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One, push-up 10

Above all what we judge is ability of upper limbs antagonism, general we can use push-up to judge, if you cannot do push-up 10 times, basically a kind your fitness is deviation, this does not divide a men and women.

Push-up is main the stability of humeral ministry joint that of test is us, and the antagonism force of chest muscle, back and humeral ministry, these force can make sure you are undertaking upper limbs defies won't get hurt when training.

If you cannot do push-up 10 times, the humeral joint stability that shows you is poorer, pectoral shoulder carries harmonious force on the back still is not very sufficient, so we undertake training, gymnastic and special training still is vogue adding muscle early.

Learn push-up, we can use the movement of and so on of the kneeling position push-up, push-up that push a wall to undertake training, use these retreating rank movement, we can finish force of upper limbs antagonism and harmonious sex very quickly.

2, pull-up 4

And besides force of upper limbs antagonism, we still have a demand to upper limbs, it is suspensory stability, when this trains to very much gymnastic training and back, very important.

Pull-up is main test our clavicular and articulatory stability, and arm, back and lumbar abdomen force, satisfy these force requirement, we just can be in pensile kind of movement when, won't get hurt easily.

Can do pull-up 4 times, our upper limbs is suspensory and harmonious the gender will be more stable, when undertaking tensile training, it is better that training effect just is met, and can more essence of life has a few suspensory actions definitely.

Cannot become the player of pull-up, can pass row reversely, or bounce is brought auxiliary do pull-up, when when you finish pull-up 4 times, your upper limbs is suspensory ability enough competence has power aggrandizement.

3, crouch greatly 20 times

Force of lower limbs antagonism, it is to use commonly crouch greatly regard judgement as means, crouching greatly also is at ordinary times we undertake lower limbs opposed a very good training movement, strength of lower limbs antagonism is very fundamental, affected the force of whole whole body and harmonious play almost.

Can do crouch greatly 20 times, the knee joint that shows us, ankle joint and lumbar stability can satisfy major training requirement, move in bounce especially when making, can do 20 times crouch greatly, can avoid our knee to get hurt.

If you crouch greatly at ordinary times,do not do, so actually to you, join the simplest ran movement, was full of get a place difficult of access of catch a cold, for instance some person knee always are aching, this showed those who bring about force of lower limbs antagonism is too weak actually.

Crouch greatly 20 times to be able to be accomplished easily to a lot of people, if you are lying the word of rehabilitation period, then you can be used rely on a wall static the power of lower limbs antagonism that stays this movement to wake up us.

4, flat props up 30 seconds

A lot of people prop up this movement to drill with flat abdominal muscle, nevertheless flat supports the action that this movement is stability of core of an unusual trial, through making the show that flat supports, what we can judge the core force of a person is strong weak.

Nuclear mental efforts is measured even if keep the force of rachis and pelvic stability, some people often sit the office, can have pelvic tilting back ward so, or the circumstance of lumbago, because core force is too flabby,this is commonly, the pelvis that brings about then and lumbar position produce a change, those who bring about is aching.

If you can do the flat of 30 seconds to prop up, so force does not consider the core that shows you too poor, the rachis that can let us and pelvis keep stable, when training so, show a small of the back not easily.

If you cannot do flat to prop up, your fitness is too poor, we can use this kind of case inclined flat is propped up will wake up core force.

Overfulfil after these 4 fitness ask, we are OK and safe be at ease undertake adding flesh, gymnastic perhaps training specially, if you still do not satisfy these 4 requirements, that is only experienced these 4 actions are adequate, lay firm foundation first, doing special aggrandizement.

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