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1 ,酒精蒸发快 蒸发时可吸收热量

2 ,通风地空气湿度低太阳照射时温度升高2合1干的快



(1 、无异味


















的相互转换问题。绝对原创,当然程序并不复杂。我是学通信的,关于电子方面的程序我有很多,网上也有很多,怕你说我copy。就给个关于温度的吧。 k=input('选择转换方式(1--摄氏转换为华氏,2--华氏转换为摄氏):'); if k~=1 & k~=2 disp('请指定转换方式') break end tin=input('输入待转变的温度(允许输入数组):'); if k==1 tout=tin*9/5+32; % 摄氏转换为华氏 k1=2; elseif k==2 tout=(tin-32)*5/9; % 华氏转换为摄氏 k1=1; end str=[' °C';' °F']; disp(['转换前的温度', ' ', '转换后的温度']) disp([' ',


(tin),str(k,:), ' ',






(Tf = 9/5Tc+32)。



如弹簧压缩  储蓄势能




















今天是星期六,我一个人在家,睡醒觉来已经8:30了,我立刻跳下床,这时妈妈打来了一个电话,嘱咐了我一番,接这个电话我花了五分钟,我迅速换衣服,刷牙洗脸,吃早饭,我又花了十五分钟,15+5=20(分钟),8:30+20=8:50(分钟)12:00—8:50=3:50(分),还有三小时五十分钟就到中午了。9:00整开始写作业,写了一个钟头,9:00+1:00=10:00,12:00—10:00=2(小时),还有两小时!这时我发现没面条了,于是带了20元去附近的商店去买面条。到了商店,我看见有两种面条供我选择,一种是450克,4.5元,一种是400克,是第一种面条的价钱的3分之2,4.5÷3=1.5(元),1.5×2=3(元),我一个人在家吃饭,一点点就够了,于是我选择了第2种面条,还节省了父母的血汗钱,一举两得。回到家里,10;20分,我先准备好了两个鸡蛋,然后看电视去了。时间一晃到了12:00,我连忙下面条,打鸡蛋,过了20分钟,一碗热气腾腾的面条煮好了,我狼吞虎咽地吃完了面条,疲倦的上床睡午觉了。 睡完午觉醒来4:00了,还差两个小时爸爸妈妈就要回来了,我无事可干,突然看见一堆没洗的衣服,我立刻冲过去开始洗衣服。洗完衣服已是5:00钟了,洗衣服40分钟,再加上醒来活动了十分钟,爸妈提早回来了,看见了我所做的一切,都直夸我能干呢!这次“小鬼当家”的经历太有趣了,不仅增强了我的自立性还让我懂得了怎样用数学知识更好地为父母理财了呢!


给你一个解决物理温度问题的程序,就是摄氏温度和华氏温度的相互转换问题。绝对原创,当然程序并不复杂。我是学通信的,关于电子方面的程序我有很多,网上也有很多,怕你说我copy。就给个关于温度的吧。 k=input('选择转换方式(1--摄氏转换为华氏,2--华氏转换为摄氏):'); if k~=1 & k~=2 disp('请指定转换方式') break end tin=input('输入待转变的温度(允许输入数组):'); if k==1 tout=tin*9/5+32; % 摄氏转换为华氏 k1=2; elseif k==2 tout=(tin-32)*5/9; % 华氏转换为摄氏 k1=1; end str=[' °C';' °F']; disp(['转换前的温度', ' ', '转换后的温度']) disp([' ',num2str(tin),str(k,:), ' ', num2str(tout),str(k1,:)])再建立一个模拟系统,将摄氏温度转换为华氏温度(Tf = 9/5Tc+32)。



With physics and life of chemical knowledge explanation?

1, alcohol evaporates fast quantity of heat can be absorbed when evaporating

2, the temperature when illuminate of ventilated air humidity low sun is elevatory 2 close 1 those who work is fast

3, yi Zheng sends alcohol, young member of the alcohol after evaporating diffuses gradually in air

4, wooden carbon has relative to the advantage of other fuel

(flavour of 1, as good as

(2, pollution is low

(3, make a fire easily and via must be being burned

(4, unlimited can select barbecue site arbitrarily

5, little air of wind of mist haze weather has mephitis body to diffuse not easily in not current furnace

6, what glacial density compares water is low, water turns into by the liquid liquid bulk will increase

7, temperature of blaze upper part makes easily high did not reach burning point partly like that

8, right " barium meal " do not understand, be feel sorry!

