1, polar bear: Polar bear is the biggest terrestrial carnivore on the world, renown polar bear. As a result of global air temperature elevatory, arctic floating ice begins to melt gradually, polar bear in former days the destruction that home already sufferred certain level, eradicate probably before long in what did not come, need human protection.
2, common sparrow: Common sparrow is the auk that has eradicated is near, but handkerchief fragrance bird now not only living, and live very well. The major days of this kind of seabird is spent on water, they are met submerge catchs small fish and squid. Arrived however the breed of spring and summer period, on dry land only ability sees them.
3, arctic hare: Arctic hare belongs to a social animal, nose, ear is acute, not shy and recreant, easily domestic, basically be with the food such as root of moss, plant, tree feed, also can eat the meat now and then, habitat the area at chill of North America north, distributing at Canada, Greenland island. Already was included to be in severe danger species red directory.
4, sea sparrow: Sea sparrow is primitive penguin, also be the first kind of when make this name bird that won't fly. It lives in water area of Beijing University West, especially Canada, in Na Zhixin England also can see their figure. Excessive catch kill bring about sea sparrow to be eradicated in 19 centuries trend.
5, arctic fox: Arctic fox has very close nap and less needle hair, can live on the firn of 0 50 ℃ . Arctic fox activity at whole and arctic limits, food basically is lemming, also eat egg of fish, bird, bird, shellfish, arctic hare and bacca to wait. In this this kind of animal has been close to the Naweiya of can eradicate, come to this ground a few years father to it all the time increase protection.
6, snow Zuo : Snow Zuo perchs to be taken at frozen earth and liver mosses place, also see at moorland upland. With rat kind, avian, insect is feed. In arctic and Siberia breed, the area distributes land at Chinese northward ministry it is thus clear that when live through the winter, very infrequent. Snow Zuo lives in arctic area. Basically prey lemming, prey occasionally the large prey such as hare, gull and duck. Already was included to be in severe danger species red directory.
7, white whale: White whale of the great majority on the world lives in Alaska of Europe, United States and Canada in the maritime space with north. The area in a few Bai Jingji already made the Holy land that admire whale, the holy fatigue Lun Sihe that includes Canadian the eastpart part is downstream with Ha Dexun bay the bayou of Qiu Jier river western. Be in the United States, only the Alaska has white whale, and at present here puts about 5 only. A few kinds of Bai Jingzhong with not much amount to of bay groove guard are overcome in the library, it is a kind when do not migrate, publish list of exceeding endangered species recently.
8, glutton: Glutton is a weasel is familial, grow very much to resemble with otter. It has the claw of extraordinary, this kind of claw uses dibble or swarm mostly.
9, red fox: Red fox is not the Arctic circle is unique. In fact, in the any continent that divides Antarctica, can see its figure. However unfortunate is, in a lot of biosphere they are regarded as a kind of dangerous thing. Basically reach rat with marmot kind to feed, also eat wild fowl, frog, fish, insect to wait, still take all sorts of wild fruit and crop.
10, lynx: Lynx is the felid with less understanding of a kind of people, their type of build or figure is average very small. Canadian lynx is growing to grow long leg and wide sole, these characteristics make it very easy be crossed from deep accumulated snow. They are main make a living with the hare of near Liu ball of arctic hare.