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生活小常识? 生活急救小常识?英文双语对照


生活小常识? 生活急救小常识?英文双语对照












1 学习生活中必须掌握急救小常识,有时候救人一秒钟胜过造桥修路。2 掌握急救小常识可以及时解决意外急救问题,减少人员伤亡的发生。3 问询专业医生并寻求教育培训可以加深了解,此外也可以通过线上或线下手册了解相关知识和技能。



1. 安全用电:了解安全用电的基本原则,如不私拉乱接电线,使用正规电器,定期检查电器的安全性,避免触电事故。

2. 食品安全:了解食品保质期、储存条件和食品安全知识,购买新鲜、质量可靠的食品,避免过期食品,注意个人卫生。

3. 急救知识:了解一些基本的急救知识和技能,如心肺复苏、止血、烧伤处理等,以便在紧急情况下能够自救或帮助他人。

4. 防火安全:了解火源管理、火灾预防和逃生技巧,定期检查家中的消防设备,如灭火器、烟雾报警器等。

5. 节能环保:养成节能环保的生活习惯,如节约用水、用电,减少塑料袋使用,分类回收垃圾等。

6. 健康饮食:保持健康的饮食习惯,如多吃蔬菜水果、全谷物、低脂肪食品,少吃高盐、高糖、高脂肪食品。

7. 运动锻炼:保持规律的锻炼习惯,如每周进行至少150分钟的中等强度有氧运动,或者每周进行至少75分钟的高强度有氧运动。

8. 定期体检:按照医生建议进行定期体检,以便及时发现并治疗潜在的健康问题。

9. 睡眠习惯:养成良好的睡眠习惯,保持规律的作息时间,确保每晚获得足够的睡眠时间,以保持身心健康。

10. 人际关系:学会处理人际关系,尊重他人,与他人友好相处,保持良好的沟通和倾听能力。



您好,1. 感恩身体健康:注意饮食、适当锻炼、定期体检,保持健康的身体。

2. 感恩家人和朋友:与亲人和朋友保持联系,关心他们的生活,不忘表达感激之情。

3. 感恩所拥有的:珍惜自己所拥有的一切,不要过分追求物质财富。

4. 感恩工作和收入:对待工作认真负责,珍惜自己的收入,不要浪费。

5. 感恩自然环境:保护环境,爱护动物和植物,不要破坏生态平衡。

6. 感恩生活中的小事:感悟生活中的美好,珍惜每一个小幸福。

7. 感恩他人的帮助:感激他人给予的帮助,不要忘记回报。

8. 感恩过去和未来:感谢过去的经历和成长,展望未来的美好,充满希望和信心。























   小猪听了回答道:「捉你们和捉我完全是两回事,他捉你们,只是要你们的毛和乳汁,但是捉住我,却是要我的命呢!」 立场不同、所处环境不同的人,很难了解对方的感受;因此对别人的失意、挫折、伤痛,不宜幸灾乐祸,而应要有关怀、了解的心情。 2、靠自己 小蜗牛问妈妈:为什么我们从生下来,就要背负这个又硬又重的壳呢? 妈妈:因为我们的身体没有骨骼的支撑,只能爬,又爬不快。

   所以要这个壳的保护! 小蜗牛:毛虫姊姊没有骨头,也爬不快,为什么她却不用背这个又硬又重的壳呢? 妈妈:因为毛虫姊姊能变成蝴蝶,天空会保护她啊。 小蜗牛:可是蚯蚓弟弟也没骨头爬不快,也不会变成蝴蝶他什么不背这个又硬又重的壳呢? 妈妈:因为蚯蚓弟弟会钻土, 大地会保护他啊。

   小蜗牛哭了起来:我们好可怜,天空不保护,大地也不保护。 蜗牛妈妈安慰他:「所以我们有壳啊!」我们不靠天,也不靠地,我们靠自己。












Life little common sense?

10 commonly used Xiaochang in the life are known

1, when sweeping the floor, a polybag is covered on broom, can suck the hair on the dwelling place effectively.

2, with last film encases the root ministry of banana, can lengthen last time.

3, an apple is put in potato caboodle, can lengthen potato deposit time.

4, cut chili ruthless method, can wash his hands with toothpaste, the result is right.

5, sweater cuff or collarband lost flexibility, can immerse cuff or collar 20 minutes in hot water, the flexibility after air can restore many.

6, hair of golden jewelry surface is old, dip in a few toothpaste is wiped gently, can become more shining.

7, the hair that has done newly, before sleeping, the filar towel with a glossy quality of a material is spread on the pillow, can help a hair effectively changeless model.

8, the flower that inserts in bottle is added in clear water a few white vinegar or blanch water, can make keep of flower longer colourfully.

