2.烤乳鸽 湛江人很喜欢吃鸽子肉,无论是烤制还是煲汤,都是不错的选择。在夜市上,烤乳鸽十分常见,价格约10元1只。烤乳鸽口感香脆,肉质滑嫩。
3.甘蔗 作为全国第一大产量的甘蔗产地,来到湛江,不可不尝这里的甘蔗。无论是在街边买一节甘蔗边走边啃,还是选择品尝一杯鲜榨的甘蔗汁,都是不错的选择。
4.红江橙 红江橙的特点是果大、皮薄、肉色橙红、鲜艳、内质柔嫩、化渣多汁、酸甜适度。红江橙在国内外颇负盛名,被列为国宴佳果,有“果王”之称。
5.蟹 蟹是湛江饭桌上常见的菜式,这里的蟹大肉厚。沿海各地均有出产,主要有青蟹、花蟹。优质青蟹称膏蟹,其中东海民安和吴川芷寮所产膏蟹以其膏黄、肥嫩、味美而闻名。花蟹则物美价廉。
6.沙虫 沙虫爽而不韧,口感一流,与海蜇的味道相似但更多了些变化。沙虫菜谱多种多样,有白灼、清蒸、沙虫汤、沙虫瓜菜煲等。不论沙虫单独煲、煮、蒸,或配瓜菜、葱、蒜炒,吃起来肉质脆嫩、味道鲜甜、酥香可口。湛江本地人更喜欢用沙虫来煮粥,用沙虫煮出的粥会有种自然的甘甜。
7.肴肉 肴肉又名水晶肴蹄,简称肴肉,是镇江传统名菜,精选猪前蹄为主料,经特殊的工艺加硝腌制后加工而成。风光无限数金焦,更爱京口肉食饶,不腻微酥香味溢,嫣红嫩冻水晶肴。
8.生蚝 湛江的生蚝,胜在味鲜,个头倒不一定很大,咬下去肉质紧致而富有弹性,甘香和清甜满口且价格便宜,一般的夜宵摊子上大概1-2元一只。在做法上,最常见的是炭烧,除此之外还有蒸、煮等做法。但是炭烧最简单,也最受人欢迎。
9.锅盖面 汤清面软,不粘不乱,青头鲜嫩,经济实惠。面很讲究,把和揉成的面放在案板上,由操作人员坐在竹杠一端,另一端固定在案板上,既上下颠跳,又似舞蹈,似杂技,反复挤压成薄薄的面皮,用刀切成面条,这种面条有毛孔,卤汁易入味,吃在嘴里耐嚼有劲,味道独具。
10.白切鸡 白切鸡皮爽肉滑,清淡鲜美。是粤菜鸡肴中最普通的一种,属于浸鸡类。以其制作简单,刚熟不烂,不加配料而保持原味为特点。
1. Mu Xie is placed
Mu Xie is placed even if fluctuate two leaves bag clips a small band the doughboy of polished glutinous rice of stuffing, leaf of broadleaf plant of the person that use jackfruit Xie Huo commonly allegedly, of local person for Y é . The small shop of street edge can buy.
2. bakes person of lacteal columbine Zhan Jiang to like to eat dove meat very much, no matter be to bake,making still is Bao soup, it is right choice. On night fair, the breast that bake is columbine very common, the price makes an appointment with 10 yuan 1. Columbine mouthfeel of the breast that bake is sweet fragile, the flesh slips character tender.
3. sugar cane regards the whole nation as the sugar cane producing area of the biggest crop, come to Zhan Jiang, cannot not taste the sugar cane here. No matter be,edge of a sugar cane is bought to walk along an edge to gnaw in street edge, still choose to sample the pleasant cane juice that a cup of delicacy extracts, it is right choice.
The characteristic of orange of red river of orange of 4. red river is if really big, skin is thin, incarnadine orange red, bright-coloured, endoplasm is tender, change broken bits juicily, acid is sweet measurable. Gong Jiangchen is in domestic and international quite negative great reputation, fruit of beautiful of the state banquet that be labelled, have " fruit king " say.
5. crab crab is the familiar dish pattern on Zhan Jiang dining table, the crab big flesh here is thick. Coastal each district all has produce, basically have green crab, beautiful crab. Crab of high grade blueness says to cream crab, hai Minan of its middle east and place of small house of Wu Chuan Zhi are produced cream crab creams with its yellow, fertilizer is tender, delicious and famed. Beautiful crab is cheap and fine.
Bright of sanded bug of 6. sanded bug and not pliable but strong, mouthfeel is top-ranking, the flavour with jellyfish is similar but some morer change. Sanded bug cookbook is varied, have Bai Zhuo, steam, Bao of dish of melon of sanded bug soup, sanded bug. No matter sanded bug is alone Bao, boil, evaporate, or dish matching melon, green, garlic is fried, taste the flesh is qualitative fragile delicacy of tender, flavour is sweet, crisp sweet goluptious. Zhan Jiang native prefers to boil congee with sanded bug, the bug that use sand boils the congee that go out to be able to have kind of natural Gan Tian.
Flesh of meat and fish dishes of meat of 7. meat and fish dishes hoof of renown crystal meat and fish dishes, flesh of abbreviation meat and fish dishes, it is dish of Zhenjiang traditional name, handpick pig forepaw is given priority to makings, after adding saltpetre souse via special technology, be machined and become. Scene counts gold indefinitely anxious, love let sb have sth into the bargain of Beijing mouth carnivorous more, not be bored with is small crisp fragrance excessive,
8. gives birth to the unripe oyster of oyster Zhan Jiang, get the better of in flavour delicacy, it is not certain that build falls very big, bite go down to the flesh is sent closely character and be full of flexibility, glibly of pleasant sweet He Qingtian and low-cost, on booth of general food taken late at night probably 1-2 yuan. On the practice, the commonnest is charcoal is burned, still have evaporate besides, boil wait for a practice. But charcoal is burned the simplest, also most welcome getting a person.
Distinct range of water in which noodles have been boiled of 9. boiler lid is soft, do not stick not random, blue head is fresh and tender, economic material benefit. The face is very exquisite, put on chopping board with the face that rubs, by the operation personnel sits in bamboo bar one aspect of the matter, another end secures on record board to go up, fluctuate already bump jumps, be like dancing again, be like acrobatics, squash repeatedly thin thin face skin, cut noodle with the knife, this kind of noodle has pore, thick gravy easy tasty, eat to be able to bear or endure in the mouth chew have interest, flavour is provided alone.
Chicken of 10. Bai Qie cuts flesh of gallinaceous skin bright to slip in vain, delicate and delicious. It is the prevailing in meat and fish dishes of chicken of dish of another name for Guangdong Province a kind, belong to dip chicken kind. Make with its simple, firm ripe not sodden, do not impose burden and maintain raw ingredient to be a characteristic.