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干练的白衬衫搭配休闲时尚的夹克上衣,随性的牛仔裤搭配成熟的黑色皮鞋,尽显FENDI绅士风尚,配上TAGHeuer泰格豪雅 精致腕表,时尚表现力




休闲服(Casual wear),是人们在闲暇生活中从事各种活动所穿的服装。与sportswear有相当大比例的重合部分,常常可以互换使用。Cascual wear也与一种现代生活方式高度相关,重视生活质量,强调闲暇生活重要的价值观导致了休闲服的流行。


1、 劲霸 K-boxing 中国驰名商标,中国名牌,国家免检产品

2、 柒牌 SEVEN BRAND 中国驰名商标,中国名牌

3、 七匹狼 SEPTWOLVES 中国驰名商标,中国名牌,国家免检产品

4、 利郎 LILANG 中国名牌,国家免检产品

5、 才子 TRIES 中国驰名商标,中国名牌,国家免检产品6、 太子龙 中国驰名商标,知名名牌7、 九牧王 JOEONE 中国驰名商标,中国名牌,国家免检产品8、 虎都 FORDOO 中国驰名商标,中国名牌9、雅戈尔10、报喜鸟1~8都是中高端,9、10是高端。



很划算。上周刚和客户去过,,一共才一百六十多。还有免费咖啡喝 。。


男 人 买 衣 服 , 其实只 有三个 字 : 少 而精, 选 择知 名品牌 一般 不会 错。

中国十 大知名 时 尚 男装

1、 九牧 王—— 男裤 及茄 克 已经 占 据市 场 领 导者 地位

2 、 七 匹狼 — — 连 续 16 年 中国茄 克市 场 占有率 第一、 “ 茄克之王 ”

3、三 弦 男 装— — 国 内一 线 时 尚 男装品 牌 、 中 国呢 大 衣 第 一 品 牌。

4 、 劲霸 ——中 国 高 级时尚茄 克领 先 品 牌

5、柒牌 — —“柒 牌 中 华立领”、 “ 柒牌 犀 牛褶男裤 ” 。

6、 利郎—— 男 士 商务 休 闲 及时 尚休 闲 服装 。

7 、 才子— — 中 国 文化原 创第一品 牌 。

8、 虎 都— —中 国服饰 知名品牌 中 的 佼 佼者, 中华 民族 服 饰 品 牌 的领袖企 业。

9、 太 子龙 — —时尚商 务男 装 品牌 中 国 驰 名商 标 , 知名品 牌 。

10 、 帝 牌— —知名 商 务 休 闲品牌。


  商务酒店是以商务客人而非旅游度假客人为主的酒店,一般认为商务客人的比例应该不低于70%。与度假客相比,商务客对于酒店的选择更挑剔,同时也愿意为服务支付高价格。度假客希望的是在酒店找到家的感觉,追求的是“宾至如归”,而对于日理万机的商务客来说,酒店还要有宴会厅、会议室和商务中心。  一家好的商务酒店通常具备以下特点:位置好,距离商务活动中心比较近(商务客的时间很宝贵,不愿意在交通上花太多时间); 酒店的商务设施齐全;不低于四星级,由酒店管理集团统一管理。  星级酒店是由国家(省级)旅游局评定的能够以夜为时间单位向旅游客人提供配有餐饮及相关服务的住宿设施,按不同习惯它也被称为宾馆、酒店、旅馆、旅社、宾舍、度假村、俱乐部、大厦、中心等。是要达到一定的条件一定规模的。所取得的星级表明该饭店所有建筑物、设施设备及服务项目均处于同一水准。



1. "尊贵享受,商务相聚"

2. "品味商务,品质盛宴"

3. "高端商务,尽享至臻"

4. "融会贵宾,商谈交流"

5. "品味人生,共享商务盛筵"

6. "商务智慧,纵享酒店盛宴"

7. "创新商务,酒店盛会"

8. "档次齐全,尽显商务尊贵"

9. "酒店之选,商务相约"

10. "商务交流,美食盛宴"







Hotel of business affairs of vogue of China front courtyard how?

