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Countrywide middle and primary school continues to teach is to show teacher of middle and primary school is after education of the record of formal schooling that finish, through attending all sorts of grooming, study an activity, promote oneself major horizontal process ceaselessly. How to let countrywide middle and primary school continue to teach have appeal more, into the problem that pays close attention to to teach a domain currently.

Promotion grooms quality

To enhance the appeal that countrywide middle and primary school continues to teach, groom orgnaization and school ought to pay attention to promotion to groom quality. Groom content wants follow closely tendency of the day, union teachs real need, replace education concept and method, offer what can help a teacher solve real problem to groom course.

Quick study way

Continue to teach in countrywide middle and primary school in, ought to encourage the study kind of agile diversity. Besides the tradition outside giving lessons face-to-face, can Internet of have the aid of and online education platform, develop the form such as course of network direct seeding, recorded broadcast course, the study requirement that contented teachers order differently.

Incentive mechanism

Establishing incentive mechanism is the important way that middle and primary school of promotion whole nation continues to teach appeal. Can carry award outstanding student, establish project of education scientific research to aid financially, choose outstanding groom the teacher participates in the means drive such as the orgnaization continue to teach, arouse the enthusiasm that they learn.

Practice is united in wedlock

Countrywide middle and primary school continues to teach ought to work actually with the teacher union is close together, pay attention to practice application. Groom content wants can be united in wedlock with look of daily teaching job, invite pedagogic study for the purpose of application, promote education level and practice capability.

Diversity course

To increase the appeal that countrywide middle and primary school continues to teach, groom the curricular alternative that orgnaization and school ought to offer diversification. Cover knowledge of psychology of education skill, education, course to wait for many sided content newlier, satisfy the study requirement of different teacher.


Groom through promotion quality, encourage quick study means, build practice of incentive mechanism, union and diversity course alternative, can let countrywide middle and primary school continue to teach have appeal more, offer for teachers learn the opportunity with progress continuously.

Thank you to read this article, the appeal that the hope continues to teach to understanding how to promote the whole nation middle and primary school is helped somewhat.

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