1. 社交需求:有些人天生就是喜欢社交的,他们通过微笑来表达自己的友好和热情。对于这些人来说,微笑是一种自然的表达方式,他们通过微笑来建立人际关系和交流。
2. 情绪调节:微笑可以释放身体内的多巴胺和血清素等化学物质,从而使人感到快乐和放松。因此,一些人可能会通过微笑来缓解自己的压力和负面情绪。
3. 自信和乐观:微笑可以让人看起来更加自信和乐观,从而给人留下良好的印象。因此,一些人可能会通过微笑来表现自己的自信和乐观,从而赢得他人的好感和信任。
4. 社交礼仪:在某些文化中,微笑是一种社交礼仪和习惯,人们通过微笑来表示尊重和礼貌。对于这些人来说,微笑是一种习惯性的表达方式,而不是出于真正的情感表达。
The person gets health to divide the health in physiology health and heart, mental health, point to thought respect namely, the humor is good, the thought is cheerful, eat fully to sleeping, without pressure, without the burden, this always thinks in the heart energy.
The expression of own mental health:
1, the body, intellective, mood is very harmonious;
2, acclimatization, each other can be self-effacing in human relation;
3, have happy feeling
4, in on-the-job job job, can develop oneself ability adequately, live businesslike life.
5 Piao state of mind is balanced, do not vie.
6 Piao are admitted degree very tall, thing how change, always OK and happy spend.
The ego of mental health state is evaluated, need considers a few factors, include at ordinary times mood stability, at ordinary times activity of the study result, relation with other, society.
The basis is analysed to the ego of all sorts of elements, can measure oneself mental health situation well and truly, the improvement that makes specific aim thereby measure, maintain mental health.
The expression that can be born in the school according to this and the association rate with classmates will be evaluated
Kneeling down is a kind of strong action that conveys the mood. Notch mix of one's own accord be forced two kinds of state look.
Kneel down of one's own accord the likelihood is thanked for expression, resemble filial genuflect father and mother, by helper genuflect benefactor, perhaps feel oneself injured the person that ought not to injure, no less than genuflect can't convey compunction mood, elephantine cheap quite genuflect Lin is similar, jew of German president genuflect is monumental, still have a kind of voluntary state, xiang Su weighs sexual spouse of the lover to kneel down, in order to profession dignity sincere commendable, the romantic feelings with coital higher price.
Be forced to kneel down have, be defeated person kneel down to the winner, or the weak kneels down to overmatch express to be willing to be obedient to, be like official of archaic civilian genuflect, official genuflect gentleman, the person that perhaps be mistreated kneels down to the person that violate, pity of in an attempt to.
Kneel down language of this kind of limbs, a lot of animals also can apply, it is a kind of natural reaction.
The person that always smiles may have a variety of psychology reasons, it is a few possible explanations below:
1.Gregarious demand: Some people like socialization inherently namely, what they convey themselves through smiling is friendly with enthusiasm. To these people, the smile is a kind of natural expression way, they establish human relation and communication through smiling.
2.Mood adjustment: The smile can release the body inside much cling to the chemical material such as amine and serum element, make the person feels joy is mixed thereby loosen. Accordingly, a few people may alleviate through smiling oneself pressure and negative sentiment.
3.Self-confidence and hopeful: The smile can let a person look more self-confident and hopeful, leave good impression to the person thereby. Accordingly, a few people may come through smiling the self-confidence of project oneself and hopeful, win the good impression of other and credit thereby.
4.Gregarious and formal: In certain culture, the smile is a kind of socialization formal with the habit, people expresses esteem and courtesy through smiling. To these people, the smile is a kind of chronic expression means, is not to stem from true affection expression.
Anyhow, the person that always smiles may have a variety of psychology reasons, specific reason needs to be decided according to individual situation.
Urge sb to drink. is one kind drinks formal psychology.
Drinking is people contact feeling, the special channel of communication communication. Chinese wine culture, broad and profound, implied meaning profundity, have the view that does not become place without wine since ancient times.
The custom on feast and connotation, lift lift deeply, urge sb to drink. and by urge sb to drink. , it is the method with foil party indispensable atmosphere. Do not persuade to persuade others to drink, can appear not enthusiastic, not courteous.
1. has measurable safe feeling, have proper pride, valuable to the achievement of ego feeling.
2. moderate land self-criticism, not beyond the mark and pretentious oneself criticize severely oneself not overly also.
3. is in daily life, have modest initiative, do not be environmental place left and right sides.
4. reason, actual, objective, have good contact with reality, the blow of the setback in can patient life, without exceeding illusion.
My nature is placid, often regardless of trival matters, the way one gets along with people is sedate however and free. Ferial li of utterance is not much, gao Yuan of my heart annals, in one's heart a kind stubborn with long-suffering.
My the urge for improvement is strong, study assiduously, inexorable before difficulty, be brave in to be challenged to new height, be good at holding the scope that ego expands. In the study life henceforth, learn in an orderly way even, improve work efficiency, with period gain greater success
Archives of student mental health is expressed, want to fill in according to the facts, it is individual information above all, full name, sexual distinction, the age, main member fills the family parents, or the grandparent that lives together, grandfather mother, mental health state, want to fill in according to actual condition, can keep secret because of watch of this healthy archives, won't divulge, forbid to copy and take a picture, with respect to these...