The company has seen one second meeting here, what hire at that time is three-pair holds out big auditoria, we near 60 many people, divided 8 pieces of tables in all, every desk sits 8 people are quite capacious, this auditoria should be the assembly room with the biggest public house of China front courtyard, decorate quite luxurious, thick carpet is very clean, the clerk serves very reach the designated position, pour water very seasonable, additionally company meeting belongs to buffet meeting property, the small mug-up that buffet prepares on the meeting also is exceedingly delicious, fruit banana, orange, Hami melon also is exceedingly fresh etc.

Inn of small Lan of Zhongshan of hotel of business affairs of smooth modest vogue how?

Hotel of business affairs of vogue of smooth modest of Zhongshan small Lan is located in small Lan to press down central area, communication is easy, circumjacent business is flourishing. Hotel interior establishment is modern, guest room is clean and neat, the bed is tasted comfortable, offer free Wi-Fi and parking lot. In addition, the hotel still sets assembly room and business affairs center, offer advantage for business affairs passenger. Overall for, hotel of business affairs of vogue of smooth modest of Zhongshan small Lan is the business affairs hotel with higher price of a sex, be worth to recommend.

Business affairs jacket, is fashionable jacket distinguished?

Business affairs jacket:

Suit working circumstance to wear the jacket that build, compare kind of formal business affairs

Business affairs builds paragraph character jacket easily without the simple look that seams switch, engine is taken edition spell able and agile have effect of fit cultivate one's morality again, concise in give a man fully decorous grade, inside in sew with long stitches seams Jian cotton warmth to caress, bright of cleanse cotton blending slips withy, character of the wear-resisting that hold out draw together is like a man firm and persistent character and morals

Fashionable jacket:

Suit to shop, the circumstance such as activity of amuse oneself, athletics, appointment, outing wears the jacket that build

The jacket jacket with spell able white shirt recreational and fashionable collocation, the black leather shoes that along with sexual jeans collocation matures, all show FENDI gent fashion, deserve to go up elegant delicate wrist expresses a person of extraordinary powers of TAGHeuer peaceful case, vogue behaves force

Does vogue lies fallow and business affairs lie fallow distinction?

Business affairs is recreational, it is formaller, like be just like the business suit that the job wears, this kind belongs to business affairs style.

Vogue is recreational, lie fallow without business affairs namely so much tie, have oneself distinctive color, give a person a kind of relaxed sense, this is the biggest distinction.

Sportswear (Casual Wear) , it is the dress that people is engaged in all sorts of activity place wearing in leisure life. Have share of quite big proportional coincide with Sportswear, often can crossing-over is used. Cascual Wear is as contemporary as a kind also lifestyle height is relevant, take life quality seriously, emphasized the viewpoint of value with leisure fundamental life bringing about the popularity of sportswear.

What does brand of men's clothing of business affairs vogue have?

1, interest bully K-boxing China well-known logo, chinese famous brand, the country avoids check product

2, well-known logo of China of seven card SEVEN BRAND, chinese famous brand

3, well-known logo of China of 7 wolves SEPTWOLVES, chinese famous brand, the country avoids check product

4, famous brand of China of benefit man LILANG, the country avoids check product

5, well-known logo of talent TRIES China, chinese famous brand, the country avoids check product 6, well-known logo of prince dragon China, famous famous brand 7, well-known logo of China of JOEONE of 9 herd king, chinese famous brand, the country avoids check product 8, tiger FORDOO China well-known logo, chinese famous brand 9, Yageer 10, 1~8 of bird of announce good news is medium high end, 9, 10 it is high end.

Formula of hotel business affairs?

Be like the word that is in Beijing, the dining-room of Italy of red Ni Aili that recommends hotel of auspicious trying luck, his home just rolled out business affairs formula to buy send one.

Very be to one's profit. Just had gone with the client last week, , altogether just more than 160. Still free coffee is drunk. .

