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买索尼数码相机多少钱 ,上天猫电器...

索尼数码相机多少钱 ,天猫电器城,爆款低价!数码相机,品牌直营,经济实惠..







先普及一下知识,单反比卡片高级的最主要原因是单反或者微单的感光元件(cmos)比卡片相机的大。 单反和微单比较,单反比微单拍照速度快,后期镜头升级空间大,想玩玩摄影,后期给孩子拍照就买单反。因为单反闪光灯便宜,抓拍孩子的速度单反最合适,而且单反的定焦镜头也便宜,自己玩的好可以给孩子照写真。 老人用还是年轻人用呢?如果老人用可以考虑买微单,成像质量好,轻便。价格也便宜,3500之内就搞定,就能买到比较不错的。 如果考虑价格问题,那就买个3500之内的微单吧。卡片相机更便宜基本上趋向于淘汰,卡片的寿命是2-4年,不管牌子多大,时间长了就不行啦,再贵他的各方面都无法和单反对比。很贵的买个卡片的人也少,除非玩收藏或者要面子的买莱卡,5万以下的莱卡也别玩,没有收藏价值,成像也就那么回事。 一般摄影爱好者推荐你买入门级单反,佳能600D,700D,或者老款的中端机器60D,不过60D有点老但是属于中端机器,不过我还是推荐700D,定位是入门,但感光元件对焦不比60D差,单反还是买新不买旧,有时候中端也只是一个卖点,一个噱头,导购讲的再好,回去还是当卡片相机用,与其这样不如买个700D,家用旅游镜头配18-135或者18-200,如果有适马推荐配适马的18-200,之前我是卖摄影器材的,适马18-200比佳能这两个镜头成像锐,色彩还好,用135段和200段一比较就能比较出来。如果要求再高点就配适马17-70 F2.8-4,这个镜头比适马17-50好。这都是我亲手比较的结果。 微单推荐富士X-A1家用足够,这机器真挺不错,自带软件很全,随照随PS。奥林巴斯的金属感强不过也贵,外形你绝对喜欢,不过价格就高出很多,从家用角度来说性价比低,适合收入五六千的人。佳能微单设计就太简单了,和卡片升级版一样,不过操作也简单,最大的好处是能转接佳能所有单反镜头,不过我想这个功能用的人肯定就少啦,不过佳能微单配个定焦给孩子照相还是可以的,不过拍照速度肯定赶不上单反,索尼这个公司比较操蛋,更新换代很快,不过新技术确实多,给我的感觉就是弄的太多了,不如学苹果做好一款产品。所以都带手机遥控拍摄,喜欢是吧,实用起来的人少,毕竟中国人嫌麻烦。 还是多逛逛吧,看你的腰包,看你干什么再买,好东西有的是,适合自己的才是最好的。

17 浏览1066


楼主你好。 相信大品牌,相信世界五百强的佳能,相信数码相机界的老大佳能CANON,无论是消费级相机还是数码单反机它都成绩斐然。 个人推荐性价比高家用实用的算是佳能 Digital IXUS 85 IS 卡片数码相机\最大像素数(万个):1030\有效像素数(万个):1000\最高分辨率(像素):3648×2736\光学变焦倍数:3\显示屏尺寸(英寸):2.5 参考价:1590元 佳能IXUS 85 IS继承了IXUS相机小巧时尚这一传统,外型上IXUS 85 IS相比IXUS 80 IS没有太大变化,像素方面提升为千万像素,其他性能则没有什么明显的变化。配置了具备IS光学防抖动功能的3倍光学变焦镜头,采用一项先进的技术——运动检测技术。值得一提的是,85 IS的面部优先系统得到了进一步升级,最多可实现35张人脸的追踪对焦,同时在对焦过程中自动对焦框能够放大显示。 但是你如果觉得佳能85是老款可以介绍 佳能Digital IXUS 95 IS 卡片数码相机\最大像素数(万个):1030\有效像素数(万个):1000\最高分辨率(像素):3648×2736\光学变焦倍数:3\显示屏尺寸(英寸):2.5 参考价:1690元 2009年2月上市的卡片防抖数码相机。 佳能IXUS 95 IS配置了1000万有效像素CCD,3倍光学变焦镜头,2.5英寸“晶炫II”液晶屏,配备了IS光学防抖功能,这些与前代机型都是一致的。另外,改进的地方在于相机搭载了佳能最先进的DIGIC 4影像处理器,在数据处理的速度和精度方面都有了明显的提升;“智慧AUTO”智能场景识别模式也增强了佳能IXUS 95 IS的易用性。时尚外观的95 IS共有四种颜色可选:绿、蓝、红、银色。

