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Zhuo Wei, herd of original name king, be active encircle old famous rich at Chinese recreation advocate. He with distinctive opinion, dare the style of character and get attention fully. However, in recent years, zhuo Wei faded out of the eye shot that recreation encircles gradually, caused guess and discuss extensively. So, what is the reason that Zhuo Wei fades out of recreation to encircle after all?

Zhuo Wei: Arrive from recreational news analyst from media person

Zhuo Wei amuses at first the identity humanness of news analyst is hep. His comment besides involve the recreational content such as program of the film, put together art, often still touch social heat and current affairs topic for discussion. This let him win large quantities of one dutiful vermicelli made from bean starch, also drew many controversy and doubt at the same time.

As the rise from media, the individual platform such as date of public of the small gain that Zhuo Wei changed attention to him gradually, small letter. As from media person, he is an entertainment news analyst merely no longer, involve the observer of more extensive field, essayist however. This one change gathered more attention and force for him.

Pressure and exhaustion: The test that recreation encircles

Recreational group is a competition the industry with frequent conflict of intense, interest. Mix as recreational news analyst from media person, zhuo Wei often needs to answer all sorts of pressure and challenge. The attention that he needs to hold pair of entertainment industries not only is spent, the content with even ceaseless valuable creation in order to draw the attention of vermicelli made from bean starch.

In addition, zhuo Wei still needs to handle all sorts of soliciting, the commercial opportunity such as collaboration, this makes his general affairs various, time is nervous. As time passes, these pressure and exhaustion may make he feels be mentally and physically exhausted, the hardship that encircles to recreation gradually feels wearily.

The change of individual reason

Outside the test that encircles besides recreation, individual reason of Zhuo Wei also is one of reasons that he fades out of recreation to encircle. Because the age grows gradually,be probably, the longing that is pair of strange things probably drops gradually, the enthusiasm that Zhuo Wei may begin to notice his to be encircled to recreation is in cool gradually.

The person's interest and enthusiasm are vicissitudinous, in the process that Zhuo Wei is in this kind of change probably. He begins to ponder over his life and career, and the view to the world. Change of this kind of state of mind makes him possibly also make the decision that fades out of recreational group.

To the influence that recreation encircles

What is no matter Zhuo Wei fades out of recreation,the reason of the circle, his departure can give recreational group to bring certain influence undoubtedly. His vermicelli made from bean starch will begin to ponder over the essence of this industry and problem with the person that pay close attention to. Recreational group also will take the opportunity hand-in-hand travel reforms the issue that reviews oneself.

In Zhuo Wei brief leave field medium, return meeting emerge in large numbers to go out probably new essayist and from media person. Resemble Zhuo Wei once same, they will bring new sound and point of view for recreational group, promote the development of this industry.

Finally, thank you to read the article. The hope passes what fade out of the reason that recreation encircles to Zhuo Wei to uncover secret, the reader that encircles to paying close attention to recreation can be inspired somewhat and think.

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