9, the article temperature that takes out in freezer is low, the water element that makes air medium condenses thereby water vapour of fluid melt into

10, bean curd contains the nutrient part such as rich protein, calcium, and a large number of oxalic acid are contained in green. When bean curd and green close together, the oxalic acid union in the calcium in bean curd and green forms white sedimentary oxalic acid is calcic, make the calcium in bean curd is destroyed character. Oxalic acid calcium is absorbed hard in human body, if long-term edible shallot mixes,bean curd, green fries the dish of bean curd and so on, can cause the shortage with human body qualitative calcium, easy happening be short of the disease of calcium and occurrence crus cramp, cartilage, disease such as fracture.

Does the life use electric physics knowledge?

Understand a few lives to be able to help us use electric equipment better with electric physics knowledge, raise use safety to spend in daily life, a lot of electric equipment are used have its principle, master the physical knowledge related a few electric equipment, circuit, the breakdown that can help us avoid electric equipment effectively, reduce maintenance cost, when and make using electric equipment from oneself and domestic person, avoid accident happening to understand He Wei voltage, electric current, power for example, and 3 person the relation between, can understand the use of electric equipment better, reduce the accident that when electric equipment is used, appears thereby, help us use electric equipment better thereby

Solve a few problems in the life with has learned knowledge?

Go with mom food market buys food, when settle accounts use maths discovers through computation butcher sought mother less 7 wool money. Tell mom to make did not get in the home loss.

Solve problem of a physics with Matlab?

Give you an order that solves physical temperature problem, namely



Fahrenheit temperature

mutual changeover problem. Achieve formerly absolutely, of course the program is not complex. I learn communication, about the program of electronic respect I have a lot of, there also is a lot of on the net, be afraid that you say my Copy. Give about temperature. K=input(' chooses to change way (1- - centigrade changeover is Fahrenheit, 2- - Fahrenheit changeover is centigrade) : '); If K~=1&The temperature that K~=2 Disp(' appoints input of changeover means ') Break End Tin=input(' to need change please (enable input array) : '); If K==Centigrade changeover of 1 Tout=tin*9/5+32; % is Fahrenheit K1=2; Elseif K==Fahrenheit of 2 Tout=(tin-32)*5/9; % changes the temperature ' before be being changed for F']; Disp([' of ° of C';' of ° of centigrade K1=1; End Str=[' , ' ' , the temperature ']) Disp([' ' after ' is changed,


(Tin) , str(k, :) , ' ' ,


(Tout) , str(k1, :) ] ) build an imitate system again, will


Changeover is

Fahrenheit temperature

(Tf = 9/5Tc+32) .

Bless a student with physical knowledge?

12 carry hardships study

If bedspring is compressed Deposit potential energy

Bedspring suffers force happening deformation, had stretch potential energy, also had business " capital " .

Begin to write or paint has a god to aid now

Be like superconductive electrify

Without block expedite

The resistor of superconductor is 0, be worth action without block to electric current.

Future has infinite possibility

Newton is the world's great physicist, hope you become next Newton!

Does the knowledge that has one grade learned solve life problem?

One grade maths learns those who crossed 10 less than to add subtration, so the thing that the parent can allow the child to go to a supermarket buying 10 money less than, let him calculate next calculated 10 fund, should the clerk give how many fund to seek? Can buy a bag of salt, a bottle of vinegar, a bean curd, wait green vegetables a moment, let them experience joy in the process that buys a thing, acquire knowledge, also solved the problem in the life

Lone how to solve life problem?

Lone want to solve life problem, must want to learn to do chore first, cook for instance, wash clothes, clean sanitation, if oneself cook hutch art not beautiful, can buy this cookbook to learning to do, these housework are very easy can learn.

Breathing space choice is pedestrian perhaps drive oneself swim, can widen oneself eye shot so, take the advantage of oneself young still, go out more go, have a look, make oneself heart can get depurative.

What interesting physics little knowledge is there in the life?

The basic concept of mark of physical new tax: Move toward physics from the life, move toward a society from physics. Carry adequately showed the concern with the social inseparable activity such as physics and life, production, want to say the interesting physical knowledge in the life, really too much and too much, know scarcely from why to speak of. So, say technically today with " snow " concerned phenomenon.

The vapor that snow is the ground encounters the small ice crystal that cold direct sublimate becomes in headroom. Ice is colorless and transparent, dan Xue is white, this and smooth transmission are glazed, ice cube can pass through all sorts of shade almost, it is colorless and transparent so. Because Dan Xue is petty ice crystal, produce reflection and reflection when the meeting when the light finds ice crystal to go up, reflection is into the light of ice crystal in ice crystal repass a certain number of second reflex and reflection, as a result a side with Dou Congguang incident line shoots major light, be equivalent to can reflexing all sorts of shade almost on the effect, so, snow looks at be white.

