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宋元崖门海战文化旅游区是700多年前叱咤风云的大宋皇朝在广东建立唯一大型皇帝行宫——崖山行宫所在。1279年,也就是七百多年前,宋元两军在这里上演了一场震古烁今的大海战。双方共投入兵力多达20多万、1600多艘战船和1000多艘民船…… 崖门古炮台是广东省目前保留得最完整的一个单体古炮台。建于清代康熙年间,呈半月型,雄峙崖山,背山面海






公交线路:灵宝1路 → 灵宝1路区间,全程约17.9公里


2、乘坐灵宝1路,经过16站, 到达旅游服务中心站

3、乘坐灵宝1路区间,经过1站, 到达函谷关景区站



Entrance ticket of area of travel of culture of naval battle of Song Yuanya door?

Entrance ticket 55 yuan / person.

The face of emperor of big the Song Dynasty that area of travel of culture of naval battle of Song Yuanya door is the 700 many all-powerful year ago builds make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital of exclusive and large emperor in Guangdong -- place of cliff hill make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital. 1279, namely more than 700 years ago, song Yuan two army staged an earthshaking big naval battle here. Both sides throws military strength to amount to many 1600 20 much, warship and many 1000 merchant ship in all... cliff door ancient fort is the ancient battery of a monomer that Guangdong province preserves the most thoroughly at present. Build at clear Dai Kangxi year, show half moon model, hill of cliff of male stand erect, carry mountain range sea on the back

3 inferior area of what culture travel is there? 3 inferior is area of travel of culture of cliff city Guyue amused?

3 inferior cliff city has not been developed good now, without what amused, you can go 3 Yanashanwen changes temple of the hill austral travel area, ah Nuo amounts to area of selva culture travel, areca area of travel of culture of Gu Li seedling looks; Additionally the proposal goes 3 inferior affection of through the ages goes rambling, there still is small-sized and antediluvian building in affection of through the ages with 3 inferior the large the living theatre that the history, fairy tale adapts, the individual still feels quite pretty good. Sea path is outdoors friendship clew

Is area of travel of culture of seedling of areca cereal goosefoot driven oneself go which door?

Area of travel of culture of seedling of areca cereal goosefoot is located in Chinese Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, before be being driven oneself, go to optional choose sets out from Nanning city, edge G72 freeway sails to westing, turn into S321 to be saved next, continue to just go ahead northwest, final basis navigation is how-to reach destination. This course is opposite relatively convenient, road condition is good, the country with beautiful scenery of by way of and a mountainous area, can appreciate the beautiful view of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In driving a process oneself, the attention abides by traffic regulation, ensure drive a vehicle is safe, also can experience local local customs and cate culture during transit at the same time.

Does 3 gorge city arrive from Ling Baoxi railway station how does area of travel of culture of case Gu Guangu sit public transportation?

Public transportation circuitry: Clever treasure 1 → clever treasure 1 interval, whole journey makes an appointment with 17.9 kilometers

1, Cong Lingbao railway station makes an appointment with 60 meters on foot, reach a railway station

2, take clever treasure 1, through 16 stations, reach station of travel service center

3, take clever treasure 1 interval, through 1 station, arrive at case cereal to close scene district station

4, make an appointment with 1.4 kilometers on foot, arrive at case cereal to close ancient prose to turn travel area

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