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1。 大重量、低次数:健美理论中用RM表示某个负荷量能连续做的最高重复次数。



2。 多组数:什么时候想起来要锻炼了,就做上2~3组,这其实是浪费时间,根本不能长肌肉。必须专门抽出60~90分钟的时间集中锻炼某个部位,每个动作都做8~10组,才能充分刺激肌肉,同时肌肉需要的恢复时间越长。 一直做到肌肉饱和为止,"饱和度"要自我感受,其适度的标准是:酸、胀、发麻、坚实、饱满、扩张,以及肌肉外形上的明显粗壮等。

3。 长位移:不管是划船、卧推、推举、弯举,都要首先把哑铃放得尽量低,以充分拉伸肌肉,再举得尽量高。 这一条与"持续紧张"有时会矛盾,解决方法是快速地通过"锁定"状态。不过,我并不否认大重量的半程运动的作用。

4。 慢速度:慢慢地举起,在慢慢地放下,对肌肉的刺激更深。特别是,在放下哑铃时,要控制好速度,做退让性练习,能够充分刺激肌肉。 很多人忽视了退让性练习,把哑铃举起来就算完成了任务,很快地放下,浪费了增大肌肉的大好时机。

5。 高密度:"密度"指的是两组之间的休息时间,只休息1分钟或更少时间称为高密度。要使肌肉块迅速增大,就要少休息,频繁地刺激肌肉。 "多组数"也是建立在"高密度"的基础上的。锻炼时,要象打仗一样,全神贯注地投入训练,不去想别的事。

6。 念动一致:肌肉的工作是受神经支配的,注意力密度集中就能动员更多的肌纤维参加工作。练某一动作时,就应有意识地使意念和动作一致起来,即练什么就想什么肌肉工作。 例如:练立式弯举,就要低头用双眼注视自已的双臂,看肱二头肌在慢慢地收缩。

7。 顶峰收缩:这是使肌肉线条练得十分明显的一项主要法则。它要求当某个动作做到肌肉收缩最紧张的位置时,保持一下这种收缩最紧张的状态,做静力性练习,然后慢慢回复到动作的开始位置。 我的方法是感觉肌肉最紧张时,数1~6,再放下来。

8。 持续紧张:应在整个一组中保持肌肉持续紧张,不论在动作的开头还是结尾,都不要让它松弛(不处于"锁定"状态),总是达到彻底力竭。

9。 组间放松:每做完一组动作都要伸展放松。 这样能增加肌肉的血流量,还有助于排除沉积在肌肉里的废物,加快肌肉的恢复,迅速补充营养。

10。 多练大肌群:多练胸、背、腰臀、腿部的大肌群,不仅能使身体强壮,还能够促进其他部位肌肉的生长。有的人为了把胳膊练粗,只练胳膊而不练其他部位,反而会使二头肌的生长十分缓慢。



Hello, I am Ga Huang.

Want width of the upper part of the body to increase be about force trained, the upper part of the body has ministry of chest muscle, shoulder, flesh back broadness, humerus 2 flesh and humerus triceps.

Want to increase muscle to need: Many groups of great weight, small number, number, long displacement, slow rate, high density, read aloud move consistent, peak contractive, continuously nervous, across block is loosened, much more experienced big muscle group, protein takes food after training, rest 48 hours, could there be.

1. : of great weight, small number? What ∶ sees M of Man of apricot of whetstone big pool state quantity of a certain bear can be done continuously is highest repeat a time.

For instance, the person that practice can be raised 5 times continuously only to a weight, criterion this weight is 5RM. Research makes clear: 1- the bear training of 5RM can make muscle is added thick, the bear training that develops force and speed;6-10RM can make muscle bulky, power rate rises, but the fiber of bear training flesh that endurance grows not apparent;10-15RM is added thick not apparent, but grow in quantity of the blood capillary inside the bear training muscle that force, speed, endurance all has progress;30RM, durable power rises, but force, rate rises not apparent.

Visible, the bear weight of 5-10RM applies to the strong and handsome training that increases muscle volume.

2. Does much group count: ? Cut a word into parts to bake Si sinceres earth of swan hurry  reads set of?~3 of carve of appropriate making fun of  , this is wasteful time actually, can grow muscle far from. Must take out 60~90 technically minute time exercises a certain place centrally, every movement makes 8~10 group, ability stimulates muscle adequately, the refreshment that at the same time muscle needs time is longer. Accomplish muscle saturation all the time till, "" of degree of saturation wants ego to experience, is its moderate level: ? Is  of ox of ┱ of ⒗ of  of ヂ of ⒈ of idle of Yao of ⒓ of Luo of ⒙ of curtain ⒄ lowing ⒎ makes an appointment with confused of Wu of sunken ∪ food to take provide dinner for source swollen car is taken?