Is rank of brand of men's clothing of fashionable business affairs?

The man buys the clothes, have 3 words only actually: Fewer but better, the choice is famous the brand is general won't wrong.

10 big famous and fashionable men's clothing of Chinese

1, 9 herd king -- male pants and jacket had held market leader position

7 2, wolves, , successive 16 years Chinese jacket market is had rate the first, " the king of jacket "

3, trichord men's clothing, , brand of men's clothing of vogue of domestic a gleam of, China coat the first brand.

4, interest bully -- jacket of Chinese high fashion is banner brand

5, seven card, , " card China establishs seven get " , " male pants of plait of seven card rhinoceros " .

6, benefit man -- man business affairs is recreational and seasonable still recreational dress.

7, talent, , Chinese culture starts the first brand formerly.

8, tiger, , Chinese dress is famous the person above average in the brand, the chief business of brand of dress of the Chinese nation.

9, prince dragon, , well-known logo of China of brand of men's clothing of fashionable business affairs, well-known trademark.

Card of 10, emperor, , famous business affairs is recreational brand.

Are the hotel of advantage business affairs of business affairs hotel and photograph of average public house compared?

Business affairs hotel is with and rather than of business affairs guest travel goes vacationing the hotel that the guest gives priority to, think commonly the scale of business affairs guest should not under 70% . With go vacationing guest photograph is compared, business affairs guest is more captious to the choice of the hotel, also be willing to pay high price check for the service at the same time. Go vacationing what the guest hopes is the sense that finds the home in the hotel, of pursuit is " guests feel at home " , and for the business affairs guest to attend to numerous affairs everyday, the hotel has banqueting hall, assembly room and business affairs center even. A fine business affairs public house has the following characteristic normally: The place is good, center of activity of distance business affairs is closer (the time of business affairs guest is very valuable, do not be willing to spend) of too much time on traffic; The business affairs establishment of the hotel is all ready; Not under 4 stars class, by hotel management the group consolidates management. Astral class hotel is by the country (provincial) of tourism bureau assess can offer the accommodation establishment that deserves to have meal and relevant service to travel guest for quantum of time with night, by different habit it also is called guesthouse, hotel, hotel, hostel, Bin She, go vacationing village, club, edifice, center. It is to should obtain certain condition of certain dimensions. Obtains astral degree shows this restaurant is all facilities of building, facilities and service project all are in same standard.

Catchphrase of banquet of hotel business affairs?

It is the catchphrase of banquet of business affairs of a few hotels below:

1." is exalted enjoy, business affairs photograph gets together "

2." savours business affairs, character regale "

3.Business affairs of " high end, all enjoy to attain "

4." be in harmony is met honoured guest, discuss communication "

5." savors life, share " of business affairs grand banquet

6.Wisdom of " business affairs, even if enjoy hotel regale "

7." innovation business affairs, " of hotel grand meeting

8." class is all ready, all show business affairs exalted "

9.Of " hotel anthology, business affairs makes an appointment "

10." business affairs communicates, cate regale "

These catchphrase are the high end of banquet of business affairs of OK and outstanding hotel, exalted with professional characteristic, attract business affairs client or participator. In the meantime, these catchphrase also underlined business affairs and enjoyment tie, and in process of business affairs communication comfortable with excellent service.

Rub a few stars is public house of Er harbor fashion?

Luo river city rub public house of Er harbor fashion is to follow public house of 4 stars level.

Have a room 186, the environment is beautiful, be located in too travel hill road and mouth of Hanjiang road across, communication is easy.

Hotel guest room owns system of independent pilot cold air conditioning, match stock electron safe to confuse you, independent toilet tub and business affairs of shower equipment; deserve to massage bath crock especially, luxurious flatlet deserves to have sitting room of circle view scene, more you offer business affairs to receive a visitor reach recreational advantage, all guest room deserve to human nature changes fashionable desk to let you be enjoyed at the same time in office comfortable.

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