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首部中国吃文化专著? 黄渤的吃文化爆笑段子?英文双语对照


首部中国吃文化专著? 黄渤的吃文化爆笑段子?英文双语对照


袁枚的 随园食单。胡适的雅舍谈吃。



1. "饺子,就是让你一不小心,包出两斤来。"

2. "烧烤这个东西,本质上就是在好好的肉上面烤火炭,这才叫中国烤肉的起源,好不容易几千年发展成这个样子,结果有一天,一个叫“麦当劳”的人来把它都毁了。"

3. "面食的诞生就像一个人在厨房开了一个玩笑,结果就开开心心地玩儿出一个中国菜的基础来了。"

4. "粽子这种东西,就是让你一口咬下去,吃一年肚子都不用吃饭了。"

































One, does first China eat culture monograph?

Of Yuan Mei feed sheet along with garden. Of Hu Kuo elegant abandon talk eat.

2, of Huang Bo eat culture to explode laugh at Duan Zi?

Huang Bo is in program of put together art " the congress that spit groove " go up to once was concerned explode at eating culture laugh at Duan Zi, it is wh some of which below:

1." dumpling, let you do not take care namely, the package goes two jins to come. "

2." barbecue this thing, be in namely substantially well live charcoal is baked above the flesh, this ability calls China the origin of barbecue, good develop this model thousands of years not easily, result one day, one cries " Mcdonald's " the person will destroy it. "

3.Of " cooked wheaten food be born to resembled a person opening a fun in the kitchen, the result plays happily the base that gives food of a China came. "

4." zhongzi this kind of thing, let you be bitten readily namely go down, ate abdomen one year to need not have a meal. "

These Duan Zitong's too humorous languages and rich imagination, had eating culture and unripe vivid appearance clever and humorous expression, caused the resonance of many netizens and audience and mirth.

3, is China celebrated with taking culture at the society?

Yes, because from of old, civilian society of China has civilian the view that is a day in order to feed, people takes the research to food and inheritance seriously very much all the time, and agriculture develops quite, because such, our eat culture ability enough popularity to rise, and generation the inheritance of another generation came down, so China is celebrated with taking culture at the society.

4, culture of head taking a cattle?

The dietary culture of our China is broad and profound, also have different people because of our country, the custom habit of every nation is very different, dietary culture is more broad and profound,

With respect to the Tujia nationality that is in Hunan West Hunan for example, their dietary habit is withholding a kind of secret touch up to now,

And the ceremony that the Tujia nationality entertains a guest is very grave, they can identify each true guests that treat arrival,

And the highest ceremony that allegedly the Tujia nationality entertains a guest, be the Tujia nationality " bovine head banquet " , banquet of head of this bull kept for covering attributes a kind of very precious spree in place, it is the Tujia nationality the most exalted, the most divine reception banquet,

Celebrate in sacred God only when appearing on the market, just open bovine head banquet, in at ordinary times when want to eat on bovine head banquet, that is an impossible thing simply.

5, does Shanxi take earthy culture?

Snacks of a kind of earth, be called " fry fine jade child " , with earth " cannot take off implication " , snacks of this kind of earth is fried with earth namely come out.

People digs the loess of free from contamination pulverize coming home bolt filters exquisite and smooth, blow play can fly, the boiler that use iron is fried ripe will use a face again (flour, egg, milk powder, candy or salt (taste is sweet salty) , the raw material such as yeasty pink, sesame seed) a knot in one's heart that makes cuts small, enter the agitate inside boiler even, sweet fragile " fry fine jade child " give boiler. Put cool hind, the egg is sweet tangy, crisp and goluptious.

6, the culture value that has a zhongzi?

Answer: .

Commemorate Qu Yuan: ? ? of  of  of anxious  of   admire he cannot bear see the country is ruined, cast Gu Luo Jiang on May 5 and die. To do not let Qu Yuan be eaten off by piscine shrimp, common people is contended for delimiting the boat goes salvaging a body, do oneself good rice is scattered into the river, evermore, annual dragon boat festival, have dragon boat those who eat a zhongzi is boatrace, consuetudinary.


: of dragon of Zong drive flood dragon? Evening of person of Changsha of? of ㄎ Pi covered with clouds dreams of one person, professing is 3 gate doctor, say: to him? Bay Yun of Li of Qiang n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor mu  ? was gone to secretly by the flood dragon dragon in the river, want to encase with Ai Xie later, had bound with 5 kinds of silk thread, flood dragon dragon most fear this different thing, need not worry to be destroyed by flood dragon dragon again so! " then, people with " wild rice leaf wraps millet " , make it " horny millet " .


Invocatory zhongzi: ? Folk of fierce? of Zhao Youcheng San has old man ate " zhongzi " the custom that can get a son, implied meaning population is flourishing.


: of tall Zong scholarly honour and official rank? Old man dips in? of Tuo favour Cao has " high school scholarly honour and official rank " meaning, implied meaning bachelor is taken an examination of in scholarly honour and official rank. Normally archaic imperial examinations is in the autumn, because this is when dragon boat festival,

5, smooth Zong boasts ancestor: Because Zong He Zongyin is close, because this dragon boat festival eats zhongzi implied meaning to take " bring honour to one's ancestors " , so the person of every family eats when carrying midday too on zhongzi.

7, eat sow culture extemporaneous comment?

Eat 5 jins of prawn at a draught, eating posture is retentive still so elegant, how are you accomplished?

8, eat hotpot what to culture history there is?

Speak of to eat hotpot, the earliest can restrospect to 1100 old previously. The scene that people has hotpot at that time was described in the in those days mural that comes up out of land now, arrived Song Chao, northen Song Dynasty comes on too Zu Zhaokuang offsprings, issue Han Shizhong of famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty to have very big preference to eating hotpot. As a result of yuan era has bright nomadic distinguishing feature, what so Hu Saihui of court imperial physician writes at that time " drink board is wanting " in, yuan of acting cookbook of the record is medium, the dish that contains hotpot was occupied 80% . In quiet day period, of hotpot eating a law to be able to say was to develop acme, from the point of the dietary archives south Qianlong father lower reaches of the Changjiang River, 108 the famousest hotpot that should belong to clear Chao Gongting are big banquet.

Speak of hotpot, say like Cai Lan, hotpot is to plant special individualizing cate, the person that likes to eat hotpot likes particularly, do not like those who eat hotpot to be touched not at all. Mr Cai Lan old says him is " Yang Chi " , see his jubilation to hotpot. But I feel we should be not done surely " Yang Chi " , just taste some of proper cate in proper season, that ability is the cate the most pleasant stage that I think!

9, does pig foot eat what to culture there is south Fujian?

Pig foot having south Fujian is not to point to at ordinary times foot taking a pig, the foot taking a pig that marries a daughter however, of course custom of the each district austral Fujian is different, does rural area of ground of Fujian Na Mou say here (is the city done not have commonly) circumstance: ? Wicking crab of Yi Lv green jade uncovers  urgent? of Pai of hack of answer  elder brother had better be half pig, must be boar) , show the new husband respect to new farther-in-law mother, farther-in-law mother should cut the flesh that contains pig foot to stay personally, odd go back (cannot want) completely, the foot that use a pig will offer sacrifices to a day to be opposite in order to show get married the daughter's blessing. Additional, grandfather grandma be still living and in good health should have ovine foot.

10, the culture intention that the Spring Festival has a zhongzi?

Because " zhongzi " homophonic " neutron " , folk has ate " zhongzi " the custom that can get a son. "Zhongzi " be " numerous child " homophonic, implied meaning population is flourishing.

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