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The difference between culture in Chinese and Western:

1 More point, more interest;华文书就会比较多形容词,使你读得更生动

2 I think westtern people will more interest then Chinese people(At photography aspect)

3 中方文化:食用筷子


1,中国用筷子,外国用刀叉。first,in china people use chopstiks and foreigner use folk and knife.

2,中国习惯聚餐,外国喜欢分餐制。second,in china people like eating meal in one plate but foreigner like everybody have a plate and eating thireslves food.

3,中国人吃饭喜欢谈事情,外国人吃饭一般保持安静。 third,people like talking on table in china,foreigner always keep quite . 4,中国人餐桌比较短,外国人餐桌比较长。forth,in china the table was shorter than foreigner.5,主食不同,中国是米饭,外国是面包。fivth,diffrent from main food ,chinese like rice,foreigner like bread.自己想着写的,也不能及时给你真不好意思。








1、中国传统节日的起源:中国是一个有着古老东方文明的国家。其悠久的历史和优良传统为传统节日的成长提供了肥沃的土壤。作为一个农业国,中华文化深深根植于农业。因此,农 业活动使得节日更具有地方性色彩。




1、庆祝中国节日的方式:春节对每一个中国人以及海外华人来说都是最重要的节日。它的庆祝活动丰富而且隆重。节日活动丰富多彩。林语堂,著名的华人学者,曾经对春节做了一个 很好的描述道,古老的中国农历新年,对中国人民来说是一年中最大的节日,相比之下,其他节日似乎黯淡许多。












现如今在西方,尤其是在年轻人当中,开始流行一种新的消费观念:buy experience,not things.(买体验,而不是东西。)调查显示,新鲜的经历带给人们的喜悦比商品带来的喜悦要更加长久。




1. 食材选择:中餐食材丰富多样,包括蔬菜、肉类、海鲜、豆腐等,强调食材的本味。而西餐食材相对较少,主要以牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉等为主,注重食材的鲜嫩度和烹饪技巧。

2. 烹饪手法:中餐烹饪手法多样,包括炒、炖、煮、蒸、煨等,强调火候和控制。而西餐烹饪手法相对简单,以烤、炸、煎、烩为主,注重食材的搭配和调味。

3. 调味方式:中餐调味复杂多变,讲究五味调和,注重探索各种调味品的搭配,如酱油、醋、糖、料酒、葱、姜、蒜等。而西餐调味相对简单,主要以盐、胡椒、奶油、黄油等为主,注重凸显食材的本味。

4. 餐具使用:中餐餐具主要以筷子为主,勺子为辅,碗盘用来盛放食物。而西餐餐具以刀叉为主,盘子用来盛放食物,酒杯用来饮用酒水。

5. 进餐礼仪:中餐进餐礼仪强调长幼有序,主客有别,进餐时相互敬酒、劝菜,体现亲情和友情。而西餐进餐礼仪注重个人独立,进餐时一般不说话,注重享受食物和氛围。

6. 餐桌氛围:中餐餐桌氛围一般较为热闹,家人和朋友围坐在一起,共享美食。而西餐餐桌氛围相对安静,注重个人空间的尊重和私密性。







One, PPT of English of difference of square culture of Chinese and Western?

The Difference Between Culture In Chinese And Western:

1More Point, more Interest; Hua Wenshu can compare much adjective, make you are read more racily

2I Think Westtern People Will More Interest Then Chinese People(At Photography Aspect)

3 in square culture: Edible chopstick

2, difference of culture of square table of Chinese and Western, should have English?

1, china uses a chopstick, the foreign country uses knife and fork. First, in China People Use Chopstiks And Foreigner Use Folk And Knife.

2, chinese habit dines together, the foreign country likes to divide eat to make. Second, in China People Like Eating Meal In One Plate But Foreigner Like Everybody Have A Plate And Eating Thireslves Food.