Does Xiaochang know life emergency treatment?

Emergency treatment little common sense must master in 1 study life, save a person one second to surpass bridging to build a road occasionally. Problem of the 2 emergency treatment outside mastering emergency treatment little common sense to be able to in time explain will, reduce the happening of personal casualty. It is OK that doctor of 3 majors asking ask seeks education to groom deepen understanding, also can go up through the line in addition or the manual below the line understands relevant knowledge and technical ability.

Is the life necessary little common sense?

There are a lot of necessary little common senses in the life, they can help you solve all sorts of problems in daily life. It is a few proposals below:

1.Safety uses phone: Understanding safety uses basic principle of report, be like not illicit pull chaos to receive electrical wiring, use standard electric equipment, check the security of electric equipment regularly, prevent accident getting an electric shock.

2.Food safety: Understanding food expiration period, store condition and food safety knowledge, buy the food with fresh, reliable quality, avoid to expire food, notice the individual is wholesome.

3.Emergency treatment knowledge: Understand a few basic emergency treatment knowledge and technical ability, if heart lungs anabiosises, processing of hemostatic, burn, so that be below emergency,can save oneself or help another person.

4.Fire prevention safety: Understanding fire source control, fire prevents and flee for his life skill, inspect a medium fire control facility regularly, wait like warning apparatus of fire extinguisher, aerosol.

5.Energy-saving environmental protection: Nurturance is energy-saving the habits and customs of environmental protection, be like managing with water, with report, reduce polybag to use, classification reclaims rubbish.

6.Healthy diet: Hold healthy dietary convention, if eat vegetable fruit, complete cereal, low adipose food more, eat tall salt, high in syrup, fast adipose food less.

7.Motion takes exercise: Carry the law exercise a habit, like the moderate strength that has at least 150 minutes every week oxygen moves, the high strength that perhaps has at least 75 minutes every week has oxygen campaign.

8.Fixed check-up: According to the doctor the proposal undertakes fixed check-up, so that seasonable discovery treats potential healthy problem.

9.Morpheus habit: The Morpheus with good nurturance is used to, hold time of work and rest, ensure win enough Morpheus time every night, in order to maintain health of body and mind.

10.Human relation: The society handles human relation, esteem other, as friendly as other get along, the communication that keeps good and listen attentively to ability.

Above is a few lives only the example of necessary little common sense, specific content may need surroundings of sue for peace because of the individual and differ somewhat. Learn ceaselessly and accumulate experience of life, all sorts of problems in conducing to you answering daily life better.

Be thankful life little common sense?

Hello, 1. Be thankful healthy: The attention is food, proper take exercise, fixed check-up, hold healthy body.

2.Be thankful family and friend: Maintain connection with family member and friend, care their life, do not forget to express appreciative feeling.

3.Be thankful what have: Cherish everything what what oneself have, seek corporeal money not overly.

4.Be thankful the job and income: Treat the job to be in charge of seriously, cherish oneself income, not wasteful.

5.Be thankful environment: Protect an environment, cherish animal and plant, do not destroy ecological balance.

6.Be thankful the bagatelle in the life: Comprehend the happiness in the life, cherish each small happiness.

7.Be thankful the help of other: Appreciate the help that other offers, do not forget redound.

8.Be thankful to go and did not come: The experience that thanks the past and grow, look into prospective happiness, be full of hope and confidence.

Lucky life little common sense?

One, not close fool, be on friendly terms of Ying Yuxian's person; Respect has heart person, it is to be the luckiest

Close Chinese ink of one takes on the color of one's company person black, want to get the life of good fortune as one wishes, do not want He Yu's crazy person too be on friendly terms, ought to often with wisdom person chat study, and respect have the person of moral. person of alleged things of one kind come together with group cent, stand by what person when us, meet what person, and interact for be apt to with a person of virtue, most lucky.

2, live to be in aptly, have moral erstwhile; Handle the right way personally, it is to be the luckiest

People saying, blessing person occupies treasure ground, the person resides Fudefu. The person is worldly and best geomantic it is in the person's heart, have the person of heart, where walking along is treasure ground, living where is " very geomantic " . The heart is going, not harm others to benefit oneself, be no good miscreant, can make lucky life.

3, hear technology energy more, severe maintain all religious discipline; Popular feeling of one's words Yue, it is to be the luckiest

Between the world the life wants pray to Buddha not only, even craft of be proficient in, learn the skill of livelihood hard. Art do not press a body more, technology energy not anxious life does not have safeguard. Even severe in the life maintain religious discipline, must not do caustic person damage personal thing, other often should be praised between the way one speaks or what he says, heart of cheerful other people, oral on many accumulate virtue, such most lucky.

