1. The right time 选好开会时间 Morning is best for things like status updates and logical thinking, when sharpness and enthusiasm are at their height, while closer to the end of the day is a really good time for brainstorming. And of course, never do meetings in the period right after lunch. 如果要在会议上汇报近况,进行逻辑思考,那么早晨开会是最合适的,因为这个时候人们大脑的敏锐度和工作热情都是最高的。快下班时则非常适合开头脑风暴会议。当然,永远不要在刚吃完午饭后开会。 Ensuring a meeting has a clearly stated end time is more important. We often fall asleep in meetings out of boredom, not tiredness. 更重要的是,要确保会议有明确的结束时间。我们通常是因为无聊而打瞌睡,不是因为疲倦。 2. The right place 选好开会场所 Meeting in unconventional locations can help boost creativity. Standing meetings - where participants talk without sitting down - have also been praised by many efficiency experts for keeping things efficient. 在非常规的场所开会有助于提高创造力。站立会议——参与者站着说话的会议——也受到许多效率专家的推崇,因为它能让会议更高效。 3. Be prepared 会议要有明确的议程 One recent study found American workers felt just 33% of leaders were well-prepared for meetings. Ensuring a clear agenda is a common piece of advice from productivity gurus. 最近的一项研究发现,美国员工认为,只有33%的领导者在开会前做好了充分准备。确保会议议程明确是效率专家给出的普遍建议。 An agenda was essential, because if you don't know why we're in the meeting, then there's no reason for a meeting. 议程很关键,因为如果你不知道为什么要开会,那么就没有理由开会。 One of the ways that people stay awake is that they're in a meeting that's interesting to them and relevant to their work. 人们保持清醒的方法之一就是这个会议让自己感兴趣,而且和自己的工作有关。
4. To snack or not to snack? 为会议准备合适的零食 The right kind of snacks can help improve meeting culture. Snacks can keep people alert, for one thing, but are also a "symbol of caring". Of course, avoiding loud or smelly snacks is important. 合适的零食有助于改善会议文化。零食不仅能让人们清醒,还是一种“关怀的象征”。当然,一定要避免吃起来发出脆响或味道冲的零食。 5. Engage 积极参与 Putting it simply - you can't fall asleep if you're participating. Speak up during the first three minutes, it allows you to feel like a contributor not a listener. Taking notes can also be helpful in keeping your brain alert. 简而言之,如果你积极参与到会议中来,你不可能睡着。在会议开始后的前三分钟发言,这会让你感觉自己是会议的贡献者而非倾听者。记笔记也有助于保持大脑警觉。 For leaders, make sure to adhere to the agenda and only the agenda, tacking on other business is when the bores kick off. 对领导者来说,要确保会议不要偏离议程,一旦开始偏离,就是人们开始感到无聊的时候。 6. Fidget away 别让手闲着 When all else fails, keeping your hands busy can help. Doodling is another longstanding go-to for bored meeting goers, but it can make you even more drowsy. Sometimes, it may just take a pinch on your own arm instead. 如果前面这些招数都不管用,还有一招:别让手闲着。胡写乱画也是无聊的与会人士的一种惯用招数,但这可能会让你更加昏昏欲睡。有时候,只需要在自己胳膊上掐一下就能让你立刻清醒。 And if you do happen to nod off? 但如果你还是控制不住地要打瞌睡怎么办? If you succumb to sleep, it may be best to leave. Make a swift excuse that doesn't sound attacking, and get up quietly, apologize and leave. (在试过了前面所有的招数)如果你还是要睡着,也许最好的方法就是离开。迅速地找一个不太唐突的借口,然后悄悄地站起来,道个歉之后离去。