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拉斯维加斯简称? 拉斯维加斯起源?英文双语对照


拉斯维加斯简称? 拉斯维加斯起源?英文双语对照


拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州最大的城市,克拉克县的县治,也是座享有极高国际声誉的城市。












2、拉斯维加斯位于美国西部内华达州东南部的一片荒凉山谷中,“拉斯维加斯” 是西班牙语是 “肥沃的青草地”之意。拉斯维加斯建市于1905年




海拔719 m


拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州最大的城市,克拉克县的县治,也是座享有极高国际声誉的城市。


拉斯维加斯 是美国内华达州最大的城市,克拉克县的县治,也是座享有极高国际声誉的城市。拉斯维加斯总人口数达269.9万。




拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州的最大城市,以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,是世界知名的度假圣地之一。从一个巨型游乐场到一个真正有血有肉、活色生香的城市,拉斯维加斯在10年间脱胎换骨。每年来拉斯维加斯旅游的3890万旅客中,来购物和享受美食的占了大多数,专程来赌博的只占少数。内华达州这个曾经被人讽刺为“罪恶之城”的赌城,已经逐步成熟,成为一个真正的城市了。


    DiGiCo的辉煌之路  国的切斯顿小镇,举办一场派对。




  这个传奇的故事要从前任执行总监Bob Doyle、营销总监David ‘Webby’Webster走近DiGiCo公司的前身——Soundtracs说起,他们二人拥有同公司技术总监John Stadius相同的信念,就是打造引领和塑造未来的产品。

经过这些年发展,公司的管理权交给了同样拥有明星气质、才华出众的新执行总监James Gordon,而现任运营总监Helen Culleton和市场协调员MariaFiorellino也为公司带来了源源不断的活力和欢乐。



”  DiGiCo在过去的十年间取得了突出的成就,这使得人们很容易忘记Soundtracs这一品牌,它是Stadius先生参与数字革命的起点。


  Soundtracs时代的开始  之后便是Soundtracs时代的开始,他接着说道:“大约在1979年前后,迪斯科市场变得紧缩,公司之间的竞争变得十分激烈。

”Soundout实验室从那时起开始以Frunt品牌名称生产吉他放大器和小型调音台设备,此后,公司的德国经销商Peter Struven建议将生产的重点转为大型调音台产品,并提出将公司名称改为Soundtracs或许会更受欢迎。


我们曾有过这样的广告:Peter Struven站在调音台的旋钮上,


描述了上世纪六十年代拉斯维加斯‘牛仔警长’Ralph Lamb(丹尼斯·奎德)的故事。在那个年代,拉斯维加斯依靠赌场和夜总会成为美国的‘娱乐圣地’,但各种丑恶现象也随之而来,特别是各种黑帮势力横行,严重危害当地的治安。


Pull Si Wei to add Si Jian to say?

Las Vegas (Las Vegas) it is the city with American the biggest Nevada, carat overcomes prefectural county to treat, also be a city that enjoys reputation of extremely tall international.

Las Vegas builds city on May 15, 1905, because be located in the desert brim of Nevada, border land, pull Siweijiasi so annual high temperature.

Las Vegas ranks one of 4 high play cities of world, it is a travel that is a center with gambling line of business, shop, the world that go vacationing is famous go vacationing city, have " of world entertainment " and " those who marry " good name.

Is Las Vegas genetic?

Las Vegas was built 1854, by in the United States the Mormon western builds at that time, mormon change goes later, american government makes its become an army service station. "Las Vegas " Spaish has the name, means " fecund valley " , because Las Vegas is all round desolate desert and the oasis that half desert region has spring water exclusively, because have spring water, make the terminal of the dak of contact highway and railroad gradually. It opens pier 1905. After Nevada discovers bullion ore deposit, a large number of gold digger are swarmed into, las Vegas begins prosperity, but as western each mining town is same, once mine is met by daylighting,be abandoned. Was in the United States 1931 great flat period, to spend economic crisis, nevada parliament carried game lawful second reading, las Vegas becomes to bet a city, rise abruptly quickly from now on. Dam of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad Buddha of build of of the same age, the project was finished 1935. The Las Vegas that bet a city is controlled by Maffia in a long time. Billionaire of acting 1960 evening is suddenly China heart · rests this bought a lot of property from inside Maffia hand, make Las Vegas cast off the control of Maffia.

Does Liuzhou pull Siweijiasi?

Had better not go, went buying sheet last, look 5400, ask the clerk is hit fold, what the clerk distains is right I say us lowest of this president balcony is consumed of 18000 do not hit fold, gas is dead

Is Las Vegas how old?

Las Vegas has 340 square kilometer.

Las Vegas is located in beautiful country Hua Dasha desert to border area, there is the high mountain of 1000-3000 rice all round. Climate the four seasons of Las Vegas is trenchant. The summer is typical desert sex climate, noonday temperature often is as high as 38 ℃ left and right sides, highest can amount to 45 ℃ above. The temperature of evening is relatively cool. Constant regular meeting has thundershower weather, temperature should exceed average level. Climate is on winter whole gentle and appropriate, diurnal average temperature is controlled in 15 ℃ .

Las Vegas area?