4, support sb is parental, care wife and child; Want from course of study harmless, it is to be the luckiest

Life is in the home must filial piety foster parent, care wife and son, appropriate has run the concern of oneself and family, create the life atmosphere with a harmonious perfect happiness. The type of work that the job is engaged in, scarcely can be the profession that harms other and animal, because everything has good and evil, you harm other, can get necessarily the harm of other. Accomplish a family harmonious, job is harmless, it is the luckiest behavior.

5, alms giving good quality and style, help many one's relatives; Behavior does not have careless mistake, it is to be the luckiest

Beneficent and inevitable accumulate virtue, alms giving also can breed blessing heart wisdom for oneself. Often helping the close friends beside oneself is stranger even, leave reason of numerous be apt to with respect to meeting knot. Bearing of oneself words and deeds does not have careless omission, can standard of according to conscience will play, accomplish these most lucky.

Australia life little common sense?

Aussie pays attention to health and environmental protection very much, polybag won't be offerred to you when the supermarket shops, the shopping bag that carries oneself is very common. In addition, those who need an attention is Australia left travel and weather are changeful, constant meeting encounters heat wave, high temperature, arid, rainstorm wait for extreme weather. Aussie also very esteem other, abide by traffic regulation, avoid to make a racket in communal circumstance. Additional, aussie likes outdoors and recreational activity generally, for instance barbecue meets, camp, Pan Yan, surf. If you want to suit in Australian life, the proposal tries way of new food and drink, culture, activity, respect local culture and way of life.

Does life Xiaochang remember title?

Answer: ? Man of Huan of a surname of Bo of comfort of Dong of J of  plutonium 〕 ?

1, managing with water, make from me.

2, the life for the mankind and your oneself, cherish each water please!

3, managing today a water, leave later generations a blood.

4, weak water 3000, take my place to need.

5, the source that water is life, please managing with water.

6, Guo Zhidong bridge cannot be not had, the water of life cannot withered complete

Does life Xiaochang remember a story?

 Piggy listened to reply: " catch you and catching me is two different matters completely, he catchs you, the wool that just wants you and galactic, but nab me, be the lot that wants me however! " footing is different, located the person with different environment, understand the feeling of the other side very hard; Because of the frustrated, setback of this pair of others, pain, unfavorable take pleasure in other's misfortune, and the mood that should want to concern bosom, understanding. 2, rely on oneself small snail asks mother: Why we from be born, be about to bear this carapace that weighs forcedly again again? Mom: Because our body was not propped up skeletally, can climb only, climb discomfort again.

 Want the protection of this carapace so! Small snail: Elder sister of caterpillar elder sister does not have bone, also climb discomfort, why need not she carry this carapace that weighs forcedly again again on the back however? Mom: Because elder sister of caterpillar elder sister can become butterfly, the sky can protect her. Small snail: But earthworm little brother also does not have bone to climb discomfort, the carapace that his what does not carry this on the back to be weighed forcedly again again won't also turn butterfly into? Mom: Because earthworm little brother can get ground, the earth can protect him.

 Small snail cried: We are very pitiful, the sky is not protected, the earth also is not protected. Snail mom comforts him: " so we have case! " we do not rely on a day, also do not rely on the ground, we rely on ourselves.

Does Xiaochang know life health?

Sleep early rise early not to stay up late sleep must the rule!

Food is delicate eat protein of digestible food complement more.

Physical training is very important, hold to the motion having oxygen of half hour everyday.

Good state of mind is the most important.

Yuanxiao life little common sense?

Consuetudinary one: Guess riddles written on lanterns

According to account, guess riddles written on lanterns to begin to execute since the Southern Song Dynasty, be being returned to now is very popular. "The festival of lanterns had the earliest in the Western Han Dynasty, but guessing riddles written on lanterns is to appear in Song Chao however. When the Southern Song Dynasty, the capital is faced whenever the language of the riddle when the festival of lanterns, person that suspects riddles written on lanterns is very much,install, street face is very lively. It is to like the person that gives riddles written on lanterns to write riddle on scrip in the begining, stick on the colored lantern of different color to let people guess, come with this recreation. Because riddle can develop the person's wisdom, it is an absorbing thing, men and women can be participated in, love by the person of each phase.

Consuetudinary 2: Eat Yuanxiao

Eat Yuanxiao, it is a China an old traditional festival is consuetudinary, circle of reunion of meaning analogy group, smooth smooth An An. Eat in the festival of lanterns more, also have eat when mug-up, have a variety of stuffing stuff commonly, among them of stuffing of black sesame seed most common, yuanxiao besides general sort, still small dumpling of fermented glutinous rice waits for sort

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