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秒杀成功原则:在指定秒杀时间段拍下的,且在我们规定时间点后,按照支付宝付款顺序排序,得出秒杀成功者。如有买家付款时间重叠,则再参照拍下时间。每天的不同特殊上架金额和有效付款时间点,我店将在每天的14:40分提前公布在秒杀活动页面及更新秒杀商品页面。(比如,2月25日我店上架G455AM320,秒杀价格132.48元,当天15:00:19付款有效,那在15:00这个时间段,有买家是15:00商品上架后拍下,在15:00:19完成付款的,就算是他秒杀到了,19秒没人秒杀到,就选20秒的,以此类推。付款时间以“成交记录”上的为准。秒杀成功的朋友,请在数天后收到机器后申请退款131.48元,表示付1元给我们就行了。)1服务器压力:在秒杀活动开始的前5分钟内,访问流量会放大到3-5倍,甚至10倍以上,平时设计的压力容量,在这里根本发挥不了作用,如数据保存不了,服务不响应。比如商场的Nike专柜搞活动,所有鞋1元销售,20:00开始,服务员只有3位,大家蜂拥而上,大多数人压根就看不到鞋。  2抢拍器:很多人说,我点下去就没有啦,一点不奇怪,抢拍器在活动开始的前2-5分钟启动,每秒钟可以想淘宝发几十次请求,所有商品一上架,秒杀器在0.1秒钟不到就知道上架啦,接下来马上执行下单操作,应该在0.05秒就可以完成,所以抢拍器基本在0.15秒钟就可以将商品拍下。普通人使用浏览器(浏览器加载一个页面就需要2-3秒钟),根本做不到,抢拍器是基于http协议做的,完全可以做到,目前最好用的仍然是安百中国的联合抢拍器。  3关于验证码问题:绝大多数站点都很难解决,其实验证码可以通过提前访问而获取到的。  秒杀活动,本意是好的,但是普通人你不使用秒杀器你基本不会买到商品的。不少站点说封杀抢拍器,但是知道HTTP的人都知道,服务器端不会知道是人还是抢拍器在做这个事情,对付低级的抢拍器是可以的,但是高级点的抢拍器是没有办法的,就比如说安百中国联合抢拍器。不少人在发牢骚,其实很多使用抢拍器的人在偷笑。当然如果这些活动不会惠及到普通人,让少部分人得益,重在参与,乐在其中。秒杀时秒抢的技巧  由于所有参与“秒杀”的产品都是以不可思议的低价呈现,因此全国各地数百万计的顾客一到“秒杀”时段就会守在电脑前不断点击和刷新,进行抢拍。时间稍纵即逝,参与“秒杀”的商品就会拍完下架。  [1]  硬件好,才是硬道理  首先,确保你的电脑配置和中国速在众多买家中处于先进水平,没法达到顶级,至少也得中上。如果你的电脑指标不合格,赶紧先奔电脑城升个级吧。秒杀族群同时,尽量使用更快速的浏览器,如火狐,Maxthon等等,尽管不同浏览器带来的速度差别如刘翔、罗伯斯之间0.01秒的差距一样微乎其微,但这0.01秒就是胜负的分界,一点都不能含糊!  争分夺秒  做为一个合格的秒抢达人,时间都是以秒为单位的,不要忽略鼠标滑轮转动的一瞬间,说不定就是这一瞬间,一眨眼的时间里,你就会与宝贝失之交臂哦。  准备充分,杜绝临阵掉链子  一个秒杀达人的时间观,绝非是以秒为最小计时单位的。一次鼠标滑轮的转动、一次眨眼,0.1秒,0.01秒的微妙差距,都可能与产品失之交臂。充分的准备工作是防止临阵掉链子的有效方法。  首先,看准想要得到的宝贝,记下确切的开始时间,怕忘记的话可以校好你的闹钟提醒,最好早于半个小时登入淘宝中国。  开拍前确认自己处于登陆状态,支付宝有充裕的余额,可别忘了每件宝贝除了产品价格之外,都要另加运费。  这里一定要提示大家的是:不管是淘宝的秒杀,还是其他商城的秒抢活动,不要以为只要秒抢下来,宝贝就是你的了,最终还是要以支付为准的,在秒杀开始之前,一定要检查你的收货学校是不是已经填写好了,为了节约时间,支付保密码要尽量简短一点,并且输入验证码的时候一定不要因为慌乱而错失良机。  从拍下到支付,一气呵成  淘宝秒杀和其他产品的中国购程序有所差别,不是以拍下为准,而是以最终支付为准。千万别以为拍下了就能松口气,多眨几下眼睛都不行!  在秒杀即将开始之前,尽可能快地刷新产品中国页。看到立即购买的字样跳出,这时可千万别懵了,要以条件反射般的极限速度开始接下来的步骤。  切记,在选择收货学校的时候,事先删除多余的学校,仅剩有效的一个,好几排学校栏,鼠标拖动中国页以及考虑选择又会费去不必要的时间。  付款的时候,支付宝密码要短,且异常熟练。这个时候因为慌乱而输错可就前功尽弃了。  秒杀之前的练习  如果你是第一次中国购,或者对于中国购不是很熟悉的话,建议你在秒杀之前,先进行模拟演习,练习的过程中,你会发现自己哪个环节比较欠缺,从而不断的协调手指和眼睛的协调性,这样,练习熟练之后,在秒杀的时候就得心应手啦。  传说中手起刀落的功夫是怎么来的?当然练出来的!建议不太熟练的买家可以进行完整程序和分段式的模拟演习。分段式练习可以包括某个薄弱环节的加速训练,以及手指、眼睛的协调能力等等基本功。有条件者还可以用秒表计时,这样可以对各方面的缺陷有一个精准的估量,对于提高速度大有帮助。  探寻秒杀终极乐趣,调动最大潜能  什么是杀手的最高境界?庖丁解牛里说的是:全以神运,刀入牛身若“无厚入有间”而游刃有余。秒杀的终极乐趣何在?据某位成功7次的“连环杀手”介绍,秒杀的快感在于过程,而非收获的结果,她已将秒杀看成是一种由刺激带来的精神快感和成就感。看来凡事都需要激情的支配,方能调动起最大的潜能,这话一点都没错。  其它注意事项  千万在秒抢之前,多看看中国站的要求,有部分中国站对参与者有资格要求。  最好在秒抢前,将正在下载的文件关闭,保证中国络畅通,在秒杀,秒抢前5秒就进行点击,一般情况下计算机服务器和我们本地传输都有时间差,多数中国络技术员会提前几秒就开始。  如正在秒杀的商品自己很喜欢,可将秒杀栏目发给多个好友一起参与,这样秒抢到的机会就大一些啦。  在秒杀前,调整好心态,免得没有秒抢到,砸坏本本电脑,更多的时候应将它视为一种购物游戏。  相信掌握了以上技巧之后,秒抢的时候一定会马到成功的


The second kills successful principle: In appoint a second to reduce time paragraph pat, and after we stipulate time is nodded, according to pay treasure to pay ordinal sort, reach the second kills the person that succeed. If have,buy the home to pay time jackknife, consult again take next time. Everyday different and special go up an amount and pay effectively time place, my inn will be in everyday 14: Announce 40 minutes ahead of schedule mobile page and newer second are killed to fight commodity page in the second. (for instance, g455AM320 was worn on my inn on Feburary 25, second Jew case 132.48 yuan, that day 15: 00: 19 pay effective, that is in 15: This 00 time paragraph, have buying the home is 15: After be being worn on 00 commodity, pat, in 15: 00: 19 finish pay, be his second to be killed, nobody second kills 19 seconds, choose 20 seconds, with this analogize. Pay time with " clinch a deal record " go up to allow. The second kills successful friend, refund of the application after the machine is being gotten after counting a day please 131.48 yuan, express to paid 1 yuan to go to us. ) 1 server pressure: Inside before the second kills what the activity begins 5 minutes, visit discharge can magnify 3-5 times, even 10 times above, the pressure capacity that designs at ordinary times, cannot produce effect at all here, if data cannot be saved, the service is not answered. For instance the Nike shop of bazaar organizes an activity, all shoes are sold 1 yuan, 20: 00 begin, the clerk has 3 only, everybody flocks and go up, most person presses a root to cannot see a shoe. 2 grab pat implement: A