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1, classics department

4 classics, " pipe · give up " : "Poem, book, ceremony, happy. "Poem, book, ceremony, happy..

The five classics, " Wu Diji of Chinese book · " establish doctor of the five classics: Poem, book, easy, ceremony, age. (happy, missing. )

The five classics, say, yi Jianyang is male " law character " .

6 classics, " village · day carries " : "Qiu Zhishi, book, ceremony, happy, easy, age 6 classics. "Qiu Zhishi, book, ceremony, happy, easy, age 6 classics..

7 classics, poem, book, ceremony, happy, easy, age, the analects of confucius.

9 classics, tang Dynasty place stands. Easy, poem, book, 3 ceremonies, 3 pass. Leave yuan 8 years, country child 9 classics of definition of achieve of Li Yuan Cui take department job person.

10 classics, the Song Dynasty of Liu of the Southern Dynasties sets a nation child assistant 10 people, cent palm 10 classics, easy, poem, book, 3 ceremonies, 3 pass, the analects of confucius.

12 classics, tang Wenzong leaves 2 years, engrave 12 classics Yu Shi, stand at the Imperial College: Easy, poem, book, 3 ceremonies, 3 pass, classics of the analects of confucius, filial piety, Er is elegant.

13 classics, the Southern Song Dynasty at 12 classics besides, add " Mencius " , close quarter " 13 classics notes and commentaries " .

2, history ministry

Before 4 history: Period of the Three Kingdoms already had socially " 3 history " say. "3 history " it is to point to normally " history write down " , " Chinese book " wait with Liu Zhen of the Eastern Han Dynasty those who write " Dong Guanhan is written down " . " book of the later Han dynasty " after appearing, replaced " Dong Guanhan is written down " , label " 3 history " one of. "3 history " add " annals of the Three Kingdoms " , call " before 4 history " .

10 history: Still have on the history " 10 history " say, it is the Song Dynasty of account the Three Kingdoms, Jin Chao, the Southern Dynasties, the Southern Dynasties bridge of neat, the Southern Dynasties, the Southern Dynasties old, Northen Wei Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Sui Chao of the history of 10 dynasties close say. Appeared again later " 13 generation history " . "13 generation history " included " history write down " , " Chinese book " , " book of the later Han dynasty " and " 10 history " .

Seventeen history: Arrived Song Dai, be in " 13 history " on the foundation, join " south history " , " boreal history " , " new Tang Shu " , " new the Five Dynasties history " , formed " seventeen history " .

21 history: Bright generation is added again with " Song Shi " , " distant history " , " golden history " , " yuan history " , close say " 21 history " .

The Twenty-four Histories: At the beginning of clear Chao Qianlong year, print and publish " bright history " , add previous each history, total name " 22 history " . Increased again later " old Tang Shu " , become " 23 history " . Later from " always happy grand ceremony " in compile comes out " old the Five Dynasties history " also be included official history, admire of classics Qianlong emperor is decided, close say " admire decides the Twenty-four Histories " . Qianlong is engraved 4 years to hall of 49 years of fierce flower imprint " admire decides the Twenty-four Histories " , it is official history of Chinese ancient time is the most complete large-scale collect quarter.

3, child ministry

The Confucianist: Besides the The Book of Rites that talk the first month, still have " Xun Zi " , 3 big Confucianism.

Taoist school: Father, village, row child, silk book is yellow old, Wen Zi

Mohist School: Mo Zi

A person of academic or artistic distinction: A surname Long Zi, Deng Xi child wait

Legalists: Shang Junshu, Shen Zi, Han Fei child, pipe

The yin-yang School: Without the book, relevant account sees " month of · of The Book of Rites makes " namely " history biographies of Xun Qing of the Mencius that write down · " place Zai Zouyan.

Political Strategists: A letter from home of freely of plan of the Warring States, the Warring States

Farmhouse: The view sees at " Mencius " about Xu Hang discuss

The Eclectics: Cadaver child, south Lv age, the Huaihe River child, " Chinese annals " enter the Eclectics.

Still have soldier in addition. There still is celestial being home later, be like " hold Piao Zi in the arms " , latter-day since the write of make one's country rich and build up its military power, also can enter child learn.

4, market department

Total volume: Point to an assemble the work of a lot of people and become poetic collected works.

Fasten collect: relatively total volume. Collect the collected works of individual poem article namely

Chu Ci: The body that it is coquettish kind article.

Word: Develop by a poem with five characters to a line, a poem with seven characters to a line or civilian folk song and become, result Tang Dynasty, cheng Yusong is acting. It is a kind of verse with vocal dub in background music formerly, sentence accident is moved along with the song and change, because this calls a kind of classical poetry consisting chiefly of seven-character lines interspersed with shorter or longer ones again.

Shi Wenping: Collect literary theory and the book that criticize an aspect.

Music: Form of a kind of poesy, be current at yuan acting.

Novel: It is through modelling a kind of character, literature that narrates environment of story, depict to reflect idea of the life, expression stylistic