1, area the Las Vegas of 340 square kilometer is one of 4 high play cities of world, also be a travel that is a center with gambling line of business, shop, the world that go vacationing is famous go vacationing city, have " of world entertainment " and " those who marry " good name

2, Las Vegas is located in the United States western in a of Nevada southeast ministry desolate valley, "Las Vegas " it is spanish be " fertile green grass ground " meaning. Las Vegas builds city 1905

3, the Las Vegas nowadays besides rich variety line of business, tourism also very develop, set luxurious hotel, cafeteria, still have museum, recreational establishment construction is perfect.

4, Las Vegas or world-famous meeting exhibit a center, every year millions person attends over can exhibit, conference exhibition center and desert conference exhibit Las Vegas the center is place's main meeting exhibits a place

Pull Si Wei to add Si Hai to unplug?

Altitude 719 M

 Las Vegas, the valley area that is located in borderland of beautiful country Hua Dasha desert, by all round the high mountain of altitude 1000-3000 rice is surrounding, be in fall base mountain range east side n slope, precipitation is exiguous. Belong to semi-tropical desert climate, the summer is burning hot and dry, difference in temperature of day and night is big, winter climate is gentle and appropriate.

Las Vegas (Las Vegas) it is the city with American the biggest Nevada, carat overcomes prefectural county to treat, also be a city that enjoys reputation of extremely tall international.

Las Vegas population?

Las Vegas is the city with American the biggest Nevada, carat overcomes prefectural county to treat, also be a city that enjoys reputation of extremely tall international. Total population amounts to Las Vegas 2.699 million.

Las Vegas builds city on May 15, 1905, because be located in the desert brim of Nevada, border land, pull Siweijiasi so annual high temperature.

Las Vegas ranks one of 4 high play cities of world, it is a travel that is a center with gambling line of business, shop, the world that go vacationing is famous go vacationing city, have " of world entertainment " and " those who marry " good name.

Does the United States pull Si Wei to add Si Jian to upright?

Las Vegas (Las Vegas) the biggest city that is American Nevada, the giant travel that is a center with gambling line of business, shop, go vacationing industry and famous, it is the world goes vacationing famously one of bethel. From giant pleasure ground arrives a real true to life, live scene gives birth to sweet city, las Vegas is in 10 years a thoroughly remould oneself. In draw the 38.9 million guest that Siweijiasi travels every year, came to what shop and enjoy cate hold great majority, a be in the minority that will gamble on a special trip. Nevada once was this by person satirize " Babylon city " bet a city, had matured stage by stage, become a true city.

Does Las Vegas publicize catchword?

The Qiesidu of the brilliant road country of DiGiCo is small town, hold a clique to be opposite.

Of extraordinary is, this clique is right had lasted 10 years so far, and become as the elapse of time send more lively.

Sending the right person that sponsor is the familiar face in professional frequency industry, their inchoate to the industry history remain fresh in one's memory, think the industry grows to still be full of fun and good luck up to now.

If will " true person is beautiful " camera camera lens targets frequency industry, the star of these DiGiCo companies can show itself certainly.

The story of this legend should carry out David of chief inspector of chief inspector Bob Doyle, sale from predecessor ' Webby ' Webster approachs the predecessor of DiGiCo company -- Soundtracs speaks of, they 2 people are had with the belief with company CTO identical John Stadius, make the product that lead and shapes future namely.

Through these year of development, the administrative power of the company gave have the James Gordon of new executive inspector general with star temperament, outstanding talent likewise, and MariaFiorellino of the member that currently hold the post ofHelen Culleton of operation chief inspector and market to coordinate also brought the vigor with constant in a steady stream and joy for the company.

"Our extraordinary, often can highlight from inside the industry consequently come out, " Mr Gordon explained a reason to us, "The company already became last independent sound console manufacturer now, reminding us at this o'clock momently: Why the choose of most person selected among us enters this industry

Its reason is not to earn big money or wear famous brand business suit, because we are right,be merely the passion of the industry.

"     DiGiCo is in 10 years of in the past obtained outstanding achievement, this makes people very easy forget Soundtracs this one brand, it is the starting point that Mr Stadius shares digital revolution.

In fact, this company should be celebrated for 3 fete this year -- DiGiCo brand establishs heart of whole body of 10 anniversary, Mr Stadius throws digital market 20 anniversary, and predecessor Soundout lab is imagined at offerring business first 1972 up to now 40 anniversary.

The beginning of Soundtracs times is after the beginning of Soundtracs times, he catchs say: "Be in about 1979 around, disco market becomes constrictive, the competition between the company becomes very intense.

" begin to produce guitar amplifier and equipment of small-sized sound console with Frunt brand name since Soundout lab thenceforth, after this, the key that the German agency Peter Struven of the company suggests to will be produced turns for product of large sound console, put forward to meet Soundtracs of company name instead probably more welcome.

"He helps us be developed inchoate a few coronals the sound console with Soundtracs brand, they inside buy is in flight box.

We ever had had such ad: Peter Struven stands on the knob of sound console,

Play Siweijiasi's story?

Described on 60 time pull the century Siweijiasi ' bull-puncher superintendent ' Ralph Lamb (Dennis · Kui heart) story. In that time, pull Siweijiasi to rely on gambling house and nightclub to become the United States ' recreational bethel ' , but all sorts of filthy phenomena also subsequently and come, especially infestation of all sorts of sinister gang force, endanger local public security badly.

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