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化妆游戏可以玩的? 用纸做的化妆游戏?英文双语对照


化妆游戏可以玩的? 用纸做的化妆游戏?英文双语对照









化妆游戏需要准备的东西主要有: 1、底妆:粉底液、粉饼、散粉、眼影、眼线笔、睫毛夹、睫毛膏 2、唇部:润唇膏、唇部遮瑕膏、口红或者唇彩、腮红、高光、修容粉 3、眉部:眉笔、修眉刀、眉粉、卸妆油、卸妆乳、眼唇卸妆液









制作料理:在奇异果园的烹饪店里,可以玩制作料理的小游戏,加爱心值!    制作衣服:在甜果林的缝纫店里,可以玩制作衣服的小游戏,加美丽值!    制作乐器:在仙藤树湾的乐器店里,可以玩制作乐器的小游戏,加智慧值!    打扮模特:在美丽湖东的美容院里,可以玩给模特化妆的游戏,根据分数得到不同数量的花。  花宝逗逗乐:在绿灌木丛的花宝孤儿院里,可以满足小花宝的需要,根据分数得到不同数量的花。






1. 化妆品试用:给小孩提供一些无害的化妆品,让他们尝试在自己的脸上涂抹,体验化妆的乐趣。

2. 脸部彩绘:使用无害的彩绘笔或者脸部彩绘套装,让小孩在自己的脸上画上各种图案或者动物形象。

3. 服装搭配:让小孩在一些服装和配饰中选择自己喜欢的组合,例如帽子、领带、项链等。

4. 假发造型:给小孩提供一些假发,让他们尝试不同的发型,可以梳理、盘起或者编辫子。

5. 化妆品DIY:教小孩使用一些简单的材料制作自己的化妆品,例如唇膏、眼影等,让他们体验制作过程。



One, make up can game play?

Have a lot of, small princess is dressed up, make up salon, attend misunderstanding, setting-up exercise athlete, these game are

2, make up with paper game?

This game needs participator to make all sorts of cosmetic or make up with paper tool, for example lipstick, eyelash creams, powdery bottom is brushed etc.

Participator needs to pass his originality and skill, use paper and other data to undertake combinative, show the art ability that gives oneself. In addition, the observation that this game also can raise children and start work ability, conduce to the creativity that stimulates them and imagination. Not only such, this game also can increase close child interact and communicate between, make a family more sweet.

3, do 3 make up game?

Because there is a lot of to make up on market at present,have game, compare among them have 3 welcomely: " lipstick is princely " , " beautiful shell Great Master " and " vogue amounts to a person " . " lipstick is princely " the game that is company of an imitate cosmetic, the player needs to manage his cosmetic brand, include to design market of employee of product, recruit, development to wait. " beautiful shell Great Master " it is game of design of a beautiful shell, the player needs to design the beautiful shell of all sorts of different styles for the client, and need the demand of consideration client and be fond of. " vogue amounts to a person " it is game of a fashionable design, the dress that the player needs to design all sorts of differring, deserve to act the role of with hairstyle, those who let oneself model make fashionable group is new bestow favor on. These 3 game are absorbing, can let a player experience the fun that makes up to be designed with vogue in game.

4, make up what stage property does game need?

Make up the thing that game needs to prepare basically has: 1, bottom makeup: ? Private school of ⒀ of mansion of ⒎ of ⑸ of  of Yan of ⒎ of Zhang Zi body ah: of ministry of?2 of  of Piao of small ⒔ of  of Piao of ⒔ of province of ⒀ Qiu murder, lip? Does ⒋ of coil reef yo tell ⒖ of yo of empty Zun Ω to criticize sb's faults frankly Ni Yang Ji tells: of ministry of?3 of Yi Shen of ⑿ of Suan of A of ⒏ of shank of the  that save ⑷ , eyebrow?

5, make up the game that need not game log onto?

Making up inside game, if be the game that need not login,do not have, because now all game are to must want a course to login, and attestation just can play real name

6, make up game of stand-alone of game schoolboy edition?

Of MHOL is the real experience of operation and sense organ, you can give BOSS directly one chance, leave luxuriant injury cling to, let BOSS make " very painful " movement.

And the AI of BOSS also differs with traditional MMORPG, they can make about a hundred kinds the movement feedbacks and answer strategy according to the hunter's skill

7, does Lulupang decide case to make up how does game download?

Calm case makes up this kind some if if you should download, so you can arrive above platform of each big a software undertake download, perhaps say you pass the search means above the browser to also can finish the download of this kind of his game, a best platform downloads, so, what what she downloads is general it is special safety, and this kind of game that has an authorised edition

8, which does floret celestial being play make up game?

The arrange that make: In the cooking inn of bizarre orchard, can play the little game of the arrange that make, increase love cost! The dress that make: Be in sweet in the sew inn of fruit forest, can play the little game of the dress that make, increase beautiful cost! The musical instrument that make: In the musical instrument inn that cultivates a bay in celestial being cane, can play the little game of the musical instrument that make, jia Zhihui is worth! Dress up model: In beautiful lake in the beauty parlour east, can play the game that makes up to model, get the flower of different amount according to the mark. Beautiful treasure is funny tease: In the beautiful treasure orphanage of green bush, can satisfy the need of floret treasure, get the flower of different amount according to the mark.

9, move free make up what does game call?

" dream of Xie Luoli demon "

" dream of Xie Luoli demon " be reductive original is moved free in the beauty of all makeup looks and dress makeup hand swims, game is based on outstanding 3D engine make, showed a demon world that is full of strange unreal for the player. The player serves as the princess' makeup girl and tie-in division in game, will or ancient clever essence is blamed or leer filamentous princess is made make the central point in ball, the system of special become attached to in game also makes many origianl work parties straight breathe out adept, the player can undertake interacting with baby of Xie Luoli's princess, obtain more suit collocation inspiration thereby oh ~

10, the makeup that 7 years old of children play game?

Hello, 7 years old of children can play a few simple makeup game, for example:

1.Cosmetic try out: Offer cosmetic of a few hurtless to the child, let them try the daub on the face in oneself, experience makeup fun.

2.Facial ministry coloured drawing or pattern: Pen of use hurtless coloured drawing or pattern or suit of facial ministry coloured drawing or pattern, let a child draw all sorts of design on his face or zoomorphism.

3.Dress is tie-in: Let a child be in a few dress and the combination that him choice in deserving to act the role of likes, for example cap, cravat, necklace.

4.Hairpiece modelling: Offer a few hairpiece to the child, let them try different hair style, can comb, dish rise or make up braid.

5.Cosmetic DIY: Teach a child to use a few simple stuff to make his cosmetic, for example shadow of lipstick, eye, let them experience the process that make.

No matter be,which kinds make up game, need to ensure use cosmetic and prop are hurtless, maintain the safe consciousness of children.

上一篇:青少年心理健康教育? 青少年心理健康项目?英文双语对照