3, the Chinese has a meal like to talk about a thing, the foreigner has a meal to keep quiet commonly. Third, people Like Talking On Table In China, foreigner Always Keep Quite. 4, chinese table is shorter, foreigner table is longer. Forth, in China The Table Was Shorter Than Foreigner.5, staple food is different, china is rice, the foreign country is biscuit. Fivth, diffrent From Main Food, chinese Like Rice, foreigner Like Bread. Oneself are wanting to write, also cannot feel embarrassed in time really to you.

3, difference of culture of appointment of Chinese and Western?

Culture is discrepant for certain between Chinese and Western, the culture difference between appointment of Chinese and Western also is existence for certain, chinese, if cultured of appointment of male and female is a man,pay, western country is not such, deliver goods first, let him solve, this is so called AA it make these two kinds of systems what divided is good to make these two kinds of systems what divided with bad, just say some things suit east only, some things suit congee only

4, difference of culture of language of Chinese and Western?

The difference of speech.

Speech cent is dialect, tone, syllable. Chinese dialect has plaint, doubt, allegation. Sheet can listen from dialect going out is inquiry still plaints. Tone includes " , 2, 3, the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics, light tone " . Read rise emphatic, resonant and Orphean, well-regulated, syllabic, it is closed syllable of odd syllable, basic nonexistent what, be like " Ha " add " T " , can seek the seat from inside English only, became " Hat " , language written language of the west wants exquisite open syllable, closed syllable, include light syllable, heavy syllable, and have odd syllable, much syllable. These features decided the difference that goes up at all.

5, difference of culture of festival of Chinese and Western?

One, genetic and different

1, the origin of Chinese traditional festival: China is a state that having old and Oriental civilization. Its long history and good convention are traditional festival grow offerred a fertile soil. As an agricultural country, china culture is deep root establish at agriculture. Accordingly, agricultural activity makes the festival has local color more.

The Spring Festival and a few agriculture activities, if cultivate, results, having close connection. Regard China as the mainest festival, the origin of the Spring Festival is OK restrospect to comes thousands of years the fokelore of a series of rich and colorful of ceaseless evolution and tradition.

2, the origin of western convention red-letter day: In western country, religion is the center of culture and society. The thought of people can react through religion. Meanwhile, religion passes the mankind to controlling them to the belief of god or spirit. Can say none exaggeratively, all trades and professions of religious consist in. Accordingly, festival and christian are having close connection, besides christmas, easter also is concerned with religion.

2, congratulatory kind is different

1, the means of congratulatory China festival: The Spring Festival is the mainest festival to each Chinese and abroad Chinese. Rich and its congratulatory activity is grand. Festal activity rich and colorful. Lin Yutang, distinguished Chinese scholar, once did a very good description to to the Spring Festival, new Year of old Chinese the traditional Chinese calendar, it is the biggest red-letter day in a year to Chinese people, under photograph comparing, other red-letter day appears bleak a lot of.

2, the means of congratulatory west festival: In restful night, the people of great majority congratulatory christmas can be in themselves home hold a special red-letter day to celebrate a ceremony. People connects the home to often can decorate the gift that that next christmas tree pack color next to be put below. In christmas that day, have a lot of congratulatory activities likewise. Exchange in christmas giving Christmas greeting card to give close friends is whole world congratulatory Christmas is gift, consuetudinary.

3 meal are different

1, Oriental meal: Chinese dish is " have taste " , so Chinese cook is using huge also shows on makings optional sex: A lot of Hesperian count the thing that abandons content, be in China is wonderful raw material, the thing that foreign chef cannot handle, arrive in Chinese chef hand, can change decayed for magical.

2, Western-style meal; More as apparent as the difference of Chinese food means is the buffet of western popularity. This law is: Will all food is displayed one by one come out, everybody each takes what he needs, need not secure eat on seat, ambulate free, this kind of means facilitates the affection between the individual communicates, do not place all words on the desktop surely, also behaved Hesperian to be opposite the individual character, esteem to ego. Hesperian thinks dish is allay one's hunger, eat chunk flesh, whole chicken to wait only so " good food " .

6, does Chinese and Western have a meal does Fu Feiwen turn difference?

