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1. 基础教育课程改革的必要性


2. 基础教育课程改革的目标


3. 基础教育课程改革的策略

  1. 跨学科融合:打破传统学科边界,培养学生的综合素质。通过跨学科的教学和项目式学习,帮助学生将不同学科的知识和技能相互结合,培养他们的协作能力和创新思维。
  2. 实践导向:将课堂学习与实践相结合。通过实践项目、实验和实地调研等活动,让学生身临其境地体验学习,培养他们的观察力、解决问题的能力和团队合作精神。
  3. 个性化教育:根据学生的兴趣和特长,量身定制课程。通过个性化教育,激发学生的学习兴趣和动力,培养他们的自主学习能力和创造力。
  4. 技术应用:通过科技手段改善教学效果。利用互联网、虚拟现实技术和人工智能等工具,丰富教学内容和形式,提高学生对知识的掌握和应用能力。
  5. 教师培养:提高教师的教学能力和专业素养。通过培训和研讨活动,提高教师的教学水平和创新能力,使他们成为基础教育课程改革的积极推动者。





As the progress of social development and science and technology, traditional foundation teachs course to cannot have satisfied the requirement of instantly student. Have the student of creativity and adaptability more for education, reform of fundamental education courses is imperative. The necessity that the article will discuss a foundation to teach course to reform, target and possible strategy, hope the evolution that teachs for future provides a few inspiration.

1.The foundation teachs the necessity that course reforms

The foundation of instantly teachs what course often pays attention to knowledge too to engraft, ignored integrated accomplishment of the student and the education that get used to function force. Such educational mode cannot have satisfied the requirement of modern society, the student lacks the skill of the creativity, ability that solves a problem and collaboration and communication. Reform of fundamental education courses is to train the student that has integrated quality, raise its to get used to the ability of modern society.

2.The foundation teachs the target that course reforms

The target that fundamental education courses reforms is the student that fosters full-scale development, help them make a creative, ability that think of differentiate and the social handsome appearance that solve problem ability. In new education mode falls, student no longer bureau be confined to recites knowledge, undertake morely carrying out however, think and cooperate. Through fostering the student's creativity and critically thinking, reform of fundamental education courses aims to develop innovation ability of the student and the ability that solve a problem, make its can get used to the development demand of prospective society.

3.The foundation teachs the strategy that course reforms

  1. Interdisciplinary shirt-sleeve: Break orthodox course border, foster integrated quality of the student. Learn through interdisciplinary education and project type, help student combines the knowledge of different course and skill each other, foster their synergic ability and innovation thinking.
  2. Practice is oriented: Combine classroom study and practice look. Wait for an activity through carrying out project, experiment and on-the-spot survey, let ground of student be personally on the scene experience study, develop the their observation, ability that solves a problem and group collaboration drive.
  3. Personalized education: According to the student's interest and specialty, quantity body is custom-built course. Adopt personalized education, invoke study interest of the student and power, foster their own study ability and creativity.
  4. Technical application: Improve education result through method of science and technology. Use the tool such as technology of Internet, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, abound education content and form, increase the student control to knowledge and applied capacity.
  5. Pedagogic training: Raise teaching ability of the teacher and professional accomplishment. Mix through grooming delibrate activity, increase education level of the teacher and innovation capacity, make they become a foundation to teach the person be driven actively that course reforms.


Reform of fundamental education courses is to train the student that has integrated quality and creativity, make they can get used to the development demand of prospective society. Pass interdisciplinary shirt-sleeve, practice the strategy such as education of oriented, individuation, technology application and pedagogic training, the target that fundamental education courses reforms is to be student activate more be helpful for developing creativity and the educational environment that solve a problem. Those who thank you read, believe to carry this article, you can teach curricular reform to have more thorough knowledge to the foundation.
