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篇一:我爱大海   在很多人的心目中,大海是无边无际的;大海是广阔无垠的;大海更是一望无边的。而大家却都不知道,大海到底启发了我们什么样的美德?其实,大海象征着人类要有广阔的胸怀,要学习无穷的知识。  大海的咆哮声是震耳欲聋的。它象征着要勇敢地向一个目的地“进军”,向一个美好的未来“进军”。我们常常会被某种气势而压倒,其实,这并不可怕,庞大的气势并不代表什么,遇到这种情况,我们更应该勇敢地去面对,勇敢地去打败它。应该有一种坚韧不拔、勇往直前的精神, 一种能让对手感到畏惧的精神。     大海的深度也是深不可测的。它象征着做任何事都要深思熟虑,而不能草率行事,将大部分的事情先藏在心里,直到你认可他,了解他,对他很放心的时候,再将藏在心中的事情慢慢告诉他。就像大海一样,它与人类渐渐成为了朋友,才把能源一点一点地输送给我们。不然,大海的一次洪水大发,就会给人类带来可怕的灾难,它会无情地掀翻船只,冲垮海堤,毁灭沿海的城镇。     大海的容量更是无穷无尽的。它象征着我们要有广阔的胸襟,对任何人都要坦诚相待,对他人的错误与缺点多多包涵,不能斤斤计较。毕竟每个人都会做错事,都有缺点。你如何对待别人,别人就会如何对待你。俗话说的好:“良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。”只要我们以诚待人,包涵他人的缺点,就不怕别人对自己不礼貌。     蔚蓝色的大海,多像一本无穷无尽的书,教会我们做人的道理,给予我们生活上的勇气。   篇二:我爱大海   朋友,你喜欢大海吗?反正我是喜欢的。喜欢坐在沙滩上看浪花或蹲在礁石上捡贝壳,喜欢习习的海风和翱翔的海鸥,还喜欢大海的平静如镜,天水一色,更喜欢大海的波澜壮阔和澎湃的生命力……我爱大海。   暑期一开始,我就迫不及待地央求着爸爸妈妈带我到海边玩耍。来到日照海边,我急忙向沙滩跑去,啊呀,细细的沙子像金色的缎子平铺着,软软的,赤脚踩着,一脚一个深坑,舒服极了。   太阳公公像个魔术师,把蔚蓝的大海装点得波光粼粼。近处的浪花不时地涌上沙滩,相互追逐嬉戏着,撞击着礁石,发出阵阵欢快声,好像在欢迎远客的到来;远处的海浪一个接一个、一排连一排的,相互追逐着、奔腾着,煞是好看。我用手轻轻的拍打着浪花,顽皮的浪花溅起了无数颗细小的水珠,溅在脸上凉丝丝的真是舒服。你看,这飞奔的浪花多像一个个淘气的小娃娃呀。我捡拾着贝壳,花花绿绿的,在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光,非常漂亮。我兴高采烈的在沙滩上用湿润的细沙堆砌起一座“城堡”,将贝壳摆在里面,似一个个忠实的“哨兵”坚守着岗位。   海面上白帆点点,与天上朵朵的白云相映成辉,几只飞翔的海鸥迎风飞舞着,展示着它那曼妙的舞姿。游玩的人们,或立、或坐、或卧、或跑,相互说笑着,观赏着“蓝天、碧水、金沙滩”,惬意极了。   我爱大海,更爱蓬勃发展的日照!我们应该努力学习,长大以后把日照建设得更加美好!篇三:我爱大海   大连是个依山傍水、风景如画的海滨城市,这里有许多迷人的景观,但最使我流连忘返的是碧波荡漾大海。   早晨,太阳还没有升起时,我就来到海边,座在焦石上观日出。一阵海风吹来,使我感到心旷神怡,我一边大口大口地吸着新鲜空气,一边望着海天交界的地方。不一会,太阳像个大火球似的,从东方冉冉升起,光芒四射,把大海照得红彤彤的,仿佛像新娘披上了金色的面纱,显得格外温柔。   中午,海面上风平浪静,一阵海风拂过,给海面带来一片涟漪。我举目眺望,看天海相接处,碧波粼粼,白帆点点,一群群海鸥,扑打着白色的翅膀,时而冲上蓝天,时而盘旋在船帆周围。不甘示弱的海燕张开乌黑色的翅膀,在蓝天碧海间穿梭。白帆、海鸥、海燕为美丽的海上风景图,增添了勃勃生机。   傍晚,大海似乎发怒了,海面卷起一排排巨浪。有的像成千上万的白色战马,齐头并进地冲向岸边;有的像一头头雄狮昂首怒吼;有的像一条条巨龙,在海面上飞跃奔腾。接踵而来的大浪打在礁石上,溅起一米多高的浪花。这场面真像宋朝大诗人苏轼在《念奴娇?;赤壁怀古》中所写:“惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪”。   我望着波涛巨浪,在欣赏着大海美景的同时,内心不断地卷起无数浪花,想化作大海中的巨浪,勇往直前;也想化作大海上的白帆,乘风破浪;还想化作海鸥,在大海的上空,展翅飞翔…… 篇四:我爱大海   我爱大海,爱它那磅礴的气势,爱它的浩瀚,爱它的瞬息万变,有时波涛汹涌,像只猛虎;有时风平浪静,像慈祥而又温柔的母亲;有时波光粼粼,金光闪烁,像是走进了仙境。   站在海边,海风迎面吹来,顿时觉得人身无比轻松。红艳艳的太阳照在蔚蓝蔚蓝的海面上,海面上就金光闪闪,锦缎般地闪着耀眼的光芒,绚丽多彩。海浪拍打着海堤上那奇形怪状的礁石,溅起白色的浪花,像是千万道明亮的眼波,凝视着春天的秀色。看!那拍岸的惊涛声,人们的欢笑声,海浪声和轮船的汽笛声交织在一起,构成了一曲美妙动听的交响乐。   涨潮过后,海在阳光下更加光彩夺目,细看,海上有许多五颜六色的贝壳,我和妈妈一起在海上不停地捡着贝壳,鱼鳞似的波纹一起一伏,发出有节奏的“哗——哗——”声。这里没有盛夏的炎热,没有城市的吵闹声和喧哗声,是人们避暑的好地方。   海,真是个诡谲多变的怪物。昨天,满眼都是黄滔滔的浊浪,今晨却变成了一片无边无际的“青翠的草原”。海水略呈暗绿色,风不大,水面上荡漾着一朵朵银白的浪花。海燕贴着水面低飞觅食,海蜇像一把把小伞似的在水中探头探脑地飘浮着。   我爱大海,一年四季都爱,我爱它的磅礴爱它的浩瀚,爱它的瞬息万变,爱它的汹涌,爱它的风平浪静。 篇五:我爱大海   我爱海的湛蓝;我爱海的宽广;我爱海的幽深;我爱海的胸怀;海的一切都是珍贵的,海的一切都是美丽的。看见了海,所有的烦恼事就全部烟消云散了。   浪花拍击海岸的声音,好听;海那美丽的彩衣,好看;海,我既羡慕你又佩服你。你拥有华丽的外表,但华丽的外表下,又无私地哺育了千千万万条生命,是你,给予了它们全部。对于海底世界的鱼儿来说,你是它们的生命,是它们的母亲,没有你,也就没有了它们。对于岸上的沙滩来说,你是它们的好搭档,是它们不可缺少的装饰品,没有了你,它们就是不完整的;它们就是不幸福的。对于我们人类来说,你是我们的知心朋友,我们的快乐和忧愁似乎必须要和你分享,而你,也从来不会背叛我们。海,你真是我们的楷模。   海,来到你的面前,我是那么的渺小,那么的微不足道。你用那清新的海水包围了我的每心房,将我的疲倦一扫而光,让我的眼前充满光明,充满希望。你带走了我的伤心,带走了我的软弱,带走了我的不愉快。让我可以像你一样,无忧无虑。你是我茫茫路程中的指南针,让我在重重压迫中可以喘口气。你仿佛是我的第二个妈妈,在我伤心的时候,为我擦干眼泪。你仿佛是我的知音,与我互诉心声。你仿佛是我的第三任老师,时刻警戒我做人要有道德。在我看来,世间所有的道理、真情都齐聚在你那广阔的胸怀。   海,你对我的爱,我感受到了。 篇六:我爱大海   我爱大海的浪花。海水卷起的浪花,就像盛开的矢车菊般美丽迷人。大海仿佛是一个顽皮的孩子:你正在沙滩漫步,她调皮地突然扑向你,一下子把你变成一只“落汤鸡”;游泳时,她欢快地跳进你的嘴里,让你终身难忘这苦涩的海水滋味;你刚想生气,她却像个害羞的小姑娘,一转身悄悄离开你,远远地看着你;但有时,她犹如生气的狮子,怒吼着扑向岸边,撞击着岩石,气势宏伟而壮观。     我爱海边的沙滩。夏日,赤脚走在洁白而细密的沙滩上,脚下软软的,舒服极了。这儿是孩子的天堂:有的奔跑着、追逐着,比赛着翻跟头、打滚儿;有的三五成群围在一起玩沙雕,甚至干脆用沙子把自己埋起来,玩起了捉迷藏的游戏;还有的追着浪花,争抢海水送来的礼物——贝壳、鹅卵石,不时发出快乐的惊叫声;更有的套着游泳圈,在海里打起了水仗……而太阳伞下的大人们笑眯眯地看着这些玩疯了的孩子。     我爱这宽广的大海。拂面而来的海风,那丝丝凉爽里,有海水的淡淡味道;放眼望去,只见波光粼粼的海面无边无际,远处的渔帆仿佛片片树叶,在波浪的起伏中浮动着;海鸥时而贴着海面低低地滑行,一瞬间又展翅飞上高空,发出欢快的呜叫声……看着看着,竟会让我们这些孩子心里萌生出海有多大,我们的胸怀就有多大的遐思来。     我爱那无边无际的大海! 希望能帮到你,望采纳,谢谢