3. Grow displacement: ? ⑼ of Pi of Yun of ⑽ of  of  of the antrum that return Cong smalls piece of land surrounded by water by Tong ⑼  of Ni Home  simian Zhuo of  of Kang Ting of magnesian × of Nuo of Chen of violet screen persuading Yan casts × of magnesium of vulgar of Zhuo of  of Guo of  Liu ∪ carries to fold? to last this with " nervous " is met sometimes, the means of settlement is apace locks up calm " condition through " . Nevertheless, I do not deny the intention that the half Cheng of great weight moves.

4. Slow rate: ?   as big tripod  of approach of offspringing bank of  of calumnying  of haughtying Se  makes an appointment with fish hawk of Tuo of L of Sui of  of じ of carbon of ∪ badger Mu to pull screen of egg of  Shen bank to wait till another name for Guangdong Province of narrow one's eyes of Si of Bei of  of caries of Yu of alliance of level ground of Piao of the  that protect  abandons Zhuo of bosom of dust  Wan hold carbolic ぜ , raise dumbbell will calculate finished the job, put down immediately, wasted increase sarcous big inning.

5. High density spends:" What density " points to is two groups of breathing space between, rest 1 minute only or fewer time calls high density. Want to make muscle piece increases quickly, be about little rest, stimulate muscle often. "Many groups of several " also build the foundation that spends " in " high density to go up. When taking exercise, like wanting an elephant to fight, absorbedly investment trains, do not go considering other issue.

6. Read aloud move consistent: ? Does Du of γ of ⒁ of  of model of Lai of  of  of Chang of scabbard of have a nightmare of ぷ of ∪ badger grave climbing over a wall putting in order light  of Du of  core rapid to have short for Weihe River of  of the Song Dynasty of ∠ of  lament collect needs A of ぷ a huge legendary turtle is spun gallop does joyous  have a nightmare protect dainty of favour of  Tuo τ to wrap up faint to hang Bo does Li cast  ?

7. Peak systole: ? Ta of to instruct of crime ∪ Pi returns dainty scabbard Meng  buy provides dinner for Shan of  of  of K of Jie of ㄔ of  of Tao of Scandium of Huang of predestined relationship bursa skips Meng of extensive of Nai of Nuo of Zong of a kind of net used for fishing or for dredging up river sludge of ankle of Zhang of dainty of ∪ of outskirt of Bao of beard of pull Tiao  protects  Zong of malleolar a kind of net used for fishing or for dredging up river sludge of qualitative Zhang of hut of brandish of 3 faithful Huang, number 1~6, put again.

8. Continuously nervous: ? Scull of Hui of left-eyed flounder of υ Su  is inclined sanded? of  of alliance of grey  of disease of  of Bo of Yu of wall of on purpose of workshop of  of eye of Jian of  of to joke of Ji of eunuch of  of ox of Zong of the  in Xie of 3 aim ∪ is not in " to lock up) of calm " condition,

9. Does across block loosen: ? Hui of aperture Bei separate rafts? of umbrella of Pan of dog of scald in order to remove hairs or feathers of  of  Home Ju can increase sarcous blood flow so, still conduce to remove deposit the trash in muscle, accelerate sarcous to restore, rapid compensatory nutrition.

10. Much more experienced big muscle group: ? Be angry does  of sea of ∪ of health Mu moth call out alkyne of ⑼ of lofty of  of ⒀ of field of boil Chu ⒈ Qu Cong does class of  of Lu of  of Pai of the Huaihe River of Guwan of  of Xia near Kong Chang suffer from S of ぁ of  of ∪ badger accept to fetters does Hu of fast of duty of  of graceful the Song Dynasty brush the  that turn over Zheng?

Suggest you arrange the practices of a few large and compound movement that use great weight, those who be like great weight is deep crouch an exercise, they can promote sarcous of all and other position to grow. This are all in all, lamentable is to at least the person of 90% is done not have enough take seriously, as a result cannot achieve the result of expectation. Accordingly, much arrangement wants to be pulled forcedly in training plan, crouch greatly, lie push, choose, pull-up these 5 classical and compound movements.

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