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上汽集团(600104)属于上海证券交易所主板上市公司,主营业务为汽车制造、销售、服务、配件及相关金融业务。其所属板块包括:1. 汽车制造板块:涉及汽车研发、生产和销售。上汽集团旗下拥有多个品牌,如上汽大众、上汽通用、荣威等,涵盖了轿车、SUV、MPV等多个车型。2. 汽车销售及服务板块:包括销售和服务网络、二手车交易、汽车维修等业务。上汽集团通过建立规范的销售和服务网络,为客户提供优质的购车和售后服务。3. 汽车零部件及配套板块:涉及发动机、变速器、底盘、电器、内饰等汽车零部件及其研发、生产和销售。上汽集团的核心零部件生产厂商包括上汽集团通用五菱、上海通用动力等。4. 汽车金融板块:涉及汽车金融租赁、汽车保险、汽车金融服务等业务。上汽集团通过汽车金融服务,为客户提供更加便捷的购车和融资服务。









产品设计 自从引进马自达前总设计师山田敦彦后,长安汽车的设计水平突飞猛进。从山田敦彦的第一部作品CS75 PLUS到后来的UNI系列,长安汽车生动地诠释了为什么“颜值是第一生产力”,畅销车型几乎都是全新设计的车型。长安的车型正在更换最新的设计语言。届时,长安汽车将以全新的面貌呈现在消费者面前。


R&D强度 说到自主研发,很多人会提比亚迪奇瑞,长安汽车却很少被提及。其实长安汽车在自主研发方面也是很强的。





















Does the place of 600104 belong to steam group on board piece?

On steam group (600104) belong to Shanghai stock exchange advocate board appear on the market company, advocate business Wu is made for the car, sale, service, fittings and relevant banking business. Its are belonged to board piece include: 1. The car makes board piece: Involve car research and development, production and sale. Steam group division falls on own many brands, masses of as above steam, go up steam general, Rong Wei, covered the many models such as car, SUV, MPV. 2. Car sale reachs service board piece: Include to sell and serve network, two handcart to trade, the business such as vehicle maintenance and repair. Steam group carries the sale that establishs a standard and service network on, offer for the client purchase car and after service high gradely. 3. Car component reachs board of form a complete set piece: Involve the car component such as engine, transmission, batholith, electric equipment, interior trim and its research and development, production and sale. On the core component manufacturer of steam group includes to go up steam group is general current motive force of 5 water chestnut, Shanghai. 4. Car finance board piece: Involve car finance to rent, the business such as service of banking of car insurance, car. Steam group serves through car finance on, offer for the client more convenient purchase car and financing service.

Chang'an car setting?

War industry enterprise, belong to arms outfit group

Chang'an car oily bad news?

5.2L/100km of suburb oily bad news, 8.8L/100km of urban oily bad news, 6.5L/100km of integrated oil bad news.

Look in light of us new 18 Chang'an CS75, embarking 1.5T engine. In principle, it can save more fuel. And this car has 3 kinds to drive mode, oily bad news is different: 7.5L/100km of environmental protection mode, general pattern 8.2L/100km, athletic mode 9.2L/100km. And, this still is adjusted period oily bad news. Had believed to adjust period, the oily cost of the car can raise somewhat.

Is Chang'an car good?



Products plan since after before introducing Ma Zida, honest of total stylist hillside plot as man of virtual and ability, the design level advance rapidly of Chang'an car. From hillside plot CS75 PLUS of the first work arrives the UNI series later, chang'an car was explained racily why " Yan Zhi is lifetime produces power " , popular model is brand-new almost the model of the design. The model of Chang'an is changing to design a language newly. At the appointed time, chang'an car will appear with brand-new appearance before consumer.


R&D intensity respecting is own research and development, a lot of people can carry Biyadijirui, chang'an car is alluded rarely however. Actually Chang'an car is in respect of own research and development also is very strong.

Does Chang'an car discharge an amount?

There is 1.5 previously seem, be being given priority to with 1.6L, 1.4T, 2.0T now should be

Chang'an car defect?

Chang'an car technology is mature, engine and gear-box air officer are superior, integral performance is excellent, security is very good, drive by the experience outstanding, user public praise is very tall. Defect is, later period function glides more, indisposition is more.

Chang'an car full name?

Is his full name: ? Does  of money of She Fei ぐ pour  of Xing of evil spirit encompass aing kind of sweet grass?

Chang'an car characteristic?


Dynamical: ? Meng Qiang  complains? of brandish be ignorant of now and then climb those who climb the road also is to do not have a problem. Spend the New Year come home when coming back, 600 kilometers are fully loaded with, thing family is controlled 2.5 tons in all, run high speed speed also is very fast came up.


Jing Yin: ?  of  of ぐ Cang Quan puts riverside to?80 of vasting herd of the Huaihe River of Cui of dish of fierce Bao bursa is done not have or be compared quiet. Went up 100 hind wind a confusion of voices has a bit big, also be in the limits that can accept.


Interior trim: ? Rapid eggplant him? goes be being experienced, benevolence person the person that see Ren Zhi sees wisdom.


Durability: ? Heart know ancients name for a water catltrop a brilliant Fu? often saunter on building site, sodden route has gone many.

Are Chang'an and Chang'an card car distinguished?

It is distinguishing. Two series just are inside a company. Different, there is a lot of below Chang'an banner child of the brand. Every stature brand different. The joint-stock car that Chang'an also cooperates with Ford. Often love to have shrimp, there is a lot of now child brand. Every company has the proper motion of every company to do poineering work independently. Total car is a head office, but subordinate subsidiary branch. Without distinction.

Is Chang'an car in Chang'an?

Chang'an car is Chongqing production, manufacturing company is Inc. of Chongqing Chang'an car! Chang'an car is Chinese car enterprise of a group of people of same interest of 4 big groups, the whole world has 16 production base, 35 truckload reach engine plant and 10 focal points overseas market

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