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是西方传媒界四巨头(法新社,路透社,美联社,合众社)中资格最老的一个。成立于1944年,全称法国新闻社。法新社(Agence France Presse, AFP),全称法国新闻社,成立于1944年,是与路透社、美联社和合众社齐名的西方四大世界性通讯社之一。前身是由夏尔·哈瓦斯于1835年创建的“哈瓦斯通讯社”。法新社是西方四大通讯社中资格最老的一个。










Do 2021 new statute book go which buy new statute book?

Buy 2021 new statute book to be able to go to place new China bookshop, also can be duped to be bought when the net.

Does put on record implement old law or new law before new law?

The basic principle of our country law is a law not go against the river and the principle that go to already, general when new law old law conflicts applicable is from old hold light principle concurrently.

Illegal behavior happens during old law is carried out, and after be being carried out to new law continuously, be investigated, it is with investigated time accurate, not go against the river and go to already. Had adjudicated the case of become effective before new law promulgates become effective, had produced legal effectiveness, cannot again applicable new law.

Content of new statute book?

New statute book was revised about civil code general principles, include contract law, thing authority law, marriage law, inheritance act, assure the partial law clause of the 7 old law such as law, tort liability law, foster law, make its more the public feelings that accords with contemporary China, it is a judge in the court decision from time to tome the law can be depended on.

What does new statute book point to?

New statute book is the legal standard with a general and applicable country, it makes legal standard can get used to the need that the society admits better, enhance applicable effectiveness of law and public letter power.

New statute book is in charge of by civil code allusion, penal code, code of mercantile law, procedural law and administrative code is comprised 5 times partly, will amalgamative reform counts clause of law of the tuber of stemona actively, new conformity, optimize and perfect legal standard system, enhance a country to administer system and processing capability further.

Of new statute book carry out, will conduce to strengthen legal construction, uphold fair justice and social order, drive law to implement more uniform standard, protect legitimate rights and interests of the citizen better, the development that is economy, culture and society provides more strong law safeguard. In the meantime, of new statute book roll out the challenge that also can bring a few reform, need various government and judicatory orgnaization to pass publicize energetically, groom and extend the job such as legal talented person, rise to law is taught and popularize a level hard, ensure of new jurisprudence move effectively and fulfil.

Feature of analogy innovation law?

Analogy is a kind of of scientific thinking important method, apply it at analogy creation law is in creation. Like: ?

1, direct analogy creates a law

the analogy of issue of a few technologies with unknown problem and foregone other, fashion the ideology of creativity. Be like British surgeon Lisite, knowing corruption from inside the composing of French bacteriologist Pausteur is caused by the bacterium, accordingly, he thinks of cut fester also is a kind of corrupt phenomenon, cause by the bacteria, want to prevent bacteria infection, the need before the operation is disinfected strictly, then Lisite invented carbolic acid antiseptic disinfection law.

2, analogy of cause and effect creates a law

The basis may exist between each attribute of two things same causal and the inference that undertake. The comrade that is like company of Guangdong Hai Kang medicine from river mussel inspiration gets in Yo bead (pearl is enter a mussel by sand inside, the mussel is secreted mucous encase sand and formation) , in eyewinker of the embedded in arrogant gallbladder, make the secretion agglutinate of bovine gallbladder is all round the eyewinker, accumulate over a long period forms gall-stone, implantation of successfully method of labour of choose and employ persons precious and exiguous bezoar.

3, symmetrical analogy creates a law

The basis provides some symmetry deduction between the attribute of the object, innovation gives new thing. In the equation that British physicist surname pulls a gram to move from descriptive free electron, reached two solution that failing semmetry, among them a correspondence at foregone electron, and corresponding what do another solve? Surname pulls a gram to use symmetrical analogy, put forward " positron " the bold hypothesis of existence, the result is confirmed by laboratory.

Yo does experience share Yo knowledge?

Yo knowledge is as follows

Addition of round the clock of time of 1. child Morpheus is not gotten little at 12 hours. Remember, enough sleep is the safeguard of child health.

Outdoors motion having oxygen can increase 2. immune force of the child, fluctuation midday all not less than outdoors activities of 40 minutes, best can land of bring into contact with, of course haze mist weather wants exception.

If install 3. wants the child, 3 minutes of be hungry and cold. Must not eat too much to the child, those who wear is too thick, the change that should follow environmental temperature changes to the child the dress.

4. is medicine 3 minutes poison, should believe dietetic have curative effect truly.

5. can try the four seasons to wash a face to the child with cold water, can increase its cold-resistant capacity, reduce a cold.

6. feed respect, initial stage is with the mother breast or acting milkings are given priority to, increase later in 56 months complementary feed, such ability satisfy the need of body development

7. is make infant can nurturance dines smoothly habit, proposal parent notices will complementary during feeding time to adjust adult to dine or after dining. Adult dines have behavior guiding effect to the child; Feed complementary when feeding, food is chewed at the same time in adult mouth, even if be chewing gum only.

 8. darling before one one full year of life as far as possible the food that edible little candy does not have salt; Although darling a week after year old, also answer to avoid to add salt and candy when making food for darling as far as possible; Examine food label without fail, check you to buy alimental to contain salt is measured or contain candy amount; Flavor and condiment are used in cookbook, or citric, lime and tomato mud replace salt.


Applicable new law or old law?

The suitable scope of new law and old law:   

1, criminal law respect: With " from old hold concurrently light " for the principle, namely the pendency case in principle when new law produces effectiveness is handled according to old law, but new law is lighter to the punishment of this behavior, ought to handle according to new law.


2, civil code respect: With " anew " for the principle, namely the pendency case when new law produces effectiveness is handled according to new law, but law has formulary except additionally to this problem.   

3, judicatory explanation: No matter be civil,the judicatory that still is criminal classification explains, all be with the law that is explained effectiveness is a foundation, namely during its effectiveness puts add decide completely with the law that is explained.   

4, different to same question law has different regulation, its are mid below the case that divides legal happening to change, ought to according to " old law of new law excel " and " special law excel is common law " principle processing. But when if new law is common law and old law,the law that is special law conflicts, ought to adjudicate on by mechanism having right commonly comfortable wherewith law.

The purpose of innovation law?

One, the purpose of innovation is

1, innovation is right what step pace ahead is initiative, be breakthrough current situation is essential.

2, the soul that innovation is progress of a nation, it is a country is healthy not exhaust motivation. The purpose of innovation is the innovation that promoted oneself poineering practice, and accelerated gain of science and technology change, the transition that quickened an industry upgrades, also advanced economy to develop the change of means, increased the capacity that our country innovates independently.

3, of the ultimate goal of innovation the report that carrying out should be volition of numerous people collective, the primary purpose of innovation should be better settlement problem, stimulative job and service people.

What is new law society?

Appear in news " new law society " what be? That is not new law society, it is Afp.

It is western medium bound 4 tycoons (Afp, reuter, associated press, join numerous company) in a the qualification is the oldest. Held water 1944, news agency of full name France. Afp (Agence France Presse, AFP) , news agency of full name France, held water 1944, be mix with Reuter, associated press close the west with numerous eponymous company one of 4 macrocosm sex news agency. Predecessor is by summerly Er · breaths out what gas founded 1835 " haing gas news service " . Afp is the west a the qualification in 4 big news agency is the oldest.

Julius Lu appears British Reuter patriarch, wolfe of · of haing heart of Bern of patriarch of Wolfe news agency ever was in Germany to this news agency has worked and try imitated established oneself news agency. During the the First World War, the business of haing gas company grows quickly, there is a staff member in Paris only 300 much people. During the Second World War, paris falls into enemy hands, but haing gas company did not quit the job. August 1944, paris is liberated, the staff member that leaves a news agency for warlike place approach is returned in succession. Gas company and a few news service that establish in counteractive motion are breathed out to incorporate after Afp held water on former address of haing gas company. Of the same age in September, afp is obtained with decretal form temporarily communal orgnaization position. Independent joint-venture enterprises signing up for course of study is on Afp name, it is French government news agency actually.

Afp leads an orgnaization to include 3 tissues: (1) administrative committee is Afp top leader orgnaization, commissarial tenure of office 3 years, canal appoint can hold general manager concurrently to chair by the president; (2) high-level committee is in charge of monitoring Afp regulation carry out; (3) financial committee is in charge of supervising estimated carry out and financial management.

Greater part distributes on Afp business: News ministry, general affairs ministry, technology ministry. Photography ministry is minor, be subject to news ministry. Total company uses all sorts of characters to arrange hair press release through each circuitry everyday. All over the world 160 many countries and area have press release subscriber to make an appointment with 3500.

On January 10, 1957, french government issues a decree, set Afp to answer ground of accurate, rapid, clear complete independence, send a message 24 hours to whole world each district everyday, news of reportorial world politics, finance, sports and deferent all sorts of pictures. The report parts usage, flower, on the west, article of heart, A, Pu offers sketch. Its are Sino-French manuscript 11 circuitry, occupy the 60 % that send message script, english stalks of grain 3 circuitry, occupy the 15 % that send message script. Flower, on the west, heart manuscript is compiled in total company, a manuscript is in company of Caire middle east for you interpret hair, pu article is translated in Lisbon and holy Paul.

The technical establishment of Afp is very advanced, own launcher of much station computer, radio and 5 different satellites. The indication terminal that is used at making up draft tens of stages, have telex opportunity thousands of.

Characteristic of analogy innovation law?

The characteristic of analogy law is " compare pusher first " . "Than " the foundation that is analogy, "Than " also want common feature already " than " differentia. The common feature between the object is the premise condition that whether can analogy law apply, analogy inference cannot not undertake between bit more collective object.

Undertake comparative between two things that analogy creation law is the likeness in be like from anatomical photograph or imagining, find out their similar point, the means that gets the thought is inspired innovating from which. Its characteristic is beg in different with, other is sought in be the same as.
