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印度俩女子相爱7年 分别与丈夫离婚后结婚(英语双语阅读)


印度俩女子相爱7年 分别与丈夫离婚后结婚(英语双语阅读)

Two women in northern India have tied the knot -- after divorcing their husbands. 在与各自丈夫离婚后,印度北部的两名女子于近日喜结连理。 The unidentified women, ages 21 and 26, handed their same-sex marriage affidavit to their local court in Hamirpur, northern India, according to India Today. 据《今日印度》报道,这两名身份不明的女子年龄分别为21岁和26岁,她们将同性婚姻的宣誓书递交给了位于印度北部哈默坡地区的当地法院。 "Two women came to my office last Friday, and married each other by garlanding one another," sub-registrar Ramkishor Pal told India Today. 副登记官兰基肖尔·帕尔向《今日印度》透露:“上周五,两名女子来到我的办公室,她们通过相互戴花环的仪式结了婚。” The two star-crossed lovers have been in love for the past seven years, but were married to men against their will, according to India Today. 据《今日印度》报道,这对不幸的恋人过去七年里一直相爱,但却违背了意愿地而嫁给了男人。

Daya Shankar Tiwari, a lawyer for the couple, said their affidavit was rejected by the court because same-sex marriage is not legal in India. 这对伴侣的律师达亚·尚卡·蒂瓦里称,法院之前拒绝了她们的宣誓书,因为同性婚姻在印度不合法。 Tiwari says the 21-year-old is the daughter of a laborer, while her partner is the daughter of a teacher. 蒂瓦里表示,21岁的那位女性是一名工人的女儿,而她的伴侣则是一名教师的女儿。 In September, the country struck down a colonial-era law that criminalized homosexual acts. 印度于9月份废除了殖民时期将同性恋行为定为犯罪的法律。

上一篇:印度女婴肚子莫名肿大 医生竟在其体内发现寄生胎(英语双语阅读)
下一篇:印度俩女子相爱7年 分别与丈夫离婚后结婚(英语双语阅读)