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藏剑山庄怎么去? 剑网三宠物奇遇都有哪些宠物奇遇汇总?英文双语对照


藏剑山庄怎么去? 剑网三宠物奇遇都有哪些宠物奇遇汇总?英文双语对照






四个都是奇遇,触发几率差不多吧 第一个是枫林客,是寄居蟹 第二个是一杠,浣熊 第三个是红绸,貂 第四个是酒客,也是寄居蟹 我先酸一下,我没有天书 一杠和红绸都挺可爱的 红绸的故事很虐但是挺感动 枫林客也是一个很虐的故事 酒客的故事我做得太早了,前年做的吧,记不清了 一杠我还没出就A了哈哈哈 总之喜欢什么选什么就好


【枫林客】--【老枫华谷】-【需要调戏三次的NPC:马四】 猜拳三次,赢了有几率触发。

宠物奇遇触发地点及任务介绍 【酒客】--【七秀】-【需要调戏三次的NPC:陶九翁】 地图左上角,去他对面拿酒坛,和这个NPC喝酒三次,有几率触发。宠物奇遇触发地点及任务介绍 【一杠】--【万花】-【需要调戏三次的NPC:赵小凯】 和他对话,拿画纸,然后点画纸。宠物奇遇触发地点及任务介绍 【童心客】--【藏剑】-【需要调戏三次的NPC:铸剑大师】 和他对话,拿青铜锭~~~然后跳到上面的台子上面点火炉。宠物奇遇触发地点及任务介绍 【红绸】--【洛道】-【需要调戏三次的NPC:老不知】 和他对话,拿陶泥~~~然后点旁边的火窑,就读条了


















先去帮会唱晚池钓鱼,钓完后找小女孩买火折子,点燃火堆烤鱼,烤出来炭烤之类的鱼就可以了,或者直接在唱晚池npc那里买。然后去洛阳城找到NPC小叮当,和它对话后,给它鱼就好了, 一天3次。















藏剑的内功心法2种在攻击的时候都要用到,有个技能12秒切换一次, 一个是用短兵攻击(有一系列短兵攻击技能可用),切换到重剑时又有另一系列技能可用。





  地点:洛道 NPC:老不知 触发方式:点NPC拿陶泥到旁边火窑去烧


  地点:七秀 NPC:陶九翁 触发方式:拾取旁边的美酒拿给陶九翁喝


  地点:老枫华谷 NPC:马四 触发方式:跟马四划拳(剪刀石头布)


  地点:万花 NPC:赵小凯 触发方式:点NPC拿画纸使用作画


  地点:藏剑 NPC:铸剑大师 触发方式:点NPC领取青铜锭,扶摇跳上青火台熔铸


  地点:千岛湖 NPC:航小婷 触发方式:跟航小婷下井字棋


  地点:五台山 触发方式:应该是收齐9份密宗宝图碎片合成。


One, how does mountain villa Tibetan a sword go?

One, be in above all game lower part, a thousand li of travel of the god in column of skill of mouse right key.

2, await to load to finish, can give disgraced bound map, in the middle of alive bound map have an input circle, the input hides sword mountain villa.

3, the small eddy clew that the system can appear on map of the world, mouse wrong key clicks mountain villa Tibetan a sword. 5, map resource to load is finished, arrive hide sword mountain villa.

2, does 3 pet adventure have sword net collect of what pet adventure?

4 are adventure, spark odds is about the same the first is maple Lin Ke, it is a hermit crab the 2nd is one bar, coati is the 3rd red silken, ermine is wine traveling merchant the 4th, also be a hermit crab I first acerbity, I do not have a book from heaven one bar and red silken Dou Ting are lovely red silken story very cruel but touch quite maple Lin Ke also is very I become the old practice of the story wine traveling merchant of cruel too early, the year before last year does, write down not clear I had not given one thick line with respect to A it with a ha breath out haing anyhow to like what to choose is good to with a ha breath out haing anyhow to like what to choose

3, 3 pet adventure has sword net what, pet adventure collect?

[maple Lin Ke]- - [old maple Hua Gu] - [the NPC: that need dallies with 3 times? A finger-guessing game of Mang copy? 3, won to odds sparks.

Pet adventure sparks place and task introduction [wine traveling merchant]- - [7 show] - [the NPC: that need dallies with 3 times? The station longs for top left corner of otter? map, go taking wine world on him, drink 3 times with this NPC, odds sparks. Pet adventure sparks place and task introduction [one bar]- - [10 thousand flowers] - [the NPC: that need dallies with 3 times? Pregnant]  ? and he speaks, take drawing paper, next stipple paper. Pet adventure sparks place and task introduction [childishness guest]- - [Cang Jian] - [the NPC: that need dallies with 3 times? ? of 4 bed Α mixes  he speaks, take bronze ingot ~~~ to jump to burner of the noodle on the desk above next. Pet adventure sparks place and task introduction [red silken]- - [does the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces] - [the NPC: that need dallies with 3 times? ? of  happy extensive and he speaks, ~~~ of the mud that take a surname nods the igneous kiln on the side next, read

4, sword net 3 pet adventure?

Sword net 3 long wind dawn the pet fortuitous meeting that there is a lot of in version.

[to honour treasure]

Strike hair requirement: Taking 3 sweet the Er month village that comes to sea of Cang Shan Er like grass. Find Npc dialog. A day 3.