Piece one: I love the sea to be in the memory of a lot of people, the sea is boundless; The sea is capacious boundless; The sea is to look at brimless more. And everybody does not know however, did the sea inspire our what kind of goodness after all? Actually, the sea is indicative mankind should have capacious mind, want to learn boundless knowledge. The growl of the sea is deafening. It is symbolizing want brave land to a destination " march " , the future to a happiness " march " . We often are met crushing by some kind of imposing manner, actually, this is not terrible, what doesn't giant imposing manner represent, encounter this kind of situation, we more go bravely facing, go bravely defeating it. Should have a kind of gritty, precipitant mind, one kind can let adversary feel awe-stricken spirit. The deepness of the sea also is abysmal. It is symbolizing do anything to want cogitative, and cannot cursory act, will major issue hides in the heart first, approbate him till you, understand him, to him very when be at ease, tell him the thing that hides in the heart slowly again. Resemble the sea same, it and mankind became a friend gradually, just carry bit by bit of the sources of energy to us. Otherwise, flood of the sea is sent greatly, meet the mankind bring monstrous disaster, it throws a ship flintily, shatter sea wall, destroy coastal town. The capacity of the sea is more endless. It is symbolizing we should have capacious mind, want straight-out photograph to wait for to anybody, great to the mistake of other and defect excuse, cannot haggle over every ounce. After all everybody metropolis err thing, faulty. How do you treat others, how can others treat you. What common saying says is good: "Fine character a 3 winters are warm, person of evil language injury is cold in June. " want us only with sincere need a person, the defect of excuse other, do not be afraid that other people is not polite to oneself. The sea of sky blue, resemble an endless book more, church the truth that we are an upright person, give us the courage on the life. Piece 2: I love sea   friend, do you like the sea? Anyway I like. Like to sit in the beach to go up to see spoondrift or crouch on reef to collect shell, like the sea wind of blow gently and hovered mew, the calm that still likes the sea is like lens, day water is monochromatic, the surging forward with great momentum that prefers the sea and insurgent vitality... I love the sea. Summer vacation time at the beginning, I am worn with respect to beg of ground of too impatient to wait father mother takes me to arrive seaside amuse oneself. Come to sunshine seaside, I run to the beach hastily, ah ah, fine fine sand is worn like aureate damask tile, soft soft, barefoot is walking, one foot a chasm, extremely comfortable. Sun farther-in-law resembles a