仪器类专业就业前景?英文双语对照