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(二)咨询系列:1 建立心理咨询室,安装热线电话,每周二、四晚19—22时为咨询时间;设立三个心理信箱,收集学生咨询信件并答复。


2 通过板报、校园广播站、心理教育刊物等开展咨询工作,宣传心理教育信息。

(三)活动系列:开展以下心理训练活动:1 无批评日;2 自我展示;3 “四创”比赛;4 手抄报比赛;5 “这周我是舍长”;6 金点子;7 心理论坛;8 军训;9 无偿献血;10 为希望工程献爱心;11 瞻仰烈士陵园;12 义务植树;13 单项标兵评比;14 轮流当班干;15 “这周我是班主任”;16 开心一日,绝对精彩。

(四)渗透系列:1 各科教学渗透。


2 科研科技活动中渗透。








(八)磨砺系列:1 利用各种比赛进行磨砺训练。


2 开展社会调查、联欢、交流活动,组织考察团进行科研考察,每学期各一次。



(One) curricular series: ?  windows harmonious hack] to escape  ? is weekly 1 class hour, teaching material uses a book with total task experiment " mental health of high school student teachs a tutorial " and " education of mental health of high school student and coach " give priority to, the actual arrangement that joins a student gives lessons content, use discuss, the method of communication imparts knowledge of mental health education and psychology adjust a method, bewilderment makes the psychology that joins a student be taught appropriately.

Lay common psychological problem to the men and women, open group mentality to coach the psychological question with different to male woman student; , begin schoolboy group mentality to coach with schoolgirl group mentality respectively.

(2) advisory series: 1Build psychological advisory room, install a hotline, every week 2, 4 evening 19, 22 when establish 3 psychology mailbox to seek advice from time; , collect a student to seek advice from correspondence and reply.

Deploy record of formal schooling of two universities undergraduate course to be passed groom technically, the reader that has psychology to seek advice from a qualification is in charge of this job.

2 wait through journal of education of radio station of board newspaper, campus, psychology begin advisory work, propagandist psychology teachs information.

(3) mobile series: ?  hangs?1 of Tuan of mill of steel of press or rub against of charm Luan harmonious to reveal;3 without ego of critical day;2 " 4 achieve " match;4 hand reports a duplicate to match;5 " this week I am to abandon grow " free of;9 of military training of;8 of forum of psychology of;7 of;6 gold drop donates blood;10 is a hope, absolutely and wonderful.

(4) permeate series: 1Each science and education learns to permeate.

Requirement teacher regards a of education main goal as quality of education student psychology, what quality of the psychology in digging teaching material teachs is bit more corresponding, face all student, create the opportunity of different self-discipline and expression in the light of different sexual distinction, individual character, make the student can be in happy, successful study atmosphere the psychological quality that exercises oneself.

2 scientific research are permeated in activity of science and technology.

Through carrying out " gardener science and technology teachs the action " , " education already can teach Yo person, can science and technology is promoted farming the experiment of amphibious talent " , education student operates ability and creativity.

(5) environmental series: ? Care exacting? of ㄉ of admire of string of Х of ⒀ of Yun of Tan of 7 Yun ⒔ founds personal narrow one's eyes the campus culture of rich and colorful, afforest beautification school allows school appearance, make the student is in harmonious environment, be edified beautifully.

(6) pedagogic series: ? ㄆ know Piao pours muddleheaded Qu to drip? change teachs a concept.

The teacher should perfect him ceaselessly, the student that accomplishs the full-scale development that has good psychology quality with education is the jumping-off place that teachs teaching job and a home to return to, establish good teacher-student relationship.

(7) domestic series: ? Emperor cuts parent of? of  of law  sacrificial meat to learn to school concentration.

2 it is every semester mails to the parent regularly domestic mental health teachs transaction of instructor print, family to wait, pass to the parent suffer psychology to teach knowledge, report student is behaved in each respect of school, feedback student reachs the parent's requirement in domestic expression.

3 it is right partial student undertakes a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers.

(8) series of go through the mill: 1Use all sorts of matches to undertake go through the mill trains.

Before encouraging a student to surpass confident, when contest not Wei strong opponent, get the better of after contest not arrogant is defeated not to putrid, reveal elegant demeanour with good state of mind.

2 develop activity of social investigation, gam, communication, constituent investigation group undertakes scientific research makes an on-the-spot investigation, every semester each.

Focus time, activate is specific circumstances, make the student knows him correctly, take exercise volition and be able to bear or endure defeat ability, raise human association and society to get used to ability, also let student classics harships, enrich one's experience, education is open-minded feelings.