charmer, get azure sea deck wave light is crystalline. The spoondrift of vicinity emerges often beach, mutual angle is playing, striking rock, give out blast a lively sound, seem to welcoming the arrival of far guest; The ocean wave one after another of far, one connects, mutual angle is worn, gallopping, evil spirit it is good-looking. I am flapping gently with handle gently surfy, mischievous spoondrift is splashed removed countless petty drip, splash in the coolish on the face is comfortable really. You look, the spoondrift that this gallops resembles each naughty little baby more. My picking up is worn conch, of brightly colored, in sunshine beamed below glisten, very beautiful. I am elated one rises with wet fine sandpile build by laying bricks or stones on the beach " the castle " , place conch inside, be like each dutiful " piquet " standing fast post. The Bai Fan on offing is nodded, with the sky Cheng Hui of Bai Yun set each other off, a few volitant mew are fluttering with the wind, revealing it that lithe and graceful dance appearance. The people of amuse oneself, or stand, or sit, or lie, or run, mutual josh is worn, viewing and admire " beach of water of blue sky, green jade, gold " , extremely satisfied. I love the sea, love the sunshine that develops flourishingly more! We should learn hard, be brought up to build sunshine more goodly later! Piece 3: I love sea   Dalian is draw near according to hill the littoral town with water, picturesque scenery, here has a lot of attractive landscape, but most make of my enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave is sea of overflow of green jade heave. In the morning, when the sun has not risen, I come to the seaside, sunrise is watched on Jiao Shi. A sea wind is blown, make I feel relaxed and happy, I at the same time fresh air of sorption of big mouth is big ground, visitting the place of sea day have a common boundary at the same time. Differ meeting, the sun resembles a big bolide like, eastwardly rise gradually, resplendent, illuminate the sea redly, bride of copy figure of Buddha draped aureate veil, appear tender all the more. Midday, offshore and windward Ping Langjing, stroke of a sea wind passes, bring a dimple to offing. My look is looked at, visit day sea connecting office, blue waves is clear, bai Fan is nodded, a flock of group mew, beat is worn white wing, from time to time develops blue sky, from time to time circles it is all round ship sail. The salangane of unwilling give the impression of weakness opens the wing of pitch-black color, move back and forth between blue sky blue sea. Bai Fan, mew, salangane is beautiful maritime scenery to pursue, added exuberant opportunity of survival. Towards evening, the sea was angry it seems that, offing furls billow of a platoon. Some resembling by tens of thousands white steed, ground of advance side by side- do two or more things at once develops shoreward side; Some male like a head lion hold his head high howl; A some resembling a megalosaurus, on offing the leap gallops. Following one by one sea is hit on reef, splash an a meter many tall spoondrift. Is Su Shi of great poet of true face resembling the Song Dynasty