(姓名,性别,年龄) 求 职 位:月嫂 期望薪资:2000-3000元/月 目前职位:月嫂 学 历:高中 工作经验:3-5年 现居住地: 联系电话: 电子邮箱: 自我评价 本人是一个好脾气的人。
有月嫂证。干净勤劳,忠厚踏实。尊老爱幼,爱岗敬业。工作经验 个人 2005-1 至 2012-1任职月嫂薪资2000-3000元/月 工作职责:家务劳动,照顾孩子。家政育儿,让你的生活更加轻松和愉快。我们的服务包括家庭清洁、烹饪、洗衣、照顾孩子等一系列家务事宜,为您节省时间和精力,让您可以更好地享受家庭生活。
1、护理经验丰富,特别是护理知识更新快,基本符合目前国际上最新的理念和观点。对宝宝照顾无微不至,极具耐心。月子细心照顾饮食起居,给予合理安排月子餐饮食结构。 2、月嫂是位年轻、好学、耐心、有责任感的月嫂,虽然年轻,但是善于总结,有上进心、高素质、高水准,属于月嫂中的精英,值得信赖。我们都很满意这位月嫂的工作表现,宝宝爸爸也学到很多照顾孩子的知识,减轻了我的负担。
(Full name, sexual distinction, the age) seek position: Compensation of expectation of lunar elder brother's wife: 2000-3000 yuan / the month is current position: Record of formal schooling of lunar elder brother's wife: Experience of high school work: 3-5 year occupy a dwelling place now: Connect a telephone call: The email: Ego him evaluation is person of a good-tempered.
Have card of lunar elder brother's wife. Clean and laborious, be free from anxiety meekly. Honour old love young, love hillock respects property. 2005-1 of working experience individual holds a post to 2012-1 2000-3000 of compensation of lunar elder brother's wife yuan / lunar job duty: Housework, take care of the child.Homemaking Yo, the life that lets you is mixed more easily happy. Our service includes domestic cleanness, culinary art, wash clothes, take care of a series of housework matters concerned such as the child, save time and energy for you, make you OK enjoy family life better.
Our professional Yo service, the child that lets you gets be takinged care of all-aroundly mixing care, let you be at ease the job and life. Choice homemaking Yo, choice character lives.
It is the professional that is engaged in technically cheeper nurses and be being taught, basically be in charge of taking care of daily life of the infant, include raise, change diaper, change clothes, go-cart.
In the meantime, yo the full-scale development that division still needs attention and the body of stimulative infant, acknowledge, affection and gregarious capability, pass interesting the game with rich content and activity, foster the interest of children, exploration and curiosity, help them build accredit, affection and proper pride.
The orgnaization is taught in the children such as nursery school and child-care centre, yo a kind division is nursery school teacher or nursery governess normally, responsible course program, education is carried out and the job such as children management.
In the family, the parent is OK employ Yo master, him help is taken care of and teach the child. Yo the main responsibility of division is take care of and teach children, promote their health, joy and full-scale development.
Homemaking is the body those who go up is tired, yo division gets person respect quite
1, nurse seasoned, nurse especially knowledge is updated fast, accord with basically at present the newest concept on international is mixed viewpoint. Take care of meticulously to darling, have patience extremely. Confinement fine understand without being told considers dietary daily life, give reasonable arrangement structure of confinement food food and drink. 2, the lunar elder brother's wife that lunar elder brother's wife is a young, academic, patience, responsible feeling, although young, but be good at summing up, have the desire to do better, high quality, high level, belong to the elite in lunar elder brother's wife, be worth to trust. We are very satisfactory the working performance of this month elder brother's wife, baby father also acquires a lot of knowledge that take care of the child, reduced my burden.
3, this months of elder brother's wife is nursing new student the respect is very attentive, pay attention to detail quite, have patience, very meticulous and considerate, nurse a sleight of hand, make us very be at ease. Nurse the puerpera does not fear pain, do not be afraid of tired, also make I get very good refreshment.
4, take care of nice in a subtle way to darling, have attentive. Confinement in childbirth takes care of life daily life carefully, accord science arranges postpartum confinement meal prandial structure.
Homemaking Yo the situation that interview needs to notice is dress does not want gaudy, good body, give a person one kind is a person that work. It is clear among the process of interview to should want oneself particular case should want oneself particular case to introduce in detail, special oneself special skill.
Homemaking platform has:
Homemaking of side of clean of excellent, 58 Home E, Home E, cloud, homemaking does not have the world of care, homemaking, it is chamberlain of side, 51 families, good to nurse Kang is online (good Kang is in the home) , dawdler is excellent, the aunt came, the aunt is helped etc.
Do Yo elder brother's wife is to want to make money to homemaking company. Homemaking company is two-way receive fund, employ namely basically make money to homemaking company, and the Yo of to apply for a job it may not be a bad idea of elder brother's wife, baby-sitter it may not be a bad idea, the post that if pass homemaking company,search only should pay fixed fee to homemaking company. Rate of company of each district homemaking is different, to apply for a job person can seek homemaking company by his circumstance.
Homemaking company is in charge of pair of Yo the management of elder brother's wife and study groom, receive Yo the administration fee of elder brother's wife (contain intermediary to expend) general 10% the left and right sides.
Homemaking company collects the intermediary fee that can collect baby-sitter salary 20%~100% commonly, if be one sheet 5000 yuan bill, press 20% , 50% , 3 100% phase will calculate, 20% collection 1000 yuan, 30% collection 1500 yuan, 100% collection 5000 yuan.