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健身人怎么减脂? 健身期间怎么减脂?英文双语对照


健身人怎么减脂? 健身期间怎么减脂?英文双语对照









2、自己练,怎么练都行,关键是“保证每周运动频率”。如果你不想聘请私教,也不知道怎么练(事实上许多人一开始都处于这个状态)。那也没关系,因为有“ 新手福利期现象 ”的存在,就算你不知道怎么练,也能让自己很快瘦下来。









































1 可以通过健身来减脂2 健身可以帮助消耗体内脂肪,增加肌肉量,加速新陈代谢,从而达到减脂的效果。其中有氧运动比如慢跑、游泳、跳绳等可以燃烧更多的脂肪,力量训练也可以增加肌肉量,提高基础代谢率。3 除了健身,还需要注意饮食,控制总热量摄入,选择低GI值的食物,多吃蔬菜水果,少吃高脂肪高糖食物,保证足够的蛋白质摄入,以维持肌肉量。同时也要保证充足的睡眠和减少压力,有助于调节体内激素水平,促进减脂。



























How does gymnastical person reduce fat?

The key that gymnastical person reduces fat is comprehensive campaign and dietary control. Above all, want to undertake oxygen moves having, like ran, swim or ride a bicycle, undertake 3-5 at least every week second, every time 30-60 minute.

Next, want to undertake force trains, increase muscle amount, raise metabolism. In addition, want to control food, reduce high quantity of heat and tall adipose alimental to absorb, increase vegetables and fruits and protein absorb. Reasonable arrangement food, control the intake of carbohydrate, the quantity of heat that keeps measurable is absorbed. The most important is to maintain hold to and patient, reducing fat is a long-term course, need to perserve.

How is fat reduced during fitness?

1, ask illicit teaching: This is the simplest and feasible method absolutely, if economic capacity allows, can invite private coach directly, spend a body for oneself custom-built fitness plan reducing weight.

     The body circumstance of the person that meeting ground exercises the coach and level target, make plan of individuation reducing weight. Athletic process reducing weight, have specific aim more, training efficiency and quality are met very tall.

   The coach still can rise to supervise and urge the action that waits for a respect with dietary control.

   Follow a coach to undertake athletic reducing weight training normally, 9 Zhou Zhi hind (train 4~8 namely second) , effect reducing weight can be shown.

2, oneself are experienced, how does practice go, the key is " assure weekly motion frequency " . If you do not want to invite illicit teaching, also do not know how to drill (in fact a lot of people are in this condition at the beginning) . That is irrespective also, because have " novice welfare period phenomenon " exist, calculate you not to know how to drill, also can make oneself very fast thin come down.

The key depends on, the person that take exercise in this phase must maintain enough gymnastical frequency.

The proposal of smooth foot elder brother is: Exercise 4~5 every week second, every time 60 minutes. As to experienced what not quite important, want to let oneself last in the activity during motion only, the body maintains perspire condition, want athletic intensity and carry momentum to bear in the body only go inside limits.

3, : Change athletic way, change athletic project.

Different athletic project, and content of different athletic kind, motion, meet those who make body generation new to get used to a process. For instance:

You are used all the time so move feeling bicycle to do oxygen takes exercise, can consider to attend barbell to hold at that time. Move feeling bicycle to attribute purer movement having oxygen, and barbell is held contain more power to train content.

4, the 4th kind of method: Force trains + motion having oxygen.

Force training and appearance of campaign having oxygen are united in wedlock, be by the accepted the most efficient way that reduce fat, not one of.

Everyman may think, force training basically is used at adding flesh and increase power. In fact, the training means that uses many groups of high capacity, number, much time, brief lull, also can achieve the goal that reduces fat.

How does fitness reduce fat?

Need chooses appropriate  reducing weight to move according to oneself constitution, can achieve favorable result reducing weight, for instance setting-up exercise, swim, ran.

Pass body building, for instance ran perhaps swims, attribute commonner movement having oxygen, can accelerate metabolism, stimulative blood circulates, be helpful for achieving combustion adipose the action with hectic quantity, hold to motion everyday, control is controlled in 30 minutes, insist for a long time to achieve result reducing weight.

Does fitness decrease fat method?

Measure / means 1

The simplest fitness decreases ran of fat method nothing is more... than, as long as every time ran exceeds 30 minutes of above, can achieve reduce weight the goal that reduces fat;

Measure / means 2

If do not have time to go out,can do more do indoor exercise, gem gal is very active campaign reducing weight, want to hold on only, affirmation can achieve the goal that fitness reduces weight;

Measure / means 3

Circle of part of speech is everybody is not familiar with those who pass most, turn part of speech is encircled not only conduce to health reducing weight, and to bowel path and digestion have very good massage effect, can very easily the waist adipose decrease;

Measure / means 4

Belly dance also is very popular method reducing weight, oneself can look at tutorial exercise in the home, want to be able to hold to only, abdomen and whole body everywhere adipose can decrease;

Measure / means 5

Swimming is actually a kind special the campaign having oxygen that spends calorie, conditional word often swims, can exercise vital capacity while achieve reduce weight very well the effect that reduce fat;

Measure / means 6

The bicycle also is motion of a very good fitness outdoor reducing weight, opposite ran, such can better him adjustment condition makes him too won't tired, and still can understand on the way view all the way, light light Song Song exercises fitness to be decreased again adipose;

Does fitness decrease fat cookbook?