Common saying says: Before frost cold, xue Houhan. Snow is vapor in headroom direct sublimate and into, frost is vapor cold sublimate is encountered around the ground and become, so, form frost area around temperature inevitable very low. After snow is over below, snow is about to fuse, fused need absorption of heat, so, air temperature can be reduced. Room apical slush can shed eaves place distill along roof. If eaves place temperature is inferior, the slush that has not enough time to distill is caky Cheng Bing, form glacial cone gradually. Sometimes, snow did not fuse at all in shady place, but also decreasing to disappear finally, because,this is Xue Shenghua, become vapor be lost to arrive in air directly.

Still have common saying: Good year of auspicious snow million. Because snow and among them the undesirable conductor that stagnant air is heat, can prevent hot conduction. Plant of live through the winter is enclothed by snow, next air on snow layer are not current, can prevent convection to come loose hot. Snow is silvery white, can prevent heat radiation. So, snow has heat preservation effect to the earth, prevent plant of aspic bad live through the winter. Snow is being formed and wave in falling process, can wrap a large number of small this world in nip air, it is the plant grows among them must nutrient. The water that Xue Rong turns is moist the earth, can promote floral of live through the winter to grow. Accordingly, "Snow hits lamp good the year's harvest " , everybody should understand among them reason.

Additional, after a heavy snow passes, the world that everybody can feel blatant is quiet a lot of. Because,this is, go up to the ground below snow compare between each other inattentive, hole is filled among, when the sound of the outside is passed to snow ground, quite one section sound is entered empty, reflex repeatedly in hole, be absorbed gradually, the sound that can come out is reduced apparently, so, the feeling is quiet.

Does genuflect beg to solve the mathematical diary of daily life problem with mathematical knowledge?

Today is on Saturday, my person is in the home, wake up become aware come already 8: 30, I jump down a bed immediately, at this moment mom made a telephone call, enjoined me one time, receive this telephone call I spent 5 minutes, I change clothes quickly, brush one's teeth wash a face, eat breakfast, I spent 15 minutes again, 15+5=20 (minute) , 8: 30+20=8: 50 (minute) 12: 00, 8: 50=3: 50 (cent) , still have 3 50 minutes hour to arrive midday. 9: 00 whole begin to write line of business, wrote a hour, 9: 00+1: 00=10: 00, 12: 00, 10: 00=2 (hour) , still have two hours! At this moment my discovery does not have noodle, took 20 yuan to go then the shop around goes buying noodle. Arrived shop, I see two kinds of noodle choose for me, one kind is 450 grams, 4.5 yuan, one kind is 400 grams, 3 minutes of the price that is the first kind of noodle 2, 4.5 ÷ 3=1.5 (yuan) , 1.5 × 2=3 (yuan) , my person has a meal in the home, little is enough, then I chose the 2nd kind of noodle, still saved parental money earned by hard toil, kill two birds with one stone. Return the home in, 10; 20 minutes, I first ready two eggs, watch TV next. Time flash arrived 12: 00, I issue noodle at once, lay an egg, passed 20 minutes, a bowl of reeky noodle has been boiled, I ate noodle voraciously, tired go to bed took a nap. Sleep lie-down awakes 4: 00, still differ mother of two hours father to was about to come back, I can work without the thing, see one caboodle does not have washed dress suddenly, I begin to wash the dress to the past immediately. Washing the dress already was 5: 00 bells, wash the dress 40 minutes, plus awake activity ten minutes, pa Mom in advance came back, everything what saw what I do, straight boast I am able! This " impish husband " experience is too interesting, the free-standing sex that enhanced me not only still let me was known how to be parental conduct financial transactions better with mathematical knowledge!

Do one settle the program of physical problem with Matlab?

Give you an order that solves physical temperature problem, it is the mutual changeover problem of centigrade and Fahrenheit temperature. Achieve formerly absolutely, of course the program is not complex. I learn communication, about the program of electronic respect I have a lot of, there also is a lot of on the net, be afraid that you say my Copy. Give about temperature. K=input(' chooses to change way (1- - centigrade changeover is Fahrenheit, 2- - Fahrenheit changeover is centigrade) : '); If K~=1&The temperature that K~=2 Disp(' appoints input of changeover means ') Break End Tin=input(' to need change please (enable input array) : '); If K==Centigrade changeover of 1 Tout=tin*9/5+32; % is Fahrenheit K1=2; Elseif K==Fahrenheit of 2 Tout=(tin-32)*5/9; % changes the temperature ' before be being changed for F']; Disp([' of ° of C';' of ° of centigrade K1=1; End Str=[' , ' ' , the temperature ']) Disp([' ' after ' is changed, num2str(tin) , str(k, :) , ' ' , num2str(tout) , str(k1, :) ] ) build an imitate system again, centigrade changeover is Fahrenheit temperature (Tf = 9/5Tc+32) .


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