狗狗固定时地如厕训练(中) @生活习惯vs.居家环境
在训练之前,还要理解狗狗的生理习惯与心理情绪。只要掌握狗狗的身心状态,便可以让训练工作更快完成,而且相当自然,没有压力。之后再根据你的生活习惯与住所环境,去配合以下的室内、外大小便训练流程,很快地你就会发现狗狗真是个「冰雪聪明」的好伴侣。 @生理配合心理,双管齐下
不管你需不需要上班,都不可能每天陪在他旁边等他自然解放,所以在训练狗狗定时大小便的过程当中,总得想些办法让他在你陪伴他的过程中上厕所,才能够在狗狗大小便的第一时间里给予热烈的鼓励。 刚开始训练的时候,他当然不会因为你讲一句:「快大便!」就真的拉了出来,只能从动物生理反应的管道下手,轻轻松松完成自然的催便术。
由于狗狗在进食过后不久,较容易想要上厕所。因此你只要在每次让狗狗吃完饭之后约10~20分钟左右(时间长短可以观察狗狗的习性后抓出),带他到同一地点「待命」,一有解放的意图,你就给予鼓励。久而久之,他就会知道「饭后+某个地点上厕所=主人高兴」,并且受到称赞的一件事情。以后他就会「主动」在饭后,跑到你经常带他去的定点上厕所。 ---亲爱的爸爸妈妈,请给我掌声鼓励!
以后他每每在指定地点排泄,你就应该以正面语气鼓励他,说声:「好棒~~喔!Good~~ Girl(Boy)!」,或是给他一点口欲上的满足。重复不断的严厉语气制止,加上称赞语气的鼓励,他便会记住哪里可以大小便,哪里不行。
狗狗固定时地如厕训练(下) @中标:室内训练省时省事 不管是新生的狗狗,还是成犬,当他们来到一个新的环境,都需要经过大小便训练。而且这项训练,应该从狗狗居住的室内环境开始。包括帮他安排一个舒适的窝,以及给予他一个固定的如厕地点。 其中幼犬的训练会比较困难,有如新生儿需要包尿布是同样的道理。幼犬因为器官还未发育完成,在玩耍活动的时候,大小便更是控制不住,再加上你与他的沟通默契尚未建立,所以,持续耐心爱心的教导与鼓励,是最好的教育方法。 如果你长时间不在家,而且无法固定带狗狗外出散步,那么你可以选择让他在家中较易清理的地方上厕所。室内的大小便训练,只需要简单的辅助工具——报纸,就可以顺利完成。 @中标:散步时顺便大小便
@家家都有天才狗宝贝 一个大小便问题真的说大不大,说小不小,但是,因为小狗突然造反到处乱尿,导致全家人仰马翻,甚至弃养的情形也时有所闻。很多主人不知道狗狗的大小便问题可以用教学方法解决,一味地用打骂的方式对付,结果打到狗狗疑神疑鬼,甚至个性丕变都还学不会。
The ground when dog dog is secured uses the toilet training (in) Vs of @ habits and customs. Rank an environment
Everybody is asking: " how should make dog dog time decide the toilet on the dot after all? " before asking this question actually, should turn round first postmortem the habits and customs of yourself and the environment that you live, go deciding you want to let dog dog be used to everyday again in when, the relieve oneself that what decides a dot to release him.
For example says, time of average office worker going to work won't be in the home, if fear dog dog takes the advantage of host to be absent to be in the home everywhere relieve oneself, should make his nurturance fixed be reached before host goes to work in the morning so after coming off work, go to the lavatory. Additional, one which in evaluating the home even decides a dot to suit the toilet on dog dog most, it is the bathroom in the home, balcony, courtyard probably... solve along with all the others when take a walk even. After training is successful, dog dog is met willingness ground is excreted in same place, be a very wonderful thing?
Before training, understand the physiology habit of dog dog and psychological sentiment even. Want to master the condition of body and mind of dog dog only, can let train the job to be finished more quickly, and quite natural, without pressure. Later again the habits and customs according to you and abode environment, go cooperating the following indoor, outside relieve oneself trains flow, immediately you can discover dog dog is true is " ice and snow is clever " good spouse. @ physiology cooperates psychology, work along both lines
Dog dog won't oneself can be secured natively in ran to closestool to liberate at 9 o'clock every morning, just began to ask for company so he, help what he remembers him use the toilet time and place. The method that helps him remember can divide two kinds, it is the hair obedience from the heart, 2 it is the habit on physiology, let us look next, how to keep abreast of from two respects, allow time of dog dog relieve oneself, practice is gotten fast good.
- - dear father mother, help me arise please meaning!
