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4、金字塔之谜:在埃及尼罗河下游西岸的金字塔,大约80座。它们是古代埃及法老(国王)的陵墓。最大的金字塔是第四王朝法老胡夫的陵墓,大约建于4500多年前,塔高 146.5米。据估计:支持这样的建筑工程需要5000万人口的国力,而公元前3000年左右全世界的总人口也不会超过2000万。

5 、死亡公路:在美国爱达荷州的州立公路上,离因支姆麦克蒙14.5 千米处,有一个被司机们称为爱达荷魔鬼三角地的恐怖翻车地带。正常行驶的车辆一旦进入这一地带就会突然被一股神秘的力量抛向空中。随后又重重地摔到地上,造成车毁人亡的惨重事故。

6 、诺亚方舟之谜:出自圣经中的一个传说:上帝看到人类战争,确定要惩罚人类。上帝选中诺亚一家作为人类的种子保存下来,诺亚便打造了一艘船,这就是“诺亚方舟”,诺亚把每种生物都带了一对,就成了今天的生物界。上帝连续下雨40天,世界变成一片汪洋,只留下方舟里人和动物安然无恙

7 玛雅文明消失之谜:玛雅文明一直是世界上最大的一个谜,玛雅文明是古代位于墨西哥东南部、瓜地马拉等中南美洲区域的文明。它仿佛一夜之间就在身林中兴起,经历了数千年的辉煌后,又神秘的失踪了。玛雅人掌握了高度的农业、数学和天文的知识。如今仍有玛雅的后裔零星的居住在美洲各地

8 、尼斯湖水怪:它是地球上最神秘的谜之一。湖位于苏格兰的大峡谷中,平均深度达200米。该湖终年不冻,湖北端有河流与北海相通。1934年4月,伦敦医生威尔逊用相机拍下了水怪的照片,明确的显出了水怪的特征:长长的脖子和扁小的头部,看上去像七千多万年前灭绝的蛇颈龙。







4、金字塔之谜:在埃及尼罗河下游西岸的金字塔,大约80座。它们是古代埃及法老(国王)的陵墓。最大的金字塔是第四王朝法老胡夫的陵墓,大约建于4500多年前,塔高 146.5米。据估计:支持这样的建筑工程需要5000万人口的国力,而公元前3000年左右全世界的总人口也不会超过2000万。

5 、死亡公路:在美国爱达荷州的州立公路上,离因支姆麦克蒙14.5 千米处,有一个被司机们称为爱达荷魔鬼三角地的恐怖翻车地带。正常行驶的车辆一旦进入这一地带就会突然被一股神秘的力量抛向空中。随后又重重地摔到地上,造成车毁人亡的惨重事故。

6 、诺亚方舟之谜:出自圣经中的一个传说:上帝看到人类战争,确定要惩罚人类。上帝选中诺亚一家作为人类的种子保存下来,诺亚便打造了一艘船,这就是“诺亚方舟”,诺亚把每种生物都带了一对,就成了今天的生物界。上帝连续下雨40天,世界变成一片汪洋,只留下方舟里人和动物安然无恙

7 玛雅文明消失之谜:玛雅文明一直是世界上最大的一个谜,玛雅文明是古代位于墨西哥东南部、瓜地马拉等中南美洲区域的文明。它仿佛一夜之间就在身林中兴起,经历了数千年的辉煌后,又神秘的失踪了。玛雅人掌握了高度的农业、数学和天文的知识。如今仍有玛雅的后裔零星的居住在美洲各地

8 、尼斯湖水怪:它是地球上最神秘的谜之一。湖位于苏格兰的大峡谷中,平均深度达200米。该湖终年不冻,湖北端有河流与北海相通。1934年4月,伦敦医生威尔逊用相机拍下了水怪的照片,明确的显出了水怪的特征:长长的脖子和扁小的头部,看上去像七千多万年前灭绝的蛇颈龙。






1, seawater from why and come: The ocean of stretch to the horizon, blue waves rolls, infatuation letting a person and puzzle: So much seawater after all from why and come? A few people think water is the earth is inherent; Another some of scientist thinks, tellurian water is brought by the comet that bumps into the earth. Current, all sorts of opinions of scientists still be locked in a stalemate. Seawater after all from why and come, still remain at people farther test and verify.

2, " mummy " mystery: Of mummy make, be mingled with is worn a few mystery and superstitious thing, " mummy " for the itself that make, it reflected Gu Ai and the success that medical level achieves. In make " mummy " in the process, egyptian accumulated the knowledge of many anatomy. The preliminary understanding relation to circulation of human body blood and heart function, and cerebrum is right the main effect of human body.

