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淘宝游戏交易平台? 淘宝游戏交易平台是什么?英文双语对照


淘宝游戏交易平台? 淘宝游戏交易平台是什么?英文双语对照









淘宝专门为网络游戏提供相关交易服务的电子商务平台,主要从事网络游戏账号的交易。 随着近年网络游戏产业的爆炸式增长,虚拟物品的交易需求也随之出现,为满足这部分需求所开发。

1) 综合评价:背靠淘宝这座靠山,淘宝网游交易频道有着得天独厚的优势;

2) 业务量:交易额巨大,凭借淘宝的积累,4%+4的交易手续费显然是冲着5173来的;

3) 平台特色:寄售、担保是其主要特色;

4) 前景预测:按照马云的性格,在可以预见的未来3到5年,也许更短时间,淘宝会向行业龙头发起冲击。



























One, does the game that clean out treasure trade platform?

Game account trades platform has: Clean out treasure to trade platform, UU898 trades platform, 5173 trade platform. Clean out treasure to be able to rely on chart among them a few, platform is very big. But wh whichever platform, when game trades, must take care.

The website that clean out treasure should be everybody is familiar, you can trade a lot of commodity, and game Zhang date also can trade.

Although cleaned out Bao Yehan to build the game of this respect to trade, but trade with special game platform photograph is compared, actual strength is relative still poorer, and the player's flow is not high. Just clean out Baopingtaibi bigger, the safety precaution is met slightly better.

UU898 is one trades platform, be trade newly platform. It also is developing quickly, offer for the player simple and quick trade service. As a result of welcome degree, should trade of platform trade charge is relatively inferior.

Among them one is 5173 trade platform, as the game of senior level trades platform. Should trade covered network sport, webpage game, mobile phone game, each respects such as chessboard game. In the meantime, offer inflict of a series of service make plans to ensure account is safe in the round, in order to protect bilateral interest.

This system is ideal, fast, 24 hours of clients serve, comfortable and be at ease. Everybody must notice, trade on the net want discretion, careful cheater.

2, does the game that clean out treasure trade what is platform?

Clean out treasure to be offerred technically for network game relevant trade the platform of electronic business affairs of the service, basically be engaged in date of network game Zhang trade. As in recent years the explosive type of network game industry grows, of fictitious article trade demand also appears subsequently, to satisfy development of place of this share requirement.

1) evaluates integratedly: Back cleans out treasure this backer, the net that clean out treasure swims trade channel is having advantaged advantage;

2) portfolio: Trade the specified amount is huge, accumulate by right of what clean out treasure, of 4%+4 trade poundage is apparently 5173 those who come;

3) platform characteristic: Consignment, assuring is his main distinguishing feature;

4) foreground forecasts: According to Ma Yun's disposition, did not come in what can foreknow 3 to 5 years, shorter perhaps time, the meeting that clean out treasure initiates concussion to industry bibcock.

3, does the game that clean out treasure trade does platform shop safe?

Basic be safety, I traded remotely a lot of times, it is WOW has a few note mostly:

1, you get the understanding each other that endeavor, why does he sell mark, his fame in game how, etc.

2, those who need an attention is Zhang date is primitive register information, for instance Id, mailbox, mobile phone, protect closely etc. Still have even if had better be in before paying, mark line looks on, check the information of color of an internal angle of date issueing Zhang, be like money, grade, prestige, equipment is waited a moment.

3, of course, had better trade face to face. Also cannot want face to face 5173 perhaps pay the tripartite such as treasure to trade platform, must not before the bank card that gives him makes money, this is lowermost class cheat person method, cannot make an in part to him first more, this deceives people apparently.

4, vigilant price under market price of a lot of, vigilance gives you number first, vigilance sells household the dwelling place is game customer service near place city (for instance WOW is in Shanghai) , because the player wants him to take Id to seek a data to ability of customer service center, if very far, the value of Zhang date returns insufficient travelling expenses, ha.

4, does the game that clean out treasure trade install does platform buy date of Tecent game Zhang insecure?

Basic be safety, I traded remotely a lot of times, it is WOW mostly

Have a few note:

1, you get the understanding each other that endeavor, why does he sell mark, his fame in game how, etc.

2, those who need an attention is Zhang date is primitive register information, for instance Id, mailbox, mobile phone, protect closely etc. Still have even if had better be in before paying, mark line looks on, check the information of color of an internal angle of date issueing Zhang, be like money, grade, prestige, equipment is waited a moment.

3, of course, had better trade face to face. Also cannot want face to face 5173 perhaps pay the tripartite such as treasure to trade platform, must not before the bank card that gives him makes money, this is lowermost class cheat person method, cannot make an in part to him first more, this deceives people apparently.

4, vigilant price under market price of a lot of, vigilance gives you number first, vigilance sells household the dwelling place is game customer service near place city (for instance WOW is in Shanghai) , because the player wants him to take Id to seek a data to ability of customer service center, if very far, the value of Zhang date returns insufficient travelling expenses, ha.

5, clean out treasure to belong to trade platform?

Yes, clean out treasure to belong to electronic business affairs to trade platform. The businessman can sell a product in the set up shop that clean out treasure, buy the home to be able to be in clean out the baby that oneself buy to want on treasure, pay treasure to assure trade

6, is game private trade platform?

Famouser game trades platform is 5173, the game sort that can trade is more all ready also

7, does the biggest play trade platform?

Network game of home trades platform has 5173, trade cat, dd373, uu898

8, does game trade platform bilk?

I also just was encountered, buy number claim oneself are army should buy date to send him to the comrade-in-arms, (this often can let a person loosen vigilance) , next he says to have to me call those who bestow favor on a group of things with common features Hunan to trade platform, his comrade-in-arms often trades in this platform, trade later ending me also is to carry say my account is defeated by a fault now, I still look for customer service to ask mistake saying what inputs account to be frozen to want later disapprovingly at that time rush again and Zhang date is equivalent cash ability is carried now, the instant feels this does not cover a region with certain and telegraphic bilk immediately the password oneself replacement, pull a vigilance to everybody;

9, does game cat trade platform?

Of game cat trade platform, above all we search game to trade platform, click next enter, hang the play money equipment that should sell to trade finally can finish.

10, does Eorgames game trade platform?

Date of Zhang of a lot of game trades on this platform, you had better be to make money single-handed, deliver the goods single-handed, this appearance is a bit safer