lot of people say, my dot goes down to be done not have, not strange, grab pat implement begin in the activity before 2-5 minute start, per sec. can think the hair that clean out treasure requests a few times, all commodity go up frame, the second is killed implement do not arrive to know to be worn on the road in 0.1 seconds, execute operation issueing sheet immediately next, should be in 0.05 seconds can be finished, grab so pat implement be in 0.15 seconds basically to be able to take commodity. Everyman uses a browser (a page needs browser to load 2-3 second) , do not do at all, grab pat implement be to be based on Http agreement to do, can accomplish completely, the remains An Baizhong country combination that had better use at present is grabbed pat implement. 3 pile up a problem about test and verify: Great majority site is solved very hard, actually test and verify piles up what can be visited through shifting to an earlier date and get. The second reduces an activity, original idea is good, but you do not use Everyman the second is killed implement you won't buy goods basically. Many sites say to ban grab pat implement, but the person that knows HTTP knows, server end won't know is the person still is grabbed pat implement doing this business, make do to be grabbed elementarily pat implement it is possible, but bit more advanced grab pat implement do not have method, grab jointly e.g. An Baizhong country pat implement. Many people are in croak, actually a lot of use grab pat implement the person is in titter. Of course if these activities won't benefit reachs Everyman, yield benefit of little part person, participating in again, happy amid. Because all participation of the skill that the second when the second is killed grabs " the second is killed " the product is appear with mysterious low, because of millions of each district of this whole nation plan the client arrives " the second is killed " period of time can defend constant before computer point attack with refresh, undertake grabbing patting. Time fleeting, participate in " the second is killed " commodity can pat next wearing. [1]   hardware is good, just be good sense above all, ensure your computer configuration and China fast in numerous advanced level is in in buying the home, do not have a law to achieve top class, in also be being gotten at least, go up. If your computer index is unqualified, go straight towards computer city to raise a level first rapidly. The second is killed a group of things with common features group at the same time, use faster browser as far as possible, be like red fox, maxthon is waited a moment, the gap of a 0.01 seconds that although differ,the rate difference that the browser brings is like Liu Xiang, Luo Baisi is same very little, but the dividing line that this 0.01 seconds are victory or defeat, a bit cannot ambiguous! Grab as an eligible second against time amount to a person, time is an unit with the second, what do not want roll of oversight mouse pulley is flashy, perhaps be this flashy, in the time that blinks, you are met with baby just miss the opportunity oh. Preparation is sufficient, put an end to face blast drop chain a second kills the time view that amounts to a person, it is the smallest timing unit with the second by no means. The roll of mouse pulley, blink, 0.1 seconds, the delicate difference of 0.01 seconds, likelihood and product just miss the opportunity. Sufficient preparative work is to prevent to face an effective method that drops chain. Above all, be certain the baby that wants, write down what cut truly to begin time, it is OK to be afraid of forgetting word school is good your alarm clock reminds, had better antedate half hour ascends the China that clean out treasure. Before patting, affirm oneself are in land condition, pay treasure to have ample remaining sum, can not forget every baby besides product value, want to add freight additionally. Here must hint everybody's is: No matter be to clean out the second of treasure to kill, the second of other still store grabs an activity, do not think to want a second to grab only come down, baby is yours, still want those who