Chinese and Western just has a meal Fu Feiwen changes difference to basically be reflected is AA is made or a person pays. Be in China usually, that person that has a meal please sits east, namely who has a meal please, who pays Zhang, of course, as the guest, you also cannot take other people casually, the person that enough esteem plays the host also wants when ordering dishes.

Hesperian has a meal, some places like AA to make, but not be all.

7, difference of culture of eat of Chinese and Western?

Contrast is paid attention to " flavour " Chinese food, the west grasps those who hold is concept of a kind of rational food.

8, does Chinese and Western just shop culture difference?

In the Chinese's inherent consciousness and idea, go after the relaxation of body and mind blindly, the energy between beautiful take time is on recreational activities, it is the expression that is content with a corner. And Hesperian is pursuit cultural life, they can open a clique to be opposite in free time, loosen; of body and mind they like to behave individual character, pursuit extraordinary.

Be in nowadays now the west, it is especially among the youth, begin popularity a kind of new consumption idea: Buy Experience, not Things. (buy an experience, is not a thing. ) investigation shows, the joyance that the joyance that new experience brings people brings than commodity wants more long.

A psychology of university of Er of American health Nai considers to discover, the happy rate that new experience or a craft of new learning and a new merchandise bring people at first equallies matched, but the elapse as time, people falls gradually to the happy degree of article, and be like,still make them excited to viatic memory and new craft first.

9, difference of culture of food of Chinese and Western?

Square dietary culture difference basically reflects Chinese and Western in the following respects:

1.Feed material choice: Chinese meal feeds material to abound diversity, include vegetable, pork kind, seafood, bean curd, emphasize feeding this flavour of material. And Western-style food feeds capable person opposite less, basically wait with beef, chicken, pork give priority to, pay attention to those who feed capable person is fresh and tender spend and cooking skill.

2.Cooking gimmick: Gimmick of Chinese meal cooking is diversiform, include to fry, stew, boil, evaporate, cook over a slow fire, stress duration and control. And ploy of Western-style food cooking is relatively simple, in order to bake, scamper, decoct, braise is given priority to, pay attention to the collocation that feeds capable person and flavor.

3.Flavor means: Chinese meal flavors complex and changeful, exquisite the five flavors is harmonic, pay attention to the collocation that explores all sorts of dressing, wait like soy, vinegar, candy, cooking wine, green, ginger, garlic. And Western-style food flavors relatively simple, basically wait with salt, peppery, butter, butter give priority to, pay attention to highlight those who feed capable person this flavour.

4.Tableware uses: Chinese meal tableware basically is given priority to with the chopstick, ladle is complementary, bowl dish use Cheng Fang food. And Western-style food tableware is given priority to with knife and fork, dish uses Cheng Fang food, goblet uses drinkable wine water.

5.Dine formal: Chinese meal dines formal emphasize growing young orderly, advocate the guest has not, when dining, propose a toast each other, persuade dish, reflect close affection and friendship. And Western-style food dines formal pay attention to an individual to become independent, when dining, do not talk commonly, pay attention to enjoy food and atmosphere.

6.Mensal atmosphere: Atmosphere of Chinese meal table is general relatively lively, family and friend are surrounded sit together, share cate. And atmosphere of Western-style food table is relatively quiet, pay attention to close sex of the esteem of individual space and illicit.

Of course, these difference are not absolutely, as the communication of culture and confluence, culture of food of Chinese and Western also is being affected each other ceaselessly and develop.

10, difference of culture of square picnic of Chinese and Western?

Be dietary means above all is different. Chinese picnic can take the convenient provision that does not need cooking more very much. And the west can take portable cooking range to be born to cook alive outside more very much.

It is eating food next different. Meeting snack mixes the Chinese all sorts of food that pack. And the west can prepare a few semi-manufactured goods to burn will eat or be baked will eat

Finally is tableware is different. China may eat directly, can take dinner service alone not quite. And the west can take tableware knife and fork to perhaps eat afternoon tea to also can have tea service

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