in this occasion " charming reading aloud a slave? ; Chibi meditate on the past " in be written: "Jing billows takes a bank, furl 1000 caboodle snow " . I am looking at great waves billow, admiring sea beautiful scenery while, the heart furls ceaselessly countless spoondrift, want to change the billow in the sea, precipitant; Also want to change the Bai Fan on the sea, brave the wind and waves; Still want to change mew, in the sea in the sky, volant fly... piece 4: I love sea of sea   my love, love it that boundless imposing manner, love its vast, love its ten thousand changes in the twinkling of an eye, sometimes surfy, resemble only fierce tiger; Sometimes calm, resemble amiable and tender mother; Sometimes wave light is crystalline, golden light twinkles, resembling was to walk into elfland. Stand in the seaside, sea wind is blown head on, feel person is extremely relaxed immediately. The sun of brilliant red is illuminated on azure and azure offing, on offing gloden, the ground like brocade is showing dazzling ray, gorgeous. Ocean wave is flapping that grotesque reef on sea wall, splash the spoondrift that has white, resembling is the eye wave with ten million bright line, the show that staring spring is lubricious. Look! The Jing that takes a bank then billows sound, the joyous laugh of people, the hooter sound of ocean wave sound and ship interweaves together, formed a wonderful and pleasant symphony. After flood passes, hai Zaiyang falls solely more glow, scrutiny, maritime the conch that has a lot of multicoloured, I and mom are in together maritime keep collecting shell, like scale moire an one bend over, give out those who have rhythm " clang -- clang -- " sound. What there is midsummer here is burning hot, without urban hubbub and roaring sound, it is the good place that people is away for the summer holidays. The sea, really strange and changeful changeful an eccentric person. Yesterday, eyeful is the chaotic billow of Huang Tao flood, became however this morning boundless " fresh and green prairie " . Seawater shows sap green slightly, wind is not big, there is a spoondrift of a silvery white on surface. Salangane is sticking surface low fly forage, jellyfish resembles in water ground of pop one's head in and look about is hanging like small umbrella. I love the sea, love all the year round, the boundless love that I love it its vast, love its ten thousand changes in the twinkling of an eye, those who love it is billowy, those who love it is calm. Piece 5: I love the azure blue of sea of sea   my love; What I love the sea is broad; What I love the sea is deep and serene; I love the mind of the sea; Everything of the sea is precious, everything of the sea is beautiful. Saw the sea, all vexed things vanished completely entirely. The sound of surfy rap coast, orphean; The sea that beautiful colour garment, good-looking; The sea, I envy you to admire you again already. You have luxuriant appearance, below Dan Huali's appearance, fed altruisticly again two hundred and seventy-six million four hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-two life, it is you, gave them all. The fish to marine world for, you are their life, it is