allow finally to be in order to pay, kill in the second before beginning, the school receiving money that must check you has filled in, for spare time, pay confidential code to want as far as possible a bit briefer, and when test and verify is piled up, the input does not want certainly miss good opportunity because of fluster. From pat next going to to pay, get sth done without any letup cleans out treasure second to kill the China with other product to buy a program somewhat difference, either allow with patting next is, it is with paying finally however accurate. Must not think patted with respect to can soft tone, blink an eye a few times to be no good more! Kill in the second before be about to begin, as far as possible page of quickly refresh product China. See the model of written characters that buys instantly jumps out, at this moment but must not muddled, should begin with the ultimate rate like conditional reflex next measure. Be sure to keep in mind, when the choice controls goods school, delete redundant school beforehand, only a remnant is significant, several schools column, the mouse procrastinates use Chinese page and consideration option membership due goes needless time. When paying, pay treasure password to want short, and unusual adroitness. This moment is defeated by a fault because of fluster but with respect to all one's previous efforts wasted. The exercise before the second is killed if you are first time China is bought, perhaps be being bought to China is not very familiar saying, before suggesting you are killed in the second, have imitate practice first, in the process of the exercise, you can discover yourself which link is more defective, thereby the harmonious sex of ceaseless harmonious finger and eye, such, after the exercise is skilled, when the second is killed with respect to handy. How does the kongfu that the knife since the hand in fokelore falls come? Experienced of course come out! The buys the home to be able to have whole process and section type imitate practice with not quite skilled proposal. The acceleration that section type practices can including a certain weak point trains, and the harmonious ability of finger, eye waits basic skill a moment. Conditional person still can time with stopwatch, so can to the blemish of each respect what an essence allows is estimate, big to raising rate helpful. Seek a second to fight culminating pleasure, transfer the greatest potential the highest state that what is killer? Those who kitchen say in Ding Jieniu is: Carry with the god completely, the knife is like into bovine body " without thick into have " and do a job with skill and ease. Does the culminating pleasure that the second fights where? Succeed 7 times according to some " serial killer " introduce, the pleasure that the second fights depends on a process, the result that and rather than harvests, she already fought the second the mental pleasure that regards a kind as to be brought by stimulation and achievement move. Look everything needs passion control, just can transfer a the greatest potential, this word is right. Other note ten million is grabbed in the second before, see the demand that sees Chinese station more, partial China stands qualified to participator requirement. Had better grab in the second before, the file that will downloading is shut, make sure Chinese sth resembling a net is expedite, kill in the second, before the second is grabbed 5 seconds undertake clicking, usually computer server and our this locality are transmitted time is differred, technician of most China sth resembling a net can shift to an earlier date a few seconds begin. If liking very much in him commodity that the second kills, can kill the second the column to send many good friends to be participated in together, the opportunity that such seconds grab is a few greater. Before the second is killed, adjust good intention condition, lest is grabbed without the second, break every computer bad, more moment should regard it as a kind of shopping game. After believing to master above skill, when the second is grabbed, meet certainly of the success immediately upon arrival
