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自卑心理 自卑是人际交往的大敌。自卑的人悲观、忧郁、孤僻、不敢与人交往,认为自己处处不如别人,性格内向,总觉得别人瞧不起自己。这类人主要是由以下几种原因引起:过多的自我否定、消极的自我暗示、挫折的影响和心理或生理等方面的不足。像有的学生身材矮小、相貌丑陋、出身低微、学习差等等。这种同学在学校中为数不少,这就加大了学生管理的难度和学校教育的管理力度。怎么样才能让学生改正这种心理呢?首先,要教育学生采用积极的态度来面对,让他们正确的认识自己,提高自我评价,自卑心理的形成主要来源于社交中不能正确认识自己和对待自己。其次,要引导学生采用“阿Q”精神胜利法,人无完人、金无足赤,学会积极与人交往,增强自信,任何一个交际高手都不是天生的。

孤独心理 孤独是一种感到与世隔绝、无人与之进行情感或思想交流、孤单寂寞的心理状态。孤独者往往表现出萎靡不振,并产生不合群的悲哀,从而影响正常的学习、交际和生活。这类学生主要由以下几种原因引起:性格、过于自负和自尊、挫折。有句话说的好:水至清则无鱼,人至察则无友。自尊、自负、自傲都会引起孤独的产生;还有一种人比较容易孤独,那就是“喜欢做语言上的巨人、行动上矮子的人!” 怎么样才能够改变这种心理呢?首先要把自己融与集体中,马克思说过:只有在集体中,个人才能获得全面发展的机会!一个拒绝把自己融入集体的人,孤独肯定格外垂青他!其次要克服自负、自尊和自傲的心态,积极参加交往。当一个人真正的感到与他人心理相融、为他人所理解和接受时,就容易摆脱这种孤独误区了!

嫉妒心理 嫉妒是在人际交往中,因与他人比较发现自己在才能、学习、名誉等方面不如对方而产生的一种不悦、自惭、怨恨甚至带有破坏性的行为。特点是:对他人的长处、成绩心怀不满,抱以嫉妒;看到别人冒尖、出头不甘心,总希望别人落后于自己,嫉妒还有一个特点:就是没有竞争的勇气,往往采取挖苦、讥讽、打击甚至采取不合法的行动给他人造成危害。这种情况严重阻碍了大学生的心理健康和交际能力,给大学生成人和成才带来了莫大的困难,因为嫉妒会吞噬人的理智和灵魂,影响正常思维,造成人格扭曲!有嫉妒心的人应多从提高自身修养方面上下工夫,多转移注意力,积极升华自己的劣势为优势,采取正当、合法和理智的手段来消除这一心理。

报复心理 所谓报复,是在人际交往中,以攻击方法发泄那些曾给自己带来挫折的人的一种不满的、怨恨的方式。它极富有攻击性和情绪性。报复心理和报复行为常发生在心胸狭窄、个性品质不良者遭到挫折的时候。据社会心理学家研究表明:报复心理的产生不仅同个性特点有关,而且与挫折的归因和环境有关,报复常常以隐蔽的形式进行。因为报复者常常以弱者的身份出现,他们没有足够的心理承受能力和公开的反击能力,所以只有采取隐蔽的方式来进行报复!这种心理给报复者的人际交往带来了莫大的阻力和压力。想改变这种心理,需要提高报复者自身的自制力,要反思报复结果的危害性,学会宽容。俗话说:“宰相肚里能撑船”嘛!

异性交往困惑 异性交往本来是很正常的社交活动。 同时也是一个一直令大学生棘手的社交障碍。有一些学生在不良心理因素的作用下,与异性交往时总感到要比与同性交往困难的多,以至于不敢、不愿、甚至不能和异性交往。这些大学生主要因为不能正确区别和处理友谊与爱情的关系,部分大学生划不清友情与爱情的界限,从而把友情幻成爱情。大学生的年龄本来就是一个情愫迸发的年龄,对异性的渴望本是正常的事。但由于一些大学生受传统观念的影响,特别是封建社会“男女授受不亲”的文化传统,认为男女之间除了爱情就没有其它什么了,使得他们还没有树立起正确“异性朋友观”。这必然会对大学生异性间交往带来一定的消极影响。再一个是舆论的影响,有的学校、老师、家长对男女同学之间交往横加干涉,这势必加重了异性之间交往的困难。要摆脱异性交往的困惑,首先要摆脱传统观念的束缚,要开展丰富多彩的集体活动,因为集体活动有利于男女同学建立自然、和谐和纯真的人际关系,其次要讲究分寸,以免引起不必要的误会!




. . . . . . Current undergraduate, facing a the biggest problem is not study and obtain employment, however human association. The undergraduate is in the process of human association, often took psychological error because of a few objective elements and the deviation of the subjective and cognitive, mood, psychology element such as character, down to appears to be mixed like self-abased, alone, envious, retaliation the intercourse obstacle such as opposite sex association, the obstacle that how can you just remove this respect and become make you become a gregarious past master? The author wishs when to be narrated slightly here join detailed in order to offer!