Eat: Breakfast (7: 00 to 8: 00 between)

Water cooks an egg, 1~2 of whole wheat bread piece, defatted milk 250ml. Do not love to drink a grandma to be able to develop the cornmeal that do not have candy.

The 2nd eat: Add meat (9: 00 to 10: 00 between)

A fruit

The 3rd eat: Lunch (12: 00 the left and right sides)

The flesh of fist size kind, 100g is controlled, pigeon breast, pure lean beef is OK. Match sufficient vegetable (be not tall starch kind vegetable of yam potato and so on should occupy alimental half above to just go) , rice eats unpolished rice meal, 100g is controlled (or replace yam of corn of coequal weight potato to wait) .

The 4th eat: Add meat (3: 00 the left and right sides)

1, corn 1 or biscuit 1, match water to boil cucumber of dish, tomato, eat full. An albumen is added if doing force to train or a banana.

2, a fruit or nut (walnut, almond, happy fruit) 15 the following;

The 5th eat: Dinner (6: 00 the left and right sides)

Does fitness decrease fat article table?

Fitness reduces fat, be life of health of contemporary people pursuit is important one annulus. As the progress of modern society, the lifestyle of people produced tremendous change, bring about the body fat the addition with chronic illness. Accordingly, hold the health, indispensable share in becoming us to live with the body that has energy lustily. And one of kind that fitness reduced fat to become a lot of person place to choose.

Effective fitness decreases fat to need to undertake modulatory integratedly in food, motion and psychological respect. Above all, good dietary convention is very important. Reasonable dietary construction and balanced nutrition are absorbed can help us use up redundant adipose, raise the metabolization rate of the body. Next, periodic motion also is indispensable. No matter be to take exercise,have? ? Motion or force train, moderately motion can help us waste energy, increase muscle quality, improve body configuration and immune force. Finally, we cannot ignore the value of mental health. Reducing fat is not the thing of in one day, need patience and perseverance will hold on. The state of mind that keeps active and good Morpheus convention can help us overcome difficulty and challenge better.

Fitness decreases fat to be able to let us have healthy, beautiful body not only, return the life quality that can improve us and happy sense. If you are already resolved,begin this itinerary, so remember please: Hold to even if win!

Fitness while how to reduce fat?

1 can reduce fat through fitness 2 fitness can be helped deplete put oneself in another's position inside adipose, increase muscle amount, quicken metabolism, achieve the result that reduces fat thereby. Among them oxygen moves to canter for instance, swim, skip can burn more adipose, force training also can increase muscle amount, raise basal metabolis rate. 3 besides fitness, still need to notice food, control total quantity of heat to absorb, choose the food that low GI is worth, eat vegetable fruit more, have thing of tall adipose tall sweet less, make sure enough protein is absorbed, in order to maintain muscle volume. Also should make sure enough sleep is mixed at the same time reduce pressure, conduce to adjust level of the hormone inside body, promote reduce fat.

How does fitness decrease fat to eat everyday?

Eat: Breakfast (7: 00 to 8: 00 between)

Water cooks an egg, 1~2 of whole wheat bread piece, defatted milk 250ml. Do not love to drink a grandma to be able to develop the cornmeal that do not have candy.

The 2nd eat: Add meat (9: 00 to 10: 00 between)

A fruit

The 3rd eat: Lunch (12: 00 the left and right sides)

The flesh of fist size kind, 100g is controlled, pigeon breast, pure lean beef is OK. Match sufficient vegetable (be not tall starch kind vegetable of yam potato and so on should occupy alimental half above to just go) , rice eats unpolished rice meal, 100g is controlled (or replace yam of corn of coequal weight potato to wait) .

The 4th eat: Add meat (3: 00 the left and right sides)

1, corn 1 or biscuit 1, match water to boil cucumber of dish, tomato, eat full. An albumen is added if doing force to train or a banana.

2, a fruit or nut (walnut, almond, happy fruit) 15 the following;

The 5th eat: Dinner (6: 00 the left and right sides)

Does fitness reduce fat should how food?

1, everyday carbohydrate intake is controlled in 150-200g, compensatory body place needs carbolic water, give the body enough metabolization power.

Carbohydrate can be gotten from inside rice, noodle and coarse food grain, also can complement in vegetable a few. Staple food respect is OK grain of degree of finish is united in wedlock, eat a few careful staple food less, with unpolished rice, corn, oaten, potato kind, legume food is replaced.

In addition, eat vegetable of a few low caloric more, for instance Chinese cabbage, celery, on the west the food such as orchid, wax gourd, cucumber, wild cabbage, what can fill to be measured amply is protein, everyday protein intake is controlled in 85-100g.

What oversight egg white does not want during reducing weight is compensatory, albumen is the energy that muscle complex cannot lack, can avoid muscle prediction of a person's luck in a given year.

And the body decomposes albumen to need to cost more quantity of heat, not easy also translate into is adipose after albumen food intake. We are OK get protein from inside the food such as flesh of egg, milk products, egg, cruelly oppress, chicken breast.

How does fitness decrease fat period to eat?

Early: Egg 2, milk 200ml

Midday: 100g of shelled fresh shrimps, vegetable

Late: Beef 100g, vegetable.

Low carbon day

Early: Egg 1, vegetables of milk 200ml, fruit

Midday: Yam 150g, Ba Sha is piscine 200g, vegetable

Late: 200g of shelled fresh shrimps, vegetable

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