1. 发动机配件:包括气缸、活塞、曲轴、凸轮轴、连杆、发动机油底壳、水泵、风扇、排气歧管、涡轮增压器等。
2. 传动系统配件:包括离合器、变速器(手动、自动、手自一体)、传动轴、差速器、驱动桥等。
3. 悬挂系统配件:包括弹簧、减震器、稳定杆、悬挂臂、衬套、避震器等。
4. 刹车系统配件:包括刹车盘、刹车鼓、刹车片、刹车蹄、刹车卡钳、刹车油管、刹车助力器等。
5. 轮胎配件:包括轮胎、轮毂、内胎、气门嘴、轮胎平衡块等。
6. 冷却系统配件:包括水箱、散热器、水泵、风扇、冷却液、冷却器等。
7. 电气系统配件:包括电池、发电机、起动机、点火线圈、点火塞、传感器、线束、继电器、保险丝等。
8. 润滑系统配件:包括机油、机滤器、油底壳、油泵、油冷却器、润滑油等。
9. 排气系统配件:包括排气管、消声器、催化转化器、排气歧管等。
10. 内饰配件:包括座椅、方向盘、仪表盘、控制面板、开关、门板、地毯、顶棚等。
11. 外饰配件:包括前后保险杠、叶子板、挡泥板、行李架、车门把手等。
12. 照明系统配件:包括前大灯、后尾灯、转向灯、刹车灯、雾灯、车内照明灯等。
13. 空调系统配件:包括压缩机、冷凝器、蒸发器、膨胀阀、空调泵、空调滤清器等。
代码 | 简称 |总股本|实际流|总资产|排|主营收入|排|净利润|排|
| | |(亿股)|通A股 |(亿元)|名| (亿元) |名|增长率|名|
|600741|华域汽车| 25.83| 14.73|314.81| 1| 313.32| 1| 91.85| 1|
|000996|中国中期| 2.30| 2.30| 5.07|11| 0.49|11| 46.79| 2|
|002357|富临运业| 0.98| 0.25| 7.11|10| 1.41|10| 29.67| 3|
|600561|江西长运| 1.86| 1.86| 17.41| 8| 9.56| 8| 17.05| 4|
|600662|强生控股| 8.14| 5.49| 29.54| 5| 11.37| 7| 15.95| 5|
|600386|北巴传媒| 4.03| 4.03| 19.12| 7| 13.01| 5| 15.52| 6|
|600611|大众交通| 15.76| 7.15| 97.85| 2| 26.50| 2| 9.62| 7|
|600708|海博股份| 5.10| 3.54| 32.77| 3| 16.44| 3| 8.99| 8|
|600650|锦江投资| 5.52| 3.91| 29.82| 4| 13.63| 4| 5.62| 9|
|600119|长江投资| 3.07| 3.07| 13.94| 9| 7.27| 9|-17.80|10|
|000421|南京中北| 3.52| 3.52| 28.51| 6| 12.16| 6|-80.97|11|
1/3 分步阅读
投资分析:汽配城租一个门面做小不合适 街头租个门面可大可小 投资5W--30W都可以了,汽车用品的零售价较批发价的利润率相当高,车载电脑利润率为50%;车蜡、防冻液的利润率为90%-110%;座椅的利润率为100%;车用香水的利用率更是达到500%,配件展上各配件商对产品开出的批发价,与汽配城和4S店看到同物品的零售价相差巨大。汽车用品生产商提供到地区一级经销商的价格空间已有相当大的提升。例如,一个512M内存的MP3播放器才270元,分销店大概卖到350元;普通的电子狗批发价只要40元左右,而市场价却卖到90-110元,中档的电子狗带GPS批发价为350元,市场价就能卖到700-900元之多,其利润相当惊人。
选址技巧:从总体来说,个体汽车配件店经营选址的原则主要有以下几点: 1.场地费用 场地的租金是一个门店每月固定支出的一个最主要的组成部分,它直接影响到一个门店最终的利润,如果在前期没有充分考虑到场地费用的因素,那将会给未来的运营带来巨大的压力,这种压力在一定程度上会导致整个运营思想、运营体系的崩溃。所以,在选址时,我们应该充分考虑到一个场地前期的装修成本,将来每个月的支出成本,我们要找到一个最为合适的平衡点。
1. 汽车陶瓷配件是由陶瓷材料制成的。2. 陶瓷材料具有高温耐受、耐磨损、耐腐蚀等特点,因此被广泛应用于汽车发动机、刹车系统等部件的制造中。3. 除了汽车领域,陶瓷材料还被应用于航空航天、电子、医疗等领域,具有广泛的应用前景。
Cylinder body, cylinder lid, cylinder mat, engine oil bottom, inlet valve, exhaust valve, door of of steam door top, steam shakes back, eccentric shafe, into vent-pipe, carburettor, filter, crankshaft connecting rod, when gear, when chain. .