[affection of a bamboo stick used as a toy horse]

Strike hair requirement: Take 3 sugarcoated haws on a stick to go boundless hill looks for Shen Xiaoyan this Npc, dialog. A day 3.

[child child book]

Strike hair requirement: Look for Npc Zhao Xiaokai to get drawing paper, knapsack is used begin a picture, a day 3.

[maple Lin Ke]

Strike hair requirement: With finger-guessing game-a drinking game at feasts of Ma Si of Npc of cereal of old elegance and talent 3 (be defeated no matter win, probability sparks) .

[igneous Li]

Strike hair requirement: It is when bronco strong gale on the side of NPC Oman when, the person also must wait by NPC. When bronco begins to run, the person is equestrian catch up with, whole journey follows, follow to have 3 BUFF, if wind is like Yun Ruhuo. Next when Ma Er runs to the side of NPC, certain odds sparks.

[the travel austral another name for Yunnan Province]

Strike hair requirement: Go the five poisonous creatures finds Miao Miao Er this Npc, speak next, one day 3.

[wind of beautiful play · ]

Strike hair requirement: To Tang Men, find drive of drive of Npc the Tang Dynasty (go up in a big stone, not very is good search) , one day can speak 3 times.

[boreal travel darts]

Go first underworld society sings late pool fishing, little girl searchs to buy igneous booklet in accordion form with a slipcase after angling, ignite fire to pile grilled fish, bake come out the fish of the charcoal and so on that bake is OK, perhaps calling late pool directly buy over there Npc. Go next Luoyang city finds NPC small dingdong, after speaking with it, it is good to give it the fish, a day 3.

5, the school skill of mountain villa Tibetan a sword?

Ask water part: Bid farewell asking water cooperates light sword, cang Jian can gain strength of outstanding body displacement kinetic energy, can answer all sorts of complex environments, type of action of light sword of put to good use won't use up any internal force amiable blood, still can gather sword gas, can attack can defend, can enter can retreat, labor force is waited for hair.

Hill lives sword idea: Shan Jujian meaning cooperates to weigh a sword, cang Jian can gain remarkable harm ability, the type of the action that weigh a sword that put to good use uses up a sword to enrage won't use up any internal force amiable blood, but can spend sword energy of life, undertake to the target the gender is atttacked fulminant. After equipment weighs a sword, cang Jian needs to near an end as far as possible in order to achieve highest harm result. Reasonable allocation and spend sword energy of life, cang Jian will have group of extremely high fighting at close quarters to hurt ability.

6, is Wei of leaf of mountain villa Tibetan a sword in?

Cang Jian is old 3 Xie Wei runs in the tiger in mountain villa, old 4 leaves doorway of temple of Meng Zailing concealed, old 5 leaves every is in 18 holes of 9 brooks, xie Ying still is done not have seemingly come back, xie Hui is inside school

7, how does troubled times of mountain villa Tibetan a sword go?

Troubled times of mountain villa Tibetan a sword is hiding sword mountain villa find cave mechanism to open stone door

8, how does mountain villa of 3 Tibet sword go to the sword?

One, be in above all game lower part, a thousand li of travel of the god in column of skill of mouse right key.

2, await to load to finish, can give disgraced bound map, in the middle of alive bound map have an input circle, the input hides sword mountain villa.

3, the small eddy clew that the system can appear on map of the world, mouse wrong key clicks mountain villa Tibetan a sword.

4, of a thousand li of travel of meeting occurrence god read, wait to read finish.

5, map resource to load is finished, arrive hide sword mountain villa.

9, does Zhuang Jia of 3 genesis Cang Jianshan nod sword net?

Law of heart of exercise to benefit the internal organs wants 2 kinds to be used when atttack, have a technical ability 12 seconds switch, one is to use short arms to atttack (a series of short arms atttack skill to be able to be used) , switch arrives when heavy sword again another series skill can be used.

Make a round trip through law of heart of exercise to benefit the internal organs switch will increase output. Increase a point: Basically be outside attack series + constitution + body law + the life is medium,

10, does place of 3 adventure pet need the sword material?

Pet adventure Npc is different, need material is different.

Red silken

Place: NPC of path of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces: Often do not know to spark means: Dot NPC takes Tao Ni to the side igneous kiln is burned

Wine traveling merchant

Place: 7 beautiful NPC: Tao Jiu's old man sparks means: The beautiful wine on the side of collect takes Tao Jiu's old man to drink

Maple Lin Ke

Place: Old maple Hua Gu NPC: Ma Si sparks means: With Ma Si finger-guessing game-a drinking game at feasts (scissors stone cloth)

One bar

Place: 10 thousand beautiful NPC: Zhao Xiaokai sparks means: Dot NPC takes drawing paper to use a picture

Childishness guest

Place: Hide sword NPC: Casting sword Great Master sparks means: Dot NPC receives bronze ingot-shaped tablet, help up shake founding of stage of pop-up green fire

Crab gets the better of crab to lose

Place: NPC of 1000 islands lake: Hang Xiaoting sparks means: Issue Jing Ziqi with Hang Xiaoting

Clear tea small chelonian

Place: 5 hill spark means: Should be to close neat synthesis of fragment of 9 close Zong Baotu.