12 浏览2221


一般家庭……这个标准太宽泛了。能不能拿钱衡量,除了吃穿用还能剩下多少? 家里对摄影的需要是否迫切?有没有摄影爱好者? 至于牌子,首先是使用的方向,比如郊游风景,家庭聚会,还是专门拍小宝宝有倾向性,另外就是品牌偏好,周围的人对品牌的认知如何,毕竟拿出去有面子也是加分因素。

2 浏览1678 2018-07-06

我是学生没多钱 买一个一般的数码相机要多少钱

如果只是买卡片机的话,千八百元就能买个不错的了……如果预算再低,就不如直接用手机拍了。 如果想买微单或者单反的话,至少要三四千元的档次……再便宜的话,相机的性能就太低了,没啥意思了。


Digital camera is the cheapest probably 300 yuan or so. Not the most expensive, only more expensive.

It seems you are camera of number of first time contact, proposal:

If you had had what photography experiences, can consider 2000 yuan or so.

If you are photography of first time contact, preemptive still of 1000 yuan of less than, experienced experienced hand.

If you have certain photography experience, should consider to buy 4000 yuan of above.

Have particular case of yourself more:

If be an average student, the proposal buys 1000 yuan or so.

It is merely accept as a souvenir takes a picture when travel, the proposal buys 2000 yuan or so.

If at hand is more bounteous, perhaps study need, should buy 4000 yuan of above.

If be to want to fend with this, that prepares enough much capital.

Examine all 3 answers

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Relevant issue is whole

How many money does the digital camera that buys a family to use want? Are those better?

Popularize knowledge first, the mainest reason with advanced card of odd inverse ratio is the sensitive element that sheet opposes small perhaps sheet (Cmos) those who compare card camera is big. Sheet is compared with small sheet instead, small sheet of odd inverse ratio takes a picture rate is rapid, later period camera lens upgrades the space is large, want to play play photography, later period takes a picture to buy sheet to turn over to the child. Because sheet counters flashlight petty gain, catch the speed sheet that takes the child to turn over the most appropriate, and sheet turns over it is cheap also to focus camera lens, what oneself play is very OK take photo to the child. Is is the old person used or the youth used? If the old person is used,can consider to buy small sheet, it is good like quality to become, light. The price is cheap also, 3500 in do calm, can buy more pretty good. If consider price issue, that buys a 3500 small sheet in. Card watch for an opportunity is more inexpensive basically discard of incline to Yu Tao, the life of card is 2-4 year, no matter the brand is how old, time grew to be no good, again expensive his each respect cannot object comparing with sheet. The very expensive person that buys a card is little also, unless play,be collected or the Mailaika of keen on face-saving, 50 thousand the following Lai gets stuck to also do not play, did not collect value, into picture also so return a responsibility. General photography lover recommends you to buy introductory class sheet to turn over, beautiful can 600D, 700D, of old perhaps money in upright machine 60D, 60D is a bit old nevertheless but the machine is carried in belonging to, do not cross me or recommend 700D, fixed position is an introduction, but sensitive component is right anxious not as poor as 60D, sheet is turned over or buy do not buy newly old, occasionally in end just also sells a site, a stunt, guide buy those who tell is again good, go back or use when card camera, be inferior to buying a 700D so with its, camera lens of family expenses travel matchs 18-135 or 18-200, if comfortable horse recommends the 18-200 that matchs comfortable horse, I sell photography equipment before, comfortable horse 18-200 compares beautiful can these two camera lens are become like acute, colour is not bad, mix 200 paragraphs to be able to come out quite quite with 135 paragraphs. If ask again high point matchs comfortable horse 17-70 F2.8-4, this shot is better than comfortable horse 17-50. This is me with one's own hands relative result. Small sheet recommends Fuji X-A1 family expenses enough, this machine is held out really pretty good, bring software oneself very complete, along with illuminate along with PS. Metallic feeling of Aolinbasi does not pass by force expensive also, you like the external form absolutely, do not pass the price with respect to tower above a lot of, from family expenses sexual price is compared for angle low, suit income the person of 559. Beautiful can be small single design is too simple, upgrade with card edition is same, the operation is simple also nevertheless, the biggest gain is to be able to turn receive fine can all sheet turns over camera lens, the person affirmation that nevertheless I think to this function is used is little, nevertheless can small sheet matchs beautiful focussing the child to take a picture still is possible, take a picture nevertheless speed cannot catch up with sheet to turn over for certain, this company holds Suo Ni quite egg, change very fast, new nevertheless technology is really much, what feel to mine even if do is too much, be inferior to learning an apple to had made a product. Take mobile phone remote control to film so, liking is, practical the person that rise is little, after all the Chinese disrelishs a trouble. Still ramble more, see your pocket, see you what do to be bought again, good thing is had a plenty of, the ability that suits oneself is best.