3, dead island legend: In be apart from Canadian the eastpart part to breath out Lifakesiyao on the Beijing University West of 100 kilometers, have a your sailors special bloodcurdling isle " the island that surpass cloth " . Complete island a fine sand, very desolate and terrible, without lofty tree, have small grass of a few beaches and short bush only. Come thousands of years in this island all around the shipping that estimation dies early or late does not issue 500, add up to of the person that die is in 5000 people above.

4, the mystery of pyramid: In Egypt Nile downstream on the west the pyramid of the bank, about 80. They are archaic Egypt law old (kingly) mausoleum. The biggest pyramid is the mausoleum of old Hu Fu of law of the 4th dynasty, build at about 4500 old before, the tower is 146.5 meters tall. According to estimation: Support such construction project to need the national power of 50 million population, and the total population that BC controlled a whole world 3000 also won't exceed 20 million.

Highway of 5, death: In American Idaho the city of the city establishs highway to go up, from Yinzhimu wheat gram cheats 14.5 kilometre to be in, the region of horrible to turn over that has land of triangle of devil of an Idaho that be called by drivers. Once the car of normal travel enters this one region to be met be cast suddenly to the middle of sky by a mysterious force. Fall heavily again subsequently on the ground, cause a car to destroy the disastrous accident that the person dies.

The mystery of 6, Noah's ark: A fokelore in out Bible: God sees human war, want to punish the mankind certainly. Noah of sacred pitch on is saved as human seed come down, noah made a boat, this is " Noah's ark " , noah took every kinds of live thing a pair, became today's biology group. God rains 40 days continuously, the world becomes a boundless, leave the support of the people in ark only the animal is safe and sound

The mystery that 7 Ma elegant civilization disappears: Ma elegant civilization is the biggest mystery on the world all the time, ma elegant civilization is ancient time the civilization of area of the South America in be located in Mexican southeast ministry, Guatemala to wait. It ases if rise in body forest resurgence between one night, after those who experienced several chiliad is brilliant, was missing mysteriously again. Maya mastered the knowledge of high agriculture, maths and astronomy. Still the descendant with elegant Ma lives fragmentarily in America each district nowadays

8, Ni Sihu water is strange: It is one of the most mysterious mysteries on the earth. The lake is located in in Aberdonian big gorge, average deepness amounts to 200 meters. This lake all the year round does not freeze, hubei end has river and the North sea to be interlinked. In April 1934, london doctor Wilson took the picture with odd water with camera, showed the trait with strange water clearly: Long long neck and flat small head, look the plesiosaur that before resembling seven years, eradicates.

9, the mystery of the smile of unconscious graceful Li Sha: Unconscious graceful Li Sha is Italian renaissance times move the portraiture work that renown painter amounts to · fragrance to surprise. Come 500 years, people is right all the time " unconscious graceful Li Sha " mysterious riant unable to decide which is right. The different person that watch or go looking in different time, experience differ it seems that. Feel she laughs free from worrily sometimes tender, appear earnest again sometimes, resembling sometimes is to contain grief slightly, show mock ridicule and ridicule even sometimes.

10, magical Buddhist relics child: Buddhist relics, namely effective framework. Buddhism all through the ages inspects Buddhist relics to be jewellery. After that the occurrence of fleshy body Buddhist relics, cause the worldly person attention to Buddhism more. Be paid close attention to, depend on this one phenomenon be being considered as numinous. Modern medicine course learns to consider, buddhist relics belongs to content of human body crystallization undoubtedly. But its physical property should how analytic, so far, still do not have the explanation that can justify oneself.

11, megalith blast mystery: Move the megalith of the name blast relics is located in British London southwest the Suoercibaili of 100 much kilometers on Campagna, it is Europe most the prehistoric with the name, most mysterious move is vestigial. Build 4300 before, shi Zhen's main body is by a root tremendous stone column forms a few complete homocentric circles. Shi Zhen's periphery is the annular earth hillock that the diameter makes an appointment with 90 meters and channel. Megalith has 5 tons smally, heft 50 tons greatly.

12, the mystery of the footmark before 200000000: Human occurrence is 200 ~ 3 million years before ability some thing, but a few archaeologist study in theirs the process is medium, discovered human footmark on the fossil before 200000000 however, and there still is shoe on footmark! This lets holder be filled with amazement. Be who kept these track? The track that there still is human activity before 200000000? The place that discovers these footmark fossil is in the United States. 1, seawater from why and come: The ocean of stretch to the horizon, blue waves rolls, infatuation letting a person and puzzle: So much seawater after all from why and come? A few people think water is the earth is inherent; Another some of scientist thinks, tellurian water is brought by the comet that bumps into the earth. Current, all sorts of opinions of scientists still be locked in a stalemate. Seawater after all from why and come, still remain at people farther test and verify.

