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As the undergraduate of a mental health, be any problems that in treating the life and study correctly, produce. Have good state of mind. Active cheerful is spirit.

Have good human relationship and sound moral quality, it is a of undergraduate mental health important sign, also be the fundamental condition that maintains mental health. Good human relationship, in studying the life expression is: Interact gladly with classmate and teacher, have stable and extensive human concern already, have oneself intimate again, other of can objective evaluation and oneself, satisfactory happy event, the actor of actor person. Take the person's length, of filling oneself short. And sound moral quality, it is the character that shows psychology and behavior harmony are unified.

Sound moral quality of the undergraduate includes: Character structure element does not have apparent blemish and deviation. Have sober and correct self-awareness, won't produce ego oneness disorder. Regard people on one's own side as the core of case with the philosophy of active enterprising, dominate oneself psychology and action effectively with this. Relatively complete and unified psychology is held proof. If an undergraduate for no reason suspects other classmate is laughing at him, without giving thought to others what kind of explanation, he always is bigoted, it is character a kind when go up cranky, it is the expression with insalubrious psychology.

Additional, spirit is healthy the another expression form that also is mental health.

Healthy spirit is the individual lives in its a kind of with its lifestyle and life style work up rise self-awareness in experience, the synthesis of the respect such as training of quality of the world outlook that is a person, psychology, ethics shows and important sign, also be a person can accurate hold oneself, search the social position that fits oneself to develop and the base that gain other to respect become reconciled to feel.

The main content of undergraduate health character should include:

One: Have correct self-awareness. The undergraduate that has healthy moral quality is due to oneself the evaluation of appropriate, be full of self-confidence, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, adjust effectively oneself behavior, maintain harmony, balance with the environment.

2: Have capacity of good mood adjusting control. The undergraduate of character health should have the capacity that adjust and controls a mood, often keep happy, optimistic mood, and have sense of humor. When negative sentiment appears, can discharge of ground of fair and reasonable washing with watercolors, untangle, move, sublimate.

3: Good society gets used to ability. The undergraduate of character health can maintain good contact with the society, with a kind open manner cares society, understanding society actively, all sorts of thing phenomena of lookout bring into contact with, the active face that can see the society develops and mainstream have social sense of responsibility. In understanding society while, can with when all is entered, make oneself thought, behavior catchs up with the development of the times, close with requirement conform to of the society, show can get used to new environment.

4: Have harmonious human concern. The undergraduate of character health is happy to interact with other, can establish good relationship with others, when getting along with the person, the openly manner such as respect, accredit over envy, the negative attitude such as suspicion; Healthy undergraduate often treats another person with honest, fair, accredit, lenient attitude, also get at the same time of other love and admit.

5: Have hopeful life attitude. Often can see the bright face of the life, be full of hope and confidence to the future, the job that pursues to oneself or study hold strong interest, develop the wisdom of oneself and ability in the job and study, score a success. Although difficulty and setback are encountered in the life, also be brave in to face, take the bull by the horns, be brave in to go all out in work.

6: Have healthy aesthetic interest. The world outlook that healthy aesthetic interest establishs aesthetic view, philosophy, science to the undergraduate, character structure that shapes health has main effect. Have exalted, healthy aesthetic interest, what can raise oneself is cultural, boycott all sorts of insalubrious thoughts self-consciously erode, pursue higher life value, the ego of implementation person is perfect.

Do an eligible undergraduate. Do a mental health, healthy, sunshine, active up undergraduate. Each undergraduate should be accomplished.

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