Distribution system, high tension line, annulus of sparkplug, piston, piston, piston is like, flying turntable, lubricating oil pump, engine oil filter.
Auspicious Xin science and technology, chun Xingjing is versed in, guangdong grand pursues, china apex aluminous course of study, chang'an car, boreal steam blue cereal, loose Zhi share, heart estate stock, broad-minded science and technology, trigonometry tire, blessing boast glass, every phenomenon fund is current, day dragon share, southern essence is versed in.
Car a replacement is all sorts of parts that make car whole and service the product at the car. Of the development as auto industry and people living standard rise, the sort of car a replacement is increasing, cover a range wider and wider also. It is a few common car a replacement below:
1.Engine a replacement: Include supercharger of manifold of the carapace end air cylinder, piston, crankshaft, camshaft, connecting rod, engine oil, water pump, fan, exhaust, turbine to wait.
2.Transmission system fittings: Include clutch, transmission (the hand is moved, automatic, hand from an organic whole) , transmission shaft, poor fast implement, drive axle.
3.Pensile system fittings: Include bedspring, shock absorber, stable lever, pensile arm, lining, avoid shake implement etc.
4.Brake system fittings: Include beat of undercarriage of Buddhist templeput on the brakes, brake, stop a car piece, booster of vitta of caliper of brake hoof, brake, brake, brake.
5.Tire fittings: Include mouth of tire, hub, inner tube, valve, tire balance piece.
6.Cooling system fittings: Include cistern, radiator, water pump, fan, cooling fluid, condenser to wait.
7.Electrical system fittings: Include a place of strategic importance of coil of batteries, dynamo, starter, ignition, ignition, sensor, wiring harness, relay, fuse to wait.
8.Lubricant system fittings: Include case of colander of engine oil, machine, oily base, oil pump, oily condenser, lube to wait.
9.Exhaust system fittings: Include manifold of converter of vent-pipe, muffler, catalysis, exhaust to wait.
10.Interior trim fittings: Include dial of seat, steering wheel, appearance, Control Panel, switch, door plank, carpet, ceiling to wait.
11.Exterior trim fittings: Include handle of around bumper, leaf board, dashboard, rack, door to wait.
12.Lighting system fittings: The headlight before including, hind taillight, turn to the floodlight inside the lamp, brake lamp, fog lamp, car to wait.
13.Fittings of air conditioning system: Include compressor, condenser, evaporator, expand filter of pump of a powerful person, air conditioning, air conditioning.
These fittings need to change regularly or be safeguarded, in order to ensure of the car move normally and drive safe. The car a replacement of different model and brand also somewhat difference, because this is when the choose and buy,need undertakes choosing according to specific model.
| of total capital stock of | of code | abbreviation sheds | of | total assets actually to discharge | advocate | of profit of net of | of platoon of battalion income | discharges |
| | | (100 million) | connects A | (100 million yuan) | name | (100 million yuan) | of name of increase rate | of | name |
├ -- , ┼ -- -- ┼ -- , ┼ -- , ┼ -- , ┼ , ┼ -- -- ┼ , ┼ -- , ┼ , ┤
600741 | of | 25.83 | of | of China region car 314.81 | of 14.73 | 313.32 | of 1 | 91.85 | of 1 | 1 |
├ -- , ┼ -- -- ┼ -- , ┼ -- , ┼ -- , ┼ , ┼ -- -- ┼ , ┼ -- , ┼ , ┤
000996 | of | 2.3 | of Chinese metaphase | 5.07 | of 2.3 | 0.49 | of 11 | 46.79 | of 11 | 2 |
002357 | of | are rich 0.98 | of | of the course of study that overlook use 7.11 | of 0.25 | 1.41 | of 10 | 29.67 | of 10 | 3 |
600561 | Jiangxi grows | 1.86 | of carry | 17.41 | of 1.86 | 9.56 | of 8 | 17.05 | of 8 | 4 |
600662 | of | are born by force accuse a 8.14 | of | 29.54 | of 5.49 | 11.37 | of 5 | 15.95 | of 7 | 5 |
600386 | of | north cling to 4.03 | of medium | 19.12 | of 4.03 | 13.01 | of 7 | 15.52 | of 5 | 6 |
600611 | of | 15.76 | of | of people liaison man 97.85 | of 7.15 | 26.5 | of 2 | 9.62 | of 2 | 7 |
600708 | of | | of sea gain share 3.54 | of 5.1 | 3 | of 32.77 | 3 | of 16.44 | 8 | of 8.99 |
Bright and beautiful river invests 600650 | of | 5.52 | of | 29.82 | of 3.91 | 13.63 | of 4 | 5.62 | of 4 | 9 |
600119 | the Yangtse River invests | 3.07 | of | 13.94 | of 3.07 | 7.27 | of 9 | 9 | - 10 | of 17.8 |
000421 | of | 3.52 | of | of the north in Nanjing 28.51 | of 3.52 | 12.16 | of 6 | 6 | - 11 | of 80.97 |