2, " mummy " mystery: Of mummy make, be mingled with is worn a few mystery and superstitious thing, " mummy " for the itself that make, it reflected Gu Ai and the success that medical level achieves. In make " mummy " in the process, egyptian accumulated the knowledge of many anatomy. The preliminary understanding relation to circulation of human body blood and heart function, and cerebrum is right the main effect of human body.

3, dead island legend: In be apart from Canadian the eastpart part to breath out Lifakesiyao on the Beijing University West of 100 kilometers, have a your sailors special bloodcurdling isle " the island that surpass cloth " . Complete island a fine sand, very desolate and terrible, without lofty tree, have small grass of a few beaches and short bush only. Come thousands of years in this island all around the shipping that estimation dies early or late does not issue 500, add up to of the person that die is in 5000 people above.

4, the mystery of pyramid: In Egypt Nile downstream on the west the pyramid of the bank, about 80. They are archaic Egypt law old (kingly) mausoleum. The biggest pyramid is the mausoleum of old Hu Fu of law of the 4th dynasty, build at about 4500 old before, the tower is 146.5 meters tall. According to estimation: Support such construction project to need the national power of 50 million population, and the total population that BC controlled a whole world 3000 also won't exceed 20 million.

Highway of 5, death: In American Idaho the city of the city establishs highway to go up, from Yinzhimu wheat gram cheats 14.5 kilometre to be in, the region of horrible to turn over that has land of triangle of devil of an Idaho that be called by drivers. Once the car of normal travel enters this one region to be met be cast suddenly to the middle of sky by a mysterious force. Fall heavily again subsequently on the ground, cause a car to destroy the disastrous accident that the person dies.

The mystery of 6, Noah's ark: A fokelore in out Bible: God sees human war, want to punish the mankind certainly. Noah of sacred pitch on is saved as human seed come down, noah made a boat, this is " Noah's ark " , noah took every kinds of live thing a pair, became today's biology group. God rains 40 days continuously, the world becomes a boundless, leave the support of the people in ark only the animal is safe and sound

The mystery that 7 Ma elegant civilization disappears: Ma elegant civilization is the biggest mystery on the world all the time, ma elegant civilization is ancient time the civilization of area of the South America in be located in Mexican southeast ministry, Guatemala to wait. It ases if rise in body forest resurgence between one night, after those who experienced several chiliad is brilliant, was missing mysteriously again. Maya mastered the knowledge of high agriculture, maths and astronomy. Still the descendant with elegant Ma lives fragmentarily in America each district nowadays

8, Ni Sihu water is strange: It is one of the most mysterious mysteries on the earth. The lake is located in in Aberdonian big gorge, average deepness amounts to 200 meters. This lake all the year round does not freeze, hubei end has river and the North sea to be interlinked. In April 1934, london doctor Wilson took the picture with odd water with camera, showed the trait with strange water clearly: Long long neck and flat small head, look the plesiosaur that before resembling seven years, eradicates.

9, the mystery of the smile of unconscious graceful Li Sha: Unconscious graceful Li Sha is Italian renaissance times move the portraiture work that renown painter amounts to · fragrance to surprise. Come 500 years, people is right all the time " unconscious graceful Li Sha " mysterious riant unable to decide which is right. The different person that watch or go looking in different time, experience differ it seems that. Feel she laughs free from worrily sometimes tender, appear earnest again sometimes, resembling sometimes is to contain grief slightly, show mock ridicule and ridicule even sometimes.

10, magical Buddhist relics child: Buddhist relics, namely effective framework. Buddhism all through the ages inspects Buddhist relics to be jewellery. After that the occurrence of fleshy body Buddhist relics, cause the worldly person attention to Buddhism more. Be paid close attention to, depend on this one phenomenon be being considered as numinous. Modern medicine course learns to consider, buddhist relics belongs to content of human body crystallization undoubtedly. But its physical property should how analytic, so far, still do not have the explanation that can justify oneself.

11, megalith blast mystery: Move the megalith of the name blast relics is located in British London southwest the Suoercibaili of 100 much kilometers on Campagna, it is Europe most the prehistoric with the name, most mysterious move is vestigial. Build 4300 before, shi Zhen's main body is by a root tremendous stone column forms a few complete homocentric circles. Shi Zhen's periphery is the annular earth hillock that the diameter makes an appointment with 90 meters and channel. Megalith has 5 tons smally, heft 50 tons greatly.

12, the mystery of the footmark before 200000000: Human occurrence is 200 ~ 3 million years before ability some thing, but a few archaeologist study in theirs the process is medium, discovered human footmark on the fossil before 200000000 however, and there still is shoe on footmark! This lets holder be filled with amazement. Be who kept these track? The track that there still is human activity before 200000000? The place that discovers these footmark fossil is in the United States.
