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Before Jarret Stopforth takes his first sip of coffee, he adds cream and sugar to mask the bitterness. 杰瑞特·斯托普福斯抿了第一口咖啡,他加了奶油和糖掩盖苦味。 But then, he thought, why settle for a regular cup of joe? So the food scientist decided to reengineer coffee, brewing it without the bitterness — or the bean. 但是之后,他想,为什么要满足于一杯普通的咖啡呢?于是这位食品科学家决定重组咖啡的结构,让发酵的咖啡没有苦味,也不使用咖啡豆。 "I started thinking, we have to be able to break coffee down to its core components and look at how to optimize it," he explains. “我开始想,我们必须将咖啡分解到只剩核心成分,然后思考如何充分利用这些成分。”他解释道。 Stopforth, who has worked with other food brands such as Chobani, Kettle & Fire and Soylent, partnered with entrepreneur Andy Kleitsch to launch Atomo. 斯托普福斯和其他食品品牌合作过,例如Chobani酸奶,Kettle&Fire汤品,以及Soylent代餐食品。他现在和企业家安迪·克莱奇合作,推出Atomo咖啡。 The pair turned a Seattle garage into a brewing lab and spent four months running green beans, roasted beans and brewed coffee through gas and liquid chromatography to separate and catalog more than 1,000 compounds in coffee to create a product that had the same color, aroma, flavor and mouthfeel as coffee. 这两人将西雅图的一个车库改造成发酵实验室,他们花了四个月的时间种青豆,烤制豆子,以及发酵咖啡。他们用气体和液体层析来分离1000多种咖啡中的成分,并对其进行分类,以便创造出一种与咖啡有着同样颜色、香气、口味和口感的产品。

"As we got deeper into the process, we learned more about the threats to the coffee world as a whole — threats to the environment from deforestation, global warming and [a devastating fungus called] rust, and we were even more committed to making a consistently great coffee that was also better for the environment," Stopforth says. “随着我们在过程中渐渐深入,我们了解到更多对整个咖啡世界的威胁--由砍伐森林、全球变暖、(叫做真菌的毁灭性的)生锈引起的环境威胁,然后我们更加坚定地想研发出一种一直都很棒的咖啡,这种咖啡对环境更好。”斯托普福斯说道。 This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. 这块场地受reCAPTCHA和谷歌隐私政策和服务条款的保护。 The amount of land suitable for growing coffee is expected to shrink by an estimated 50% by 2050, according to a report by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture. 根据国际热带农业中心的一项报告,到2050年,预计适合种植咖啡豆的土地将缩减50%。