17 browse 1066

Buy a common digital camera big essentials how many money?

The original poster hello. Believe old brand, believe 500 strong beautiful of world can, the old beautiful that believes digital camera bound can CANON, no matter be consumption,degree watch for a chance or digital sheet are turned over machine it achievement strikings. The individual recommends the being with sexual more economic than fast housekeeping money value beautiful can \ of camera of number of card of Digital IXUS 85 IS is the biggest like prime number (10 thousand) : 1030\ resembles prime number effectively (10 thousand) : 1000\ highest resolution (resemble element) : 3Multiple of optical scorch of 648 × 2736\ : 3\ shows screen measure (inch) : 2.5 referenced price: 1590 yuan of beautiful can IXUS 85 IS acceded IXUS camera is cabinet and fashionable this one tradition, photograph of the IXUS 85 IS on exterior does not have too big change than IXUS 80 IS, promotion of respect resembling element resembles element for ten million, other property does not have the change with apparent what. Configured have IS optics to prevent shake camera lens of 3 times optical scorch, use an advanced technology -- motion detects technology. Be worth what carry is, the facial and first system of 85 IS got upgrading further, can realize face of 35 pieces of people at most track right anxious, be opposite at the same time in anxious process can magnify automatically to anxious casing show. But if you feel beautiful can 85 it is old money can introduce beautiful can \ of camera of number of card of Digital IXUS 95 IS is the biggest resemble prime number (10 thousand) : 1030\ resembles prime number effectively (10 thousand) : 1000\ highest resolution (resemble element) : 3Multiple of optical scorch of 648 × 2736\ : 3\ shows screen measure (inch) : 2.5 referenced price: The card that appeared on the market 1690 yuan in Feburary 2009 is prevented shake digital camera. Beautiful can IXUS 95 IS was configured 10 million resemble element CCD effectively, camera lens of 3 times optical scorch, 2.5 inches " brilliant dazzle II " liquid crystal screen, deployed IS optics to prevent shake a function, these and before acting type is consistent. Additional, improvement place depended on camera carrying the DIGIC 4 with the can most advanced beautiful video processor, there was apparent promotion in the speed of data processing and precision respect; "Wisdom AUTO " intelligent setting identified mode to also enhance beautiful can of IXUS 95 IS use a sex easily. The 95 IS of fashionable exterior shares 4 kinds of color optional: Green, blue, red, argent.

12 browse 2221

What how many fund camera of family expenses number buys now is appropriate?

Average household... this standard is too wide extensive. Can take Qian Heng to measure, use besides food and clothing how much can you still remain? Is the to photography need in the home urgent? Have photography fan? As to the brand, it is use way above all, for instance picnicky scenery, the family meets, take little baby technically still liable sex, it is brand preference additionally, the person all round is right the acknowledge of the brand how, take out after all having outer part also is the element that add cent.

2 browse 1678 2018-07-06

I am the student does not have much money to buy a general digital camera to want how many money

If just buy card machine, 1800 yuan can be bought pretty good... if the budget is again low, was inferior to be being patted with the mobile phone directly. If want to buy small sheet odd perhaps if turning over, the class that wants 339 yuan at least... again cheap word, the function of camera is too low, the meaning that do not have what.

上一篇:健身大腿围度怎么量? 健身标准身材和围度?英文双语对照