1/3 divides a pace to read
Investment analysis: Steam matchs a city to hire an appearance to do little improper street corner to lease a the facade of a shop but can small investment 5W- - 30W is OK, the retail price of automobile articles for use relatively the profit margin of trade price is quite high, the car carries computer profit margin for 50% ; The profit margin of car candle, antifreeze is 90%-110% ; The profit margin of seat is 100% ; The utilization rate that the car uses perfume is to achieve more 500% , fittings is exhibited on each fittings business drives the trade price that give to the product, match city and 4S inn to see the retail price that is the same as article differs with steam tremendous. Business of production of automobile articles for use provides an area the price space of one class agency already had quite big promotion. For example, the MP3 player of memory of a 512M just 270 yuan, retail shop sells 350 yuan probably; Average electronic dog trade price wants 40 yuan or so only, and market price sells 90-110 however yuan, intermediate electronic dog takes GPS trade price to be 350 yuan, market price can sell 700-900 yuan, its gain is quite spectacular.
Optional location skill: From overall for, inn of individual car a replacement manages the principle of optional location to basically have the following: 1. The hire that field expends use ground is inn of a door every months a of fixed charge the mainest component, it affects the profit with final inn of a door directly, if the element of cost of mature present land is done not have in early days, that will bring enormous pressure to prospective operation, this kind of pressure meets those who cause system of whole operation thought, operation break down on certain level. So, when optional location, we should be mature to a field of early days decorate cost, in the future the expenses cost of every month, we should find a most proper balance to nod.
Profit analysis: In Shanghai one agency says, inn of general and commonly used special fittings increases price 20 to 30% differ, if the market is rare, and the spare parts with very high content of science and technology, the extent that increase price can be achieved 100% even 200% ! If skilled vehicle repair worker is in, often average issue can be solved, and the service is considerate, every months of least profit is controlled in 5000-10000, if the car comes in and go out,choose an address generous word, the income January is in 2000 also be nothing difficult!
The car component that Bo Shisheng produces has: Rain is brushed, ecu, the steel of Cvt gear-box piece chain, sparkplug, abs system, esp system and force of apply the brake dispatching system. Rich world is the manufacturer of a replacement of a car, rich world is the fittings supplier of manufacturer of a lot of cars, the former plant fittings that also has a lot of cars, dynamo is rich world. The quality of car a replacement that Bo Shisheng produces is first-rate, have chamber of commerce of plant of a lot of cars and rich world collaboration so
The price is very transparent now, pure pursuit profit already was not a purpose, only small profits but quick turnover just is correct path.
Steam matchs is to consume kind of rising sun industry, it is OK to still calculate for profit.Profit of maintenance factory fittings is in 50% the left and right sides
Multiply into valence by fittings commonly with 1.5 computation. The charge when the rework after finishing. This is the municipal maintenance company of class of a county. If be the word in city,increase a point more, 4S inn need not say, violent. Actually profit is between 50-70% , the expenditure such as subtractive personnel water and electricity about 60-60.
1.Fittings of car pottery and porcelain is made by material of pottery and porcelain. 2. Material of pottery and porcelain has high temperature to be able to bear or endure suffer, wear-resisting caustic, anti-corrosive wait for a characteristic, because this is applied extensively at system of car engine, brake,wait for a component in making. 3. Besides car domain, material of pottery and porcelain still is applied at the domain such as aerospace, electron, medical treatment, have wide applied perspective.
The Shenzhen of the beginning of the year is exhibited, the Wuhan in year exhibits meeting and Zhengzhou meeting