their mother, without you, also did not have them. To the beach on the bank, you are their good partner, it is their indispensable adornment, did not have you, they are half-baked; They are not happy. To our mankind, you are our intimate, our joy and sadness must want to be shared with you it seems that, and you, also won't betray us. The sea, you are our model really. The sea, come to you before, I am so insignificant, so negligible. You surrounded my every atrium with that pure and fresh seawater, my tired clear off, light is full of before let me, be full of a hope. What you took away me is sad, took away my weakness, took away my unpleasantness. Like making me OK resemble you, carefree. You are me the compass in boundless and indistinct distance, make me OK in oppressing heavily pant. You as if is the 2nd my mom, when I am sad, wipe tear for me. You as if is my bosom friend, with me each other appeals to aspirations. You as if is the 3rd my teacher, hour is cautionary I am an upright person should have morality. Look in me, worldly all truths, the real situation is assembled in in you that capacious bosom. The sea, you love to mine, I am experienced. Piece 6: I love the spoondrift of sea of sea   my love. What seawater furls is surfy, the beauty like the bluebonnet that resembles blooming is attractive. The sea ases if is a mischievous child: You are strolling in the beach, she piquant abrupt go at you, turn you into at a draught " soaked through " ; When swimming, she jumps livelily into your mouth, make you lifelong and unforgettable this agonized seawater flavor; You just wanted to get angry, she resembles a bashful girl however, one face about leaves you stealthily, look at you aloof; But sometimes, she is just as angry lion, howling go at bank, striking rock, imposing manner is grandiose and grand. I love the beach of the seaside. Summer, barefoot goes on white and close beach, below the foot soft soft, extremely comfortable. The child's heaven is here: Some at a gallop, angle is worn, the match is worn turn a somersault, roll about; Some in threes and fours surround carve playing sand together, flat even use sand to bury his, play the game that had to play hide-and-seek; Return some to chasing after spoondrift, contend for the gift that grabs seawater to deliver -- conch, cobble, often give out happy Jing cry; More some is covering natant group, water was hit to battle in the sea... and the ground looks at the old people smilingly below sun umbrella these play mad child. I love this broad sea. Stroke face and the sea wind that come, that silk is cool in, have light taste of seawater; Scan widely looks, the offing that sees wave light is crystalline only is boundless, the Yu Fan of far ases if every piece leaf, wear in the in rising and fall float of wave; Mew from time to time is sticking offing low low-lying glide, flashy volant fly on headroom, give out lively toot cry... look at look at, can let us unexpectedly produce in these child hearts go to sea have how old, our bosom has how old far to think of come. I love that boundless sea! The hope can help you, hope to adopt, thank

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