Self-abased psychology is self-abased the archenemy that is human association. Self-abased person pessimism, blue, dissocial, dare not interact with the person, think oneself are inferior to others everywhere, introvert, always feel others him look down upon. This kind of person basically is cause by the following kinds of reasons: The inadequacy of the respect such as the influence of the autosuggestion with overmuch negative, inactive ego, setback and psychology or physiology. Difference of deformed, low-born, study waits short like some student figures, appearance a moment. This kind of classmate is in the school amount to is not little, the difficulty that this increased student government and the administrative strength that the school teachs. How does ability let a student correct this kind of psychology? Above all, want to teach a student to use positive attitude to face, let their proper him understanding, raise ego opinion, the formation of self-abased psychology basically originates cannot affirming him knowledge is mixed in socialization treat oneself. Next, should guide a student to use " A Q " mental victory way, the person does not have pure gold without perfect man, gold, the society interacts actively with the person, enhance self-confidence, any intercourse ace is not inherent.

Alone psychology loneliness is one kind feels insular, the psychology that nobody have affection or thought communication, alone loneliness to it. Alone person often show dejected, arise not the distress of be gregarious, affect normal study, intercourse and life thereby. This kind of student basically causes by the following kinds of reasons: Disposition, peacockish with self-respect, setback. Those who a word says is good: One should not demand absolute purity, the person does not have friend to examine. Self-respect, conceited, prideful metropolis causes alone generation; Still a kind of person compares easy loneliness, that is " the person that likes to do a short person on phonetic giant, action! " how does ability change this kind of psychology quite? In wanting him be in harmony and collective above all, marx has said: It is only in collective, individual ability gains the opportunity of full-scale development! One rejects a person that he blends in collective, alone affirmation shows appreciation for sb all the more he! Want to overcome conceited, self-respect and prideful state of mind next, join association actively. Feel when a person with him popular feeling manages truly photograph be in harmony, when understand for other place and be being accepted, cast off this kind of alone error easily!

Envious psychology jealousy is to be in human association, a kind when because compare him discovery with other,the other side is inferior to in the respect such as ability, study, reputation and arise vinegary, accompany ruinous action even from feel ashamed, resentment. The characteristic is: To feel discontented of the good qualities of other, achievement, hold in the arms with jealousy; See others risks a needle, odd not reconciled to, total hope others lags behind at oneself, jealousy still has a characteristic: Do not have competitive courage namely, often adopt satiric, sarcastic, blow to adopt illegal operation to cause a harm to other even. This kind of case is severe block up the undergraduate's mental health and intercourse ability, to the undergraduate adult and grow into useful timber brought greatest difficulty, because envious meeting gobbles up the person's reason and soul, affect normal thinking, cause character twist! The person that has envious heart answers much from raise oneself accomplishment respect fluctuation time, much prescind force, active him sublimate inferior position is an advantage, adopt proper, lawful will eliminate this one mentality with sensible method.

Revengeful psychology is alleged retaliation, it is to be in human association, of a kind of dissatisfaction of the person that with atttacking a method to abreact those ever gave oneself to bring a setback, the means of resentment. It is extremely rich aggressiveness and emotionality. When the person that revengeful psychology and revengeful behavior often happen in inferior quality of small-minded, individual character suffers a setback. Consider make clear according to social psychologist: The generation that retaliates psychology is concerned with individual character characteristic not only, and with the setback attribution to be concerned with the environment, retaliation often undertakes with covert form. Often appear with the identity of the weak because of the person that make reprisals, they bear without enough psychology ability strikes back with what make public ability, adopt the means that concealment to undertake retaliation only so! The human association of the person that this kind of psychology gives retaliation brought greatest obstruction and pressure. Want to change this kind of psychology, those who need oneself of the person that raise retaliation is self-restrained force, want to review the harm sex that retaliates a result, the society is good-tempered. Common saying says: "In abdomen of prime minister in feudal China can punt " !

Different sexual intercourse interacts toward bemused opposite sex is very normal social activity originally. Also be a gregarious obstruction that makes an undergraduate intractable all the time at the same time. A few students are in below the action of undesirable psychology element, what when interacting with the opposite sex, always feel it is as difficult as same sex association to should be compared is much, so that not dare, do not wish, cannot interact with the opposite sex even. These undergraduates are main because cannot be distinguished correctly,concern with what handle friendship and love, partial undergraduate delimits the bounds of not clear friendship and love, become friendship unreal thereby love. The undergraduate's age is the age that a sincere feeling bursts forth originally, it is regular job originally to the longing of the opposite sex. But the effect that gets traditional idea as a result of a few undergraduates, especially feudal society " give and accept of male and female is not close " culture is traditional, think to there is other besides love between the men and women what, make they had been not established case correct " opposite sex friend is watched " . This can is opposite necessarily the association between undergraduate opposite sex brings certain negative effect. Another the influence that is public opinion, some schools, teacher, parent is interfered inscrupulously to interacting between classmate of male and female, this certainly will accentuated the difficulty that interacts between the opposite sex. Want to cast off the bewilderment that the opposite sex interacts, want those who cast off traditional idea to manacle above all, want to develop the collective activity of rich and colorful, because collective activity is helpful for classmate of male and female establishing natural, harmony and pure human relationship, want to stress proper limits for speech or action next, lest cause needless misunderstanding!

The psychogenic disorder that university stranger border interacts still has the side such as gregarious fear, jealousy. Here only shallow talk about above 5 respects.

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