No matter you need not to need to go to work, accompany impossibly everyday he waits to be liberated naturally by him, in training so dog dog times among the process of relieve oneself, the toilet goes up in the course that must considers some of method to let him accompany him in you, just can be in quite of dog dog relieve oneself for a short while in give enthusiastic encouragement. When just beginning to train, he won't tell because of you of course: " rapid have a bowel movement! " pulled really, the conduit that can react from animal physiology only does it, of the light relaxed loose nature that finish urge art.
After because dog dog is in,taking food before long, want more easily to go up toilet. Accordingly you want to make an appointment with 10 ~ 20 minutes or so after letting dog dog eat a meal every time only (after time length can observe the habit of dog dog, catch) , take him to be nodded to same ground " on call " , one have emancipatory intention, you give encourage. As time passes, he can know " after the meal + host of = of the toilet on a certain place is glad " , a business that and get praises. He is met after " active " after the meal, run to you to often take what he goes to decide the toilet on the dot. ---Dear father mother, encourage to my applause please!
Use the means that beat and scold or license to hurried in order to be changed so that dog dog dare not be before you, but can not make sure he won't be after your face about everywhere relieve oneself. More often beat and scold what is more,the rather that, the disposition that can let dog dog becomes craven, without self-confidence, the dog with such grown education is joyless, as host you also where is glorious less than.
Just came to the dog in your home, cannot understand your word of command completely probably or be the complexion that observes you, but he can distinguish Hunan your audio is emphatic. You can tell him to be in the home with harsher tone relieve oneself (red-handed) it is incorrect (" be no good! " or be " NO! " ) , before and be returned in him was not being liberated, take him you to hope the ground of his relieve oneself is nodded.
He often is in after appoint a place to excrete, you should encourage him with openly mood, say voice: " ~ of very marvellous ~ ! Girl(Boy) of Good ~ ~ ! " , or it is the satisfaction that goes up to his a bit mouth desire. Repeat ceaseless harsh tone to check, add those who praise mood to encourage, he can remember where is OK relieve oneself, where be no good.
Forgetting dog dog nevertheless is to use associate type memory law goes learning, so of above check with encourage must make a motion in dog dog undertake for a short while. And memorial study is to need to spend some of time education, not be 9 days can be accomplished, advocate people should have patience!
The ground when dog dog secures uses the toilet training (below) @ wins the bid: No matter the save trouble when indoor training is saved is newborn dog, still become a dog, come to a new environment when them, need to train through relieve oneself. And this training, the indoor environment that should live from dog dog begins. Include to help him arrange a comfortable nest, and give what he secures to use the toilet a place. Among them the training of young dog will be more difficult, be like a new student need bag diaper is same argument. Young dog is returned because of the organ not development is finished, in amuse oneself activity when, relieve oneself is to be not controlled more, plus you and his communication tacit understanding had be notted build, so, love patiently continuously the teaching of the heart and encourage, it is best educational method. If you are not in the home for long, and cannot secure the dog that take a dog to go out take a walk, so the toilet on the place that you can choose to make him easier in the home clear. Indoor relieve oneself trains, need simple auxiliary tool only -- newspaper, can finish smoothly. @ wins the bid: When taking a walk incidentally relieve oneself
Host secures the dog that take a dog to go out everyday the time that take a walk, also be the superexcellent opportunity that trains dog dog relieve oneself. Because dog dog is among mobile process, also can want to go up quite toilet. And the nature that dog dog likes inherently to take territory under one's control, more too impatient to wait longs to liberate.
Want you to be able to be in only secure for a short while together everyday take him to go out to take a walk, he can be used to the relieve oneself problem that solves him outside very naturally. Dog dog is outer and optional relieve oneself, although go to the lavatory, but the mainest ending job must be accomplished really. No matter you use what method, what material is good, do not forget to be liberated in dog dog after ending, will " gold " pick up case take away, leave everybody a clean road environment.
Home @ home has shellfish of talent the stone of a dog's gall bladder problem of a relieve oneself says really big, say small, but, because the doggie is abrupt rebellious everywhere random make water, bring about family men and horses thrown off their feet-utterly routed, abandon raised status even also be heard from time to tome. A lot of host do not know the relieve oneself problem of dog dog can use teaching method to solve, make do blindly with the means that beat and scold, the result makes dog dog extremely suspicious, even individual character bigs change to still learn won't.
Do not think the dog of others home is a talent, so relieve oneself meets him to solve. Look this piece education covers, abrupt Jing becomes aware, the pretty with dog true still dog is clever, just our mankind is too stupid. Want to spend love and patient training only, domestic home has shellfish of talent the stone of a dog's gall bladder!