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A scarf knitted by a German woman to document her frustrations with frequent train delays has sold for 7,550 euros on eBay, as the country's biggest railway company announces plans for a punctuality tsar. 德国一位女士把火车频繁晚点的情况全部织到了一条围巾上面,以表达她的不满。日前,这条围巾在eBay网站上拍出了7550欧元的高价。同时,德国最大的铁路公司宣布将任命一位“准点专员”。 The "rail delay scarf" came to prominence when Sara Weber, a journalist, posted a photo of it on Twitter earlier this month. 这位德国阿姨的女儿萨拉·韦伯是一名记者,韦伯本月初将“火车晚点围巾”的图片发在推特上,得到了极大反响。 Her mother, a commuter in the Munich area, knitted two lines a day in 2018 to represent how long she was delayed, she explained. 她解释说,自己的母亲生活在慕尼黑地区,乘坐火车上下班,2018年,她每天都会织上两行,以描绘当天火车晚点的情况。

The scarf is color-coded: gray wool meant her delay had been less than five minutes, pink signified delays of between five and 30 minutes, while red meant she was delayed for more than 30 minutes or had been delayed both ways. 围巾的不同颜色代表晚点情况:灰色毛线代表火车晚点少于5分钟;粉线代表火车晚点5-30分钟;红线则表示火车晚点超过30分钟或上下班都遭遇火车晚点的情况。 The scarf, approximately 1.5 meters long, represented many Germans' frustrations with train delays, despite their country's reputation for efficiency and punctuality. 这条围巾大约1.5米长,体现很多德国人对火车晚点不满的情绪,尽管德国在海外以高效和准时著称。 After it went viral on social media, Weber and her mother decided to auction the scarf off for charity. 这条围巾在社交媒体走红后,韦伯和母亲决定将其拍卖,将拍卖所得捐给慈善机构。

上一篇:这十个景点趁早去看看 以后可能就看不到了(英语双语阅读)
