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宠物连连看好玩,身边的朋友都在玩,建议到黄 金 城上面下载,希望帮到你。











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1. 浏览器问题:确保你使用的浏览器是最新版本,并且已启用JavaScript。如果你使用的是旧版浏览器,可能无法加载游戏。

2. Adobe Flash Player问题:宠物连连看是使用Adobe Flash Player技术制作的。如果你的浏览器没有启用Flash Player或Flash Player版本过低,可能会导致游戏无法正常加载。

3. 网络问题:如果你的网络连接不稳定或者速度较慢,可能会导致游戏无法正常加载或运行。







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If you cannot play pet to look again and again on computer, the likelihood is one of the following reasons:

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3.Network problem: If your network joins,be not stabilized or rate is slower, may bring about game cannot normal to load or move.

If you had removed above issue, but still cannot run game, suggest you try to run game on other computer or browser, the developer that perhaps contacts game or technology support staff, seek more help.

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Estimation is can, but the configuration of adversary machine also